10 Ways To Make Money As A Teenager With No Experience

Last updated: Jul 20, 2023

The video is about 10 ways for teenagers to make money with no experience, including flipping items, selling things on the side, and starting an online business.

This video by TommyBryson was published on Jun 27, 2022.
Video length: 22:38.


The video titled "10 Ways To Make Money As A Teenager With No Experience" provides viewers with various methods to earn money as a teenager.

The video emphasizes that these methods do not require surveys, a specific amount of money, or extensive experience. The video suggests options such as flipping items from thrift shops, selling products on the side (such as candy or homemade food), and participating in online businesses.

The video also mentions the importance of obtaining working papers and confirmation from parents or guardians.


  • The video does not contain surveys or minimum money requirements.
  • No experience is needed to get started.
  • The speaker shares their experience of lying on resumes as a teenager.
  • Flipping items from places like Goodwill, garage sales, and thrift shops.
  • Researching the value of items before purchasing them.
  • Turning a small investment into a larger profit.
  • Selling candy, soda, or homemade food at school.
  • Starting an online business, such as dropshipping or creating digital products.
  • Investing in candy machines, soda machines, or game machines.
  • Delivering newspapers as a paper route.

10 Ways To Make Money As A Teenager With No Experience - YouTube

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Section 1: Introduction

  • The video does not contain surveys or minimum money requirements.
  • No experience is needed to get started.
  • The speaker shares their experience of lying on resumes as a teenager.
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Section 2: Ways to Make Money

  • Flipping items from places like Goodwill, garage sales, and thrift shops.
  • Researching the value of items before purchasing them.
  • Turning a small investment into a larger profit.
  • Sharing personal experiences of turning $20 into $150.
  • Emphasizing the importance of time and availability for teenagers.
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Section 3: Selling on the Side

  • Selling candy, soda, or homemade food at school.
  • Providing examples of selling homemade food at school.
  • Highlighting the potential for profit in selling food items.
  • Cautioning viewers to be aware of safety when selling items.
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10 Ways To Make Money As A Teenager With No Experience - YouTube

Section 4: Starting an Online Business

  • Exploring the option of starting an online business.
  • Discussing the benefits of online businesses for teenagers.
  • Providing examples of online businesses, such as dropshipping or creating digital products.
  • Encouraging viewers to research and find a business idea that suits their interests and skills.
  • Emphasizing the importance of consistency and dedication in running an online business.
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Selling Food and Drinks

  • Sell simple food items like empanadas, pizza slices, and burgers.
  • Buy candy and soda in bulk from stores like Costco, Sam's Club, or BJ's.
  • Sell the food and drinks at school or on the streets.
  • Make a profit by selling items for more than you bought them for.
  • Keep reinvesting the money to continue making a profit.
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Buying Passive Machines

  • Invest in candy machines, soda machines, or game machines.
  • Place the machines in locations like laundromats, barber shops, or convenience stores.
  • Refill the machines and collect the money they generate.
  • Find used machines on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or online retailers.
  • Use the internet to research and find the machines you want.
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Paper Route

  • Deliver newspapers early in the morning before 7 or 8 a.m.
  • Have free time during the day for other side hustles.
  • Contact your local newspaper or ask people where they get their newspaper from.
  • Inquire about job opportunities and how to get hired.
  • Earn a decent amount of money, potentially up to $33,000 per year.
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Digital Skills

  • Develop skills in video editing, Photoshop, logo design, or graphics.
  • Offer your services to businesses or individuals who need digital work.
  • Approach businesses and offer to improve their logos, social media content, or videos.
  • Build a presence for businesses on social media to attract more customers.
  • Utilize online resources like YouTube to learn and master these skills for free.
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Video Editing

  • Learn video editing skills online for free.
  • Approach businesses and offer your video editing services.
  • Be prepared for rejection and keep looking for opportunities.
  • Find a job that is the right fit for you.
  • Gain experience and improve your skills.
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Summer Camp Assistant

  • Summer camp jobs can pay well, especially if the camp charges high fees.
  • Consider temporary summer jobs to earn extra money.
  • Save up money for the summer and find a job while in school.
  • Work a summer job that pays more and then return to your regular job.
  • Stack up money by working multiple jobs during the summer.
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Business Type Jobs

  • Offer services like lawn work, car washing, and housekeeping.
  • Create a list of clients and share it with someone for safety.
  • Start a lawn business by borrowing equipment and saving up to buy your own.
  • Charge reasonable prices and build a client base.
  • Consider additional services like house cleaning or moving.
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Physical and Online Tutoring

  • Tutor in subjects like math, language, history, or music.
  • Offer tutoring services in person or online.
  • Charge an hourly rate based on your expertise.
  • Help students improve their grades and understanding of the subject.
  • Consider tutoring in languages or musical instruments.
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  • You can offer tutoring services either in person or online.
  • You can teach subjects that you are knowledgeable in.
  • It's a flexible way to make money from home.
  • You can help others improve their academic performance.
  • You can make a difference in someone's education.
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  • You can work in retail or fast food.
  • There are many job opportunities for teenagers in these industries.
  • You can find a list of retail and fast food jobs for teenagers in the article linked below.
  • You can also work for other people's businesses as a waiter, intern, or apprentice.
  • Skilled trade jobs can pay well and provide valuable experience.
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  • You can start a dropshipping business where you sell products without holding inventory.
  • Retail arbitrage involves buying discounted items and selling them online for a profit.
  • You can create a YouTube channel or digital course to share your expertise.
  • You can teach others through a digital course or a written guide.
  • There are many online opportunities for teenagers to make money.
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Bonus: Valet Parking

  • You can work as a valet and earn money from tips.
  • It involves parking cars for customers.
  • It can be a lucrative job if you receive generous tips.
  • However, there may be risks involved, such as potential accidents.
  • It's important to be careful and responsible when working as a valet.
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Ways for teenagers to make money with no experience

  • Flipping items and selling them for a profit.
  • Selling things on the side, such as handmade crafts or baked goods.
  • Starting an online business, such as dropshipping or selling digital products.
  • Offering services like pet sitting, babysitting, or lawn care.
  • Participating in paid surveys or online market research.
  • Doing odd jobs for neighbors or family friends, such as cleaning or organizing.

Watch the video on YouTube:
10 Ways To Make Money As A Teenager With No Experience - YouTube

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