How Luke Belmar Made $42 Million In His 20s

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about Luke Belmar, who made $42 million in his 20s through various online ventures such as drop shipping, e-commerce, and cryptocurrency, and discusses his journey to success and his investment strategies.

This video by Jordan Welch was published on Apr 2, 2023.
Video length: 11:13.

The video is about Luke Belmar, a young entrepreneur who has made millions of dollars through various ventures such as drop shipping, e-commerce, social media arbitrage, and cryptocurrency.

He shares his journey from starting in a small village in Argentina to becoming a retired multi-millionaire in his 20s. Luke also discusses his investment strategies and recommends investing in assets like gold, silver, US dollars, Singaporean dollars, and Bitcoin.

The video ends with Luke receiving a special gift from the host, showcasing their friendship and appreciation for each other.

  • Luke made his money through drop shipping, e-commerce, branded stores, and social media arbitrage.
  • He got into cryptocurrency in 2016 and experienced a significant increase in his investments in 2017.
  • However, he lost it all due to a lack of understanding of market cycles.
  • Luke started with $200 in a suitcase and worked odd jobs before becoming a retired multi-millionaire in his 20s through self-education.
  • He believes in diversifying assets internationally and constantly learning about investment opportunities.
  • Jordan surprises Luke with a custom-made snowboard as a gift.
  • Luke plans to build the largest decentralized entrepreneurial network in the world called Capital Club to create wealth and opportunity for members.

How Luke Belmar Made $42 Million In His 20s - YouTube

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How Luke Belmar Made His Money

  • Luke made his money through drop shipping and e-commerce.
  • He also had branded stores and did social media arbitrage.
  • In 2016, he got into cryptocurrency and bought Bitcoin for a couple hundred dollars.
  • In 2017, he experienced a 160x increase in his crypto investments.
  • However, he lost it all because he didn't understand market cycles.
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Luke's Journey to Success

  • Luke started in a small village in Argentina and came to the United States with $200 in a suitcase.
  • He started by doing odd jobs like pressure washing and cleaning dishes.
  • He realized the importance of self-education and transforming himself into the person he wanted to be.
  • Through self-education, he went from washing dishes to becoming a retired multi-millionaire in his 20s.
  • He believes that luck is a factor, but you can position yourself for success through education and personal growth.
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Luke's Investment Strategies

  • Luke believes that banks are not safe places to leave your money because they don't invest and multiply it like you should.
  • He recommends building a basket of assets that includes gold, silver, Swiss Francs, US dollars, Singaporean dollars, and Bitcoin.
  • He believes these assets will provide protection in times of turmoil.
  • He advises against leaving these assets in one location and suggests diversifying internationally.
  • He also believes in constantly learning and staying informed about investment opportunities.
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How Luke Belmar Made $42 Million In His 20s - YouTube

A Gift for Luke

  • Jordan surprises Luke with a special gift, a custom-made snowboard with Luke's logo.
  • Jordan expresses his gratitude for how Luke has changed his life.
  • Luke is touched by the gesture and appreciates the visual representation of greatness.
  • They both share their excitement and prepare to hit the slopes with the new snowboard.
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Building Online Ventures

  • Success comes from finding glitches in the system and utilizing them to make money online.
  • Money can be made through various online ventures such as drop shipping, e-commerce, and cryptocurrency.
  • Starting an e-commerce store and understanding branding, viral content, supply chain management, and customer service is a good route to take.
  • Learning these skills can be translated into building bigger businesses.
  • Money upfront is required for starting an e-commerce store.
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Overcoming Challenges

  • The lowest point in Luke Belmar's life was when his family rejected his decision to pursue entrepreneurship.
  • He pushed past this by proving them wrong through his actions.
  • For someone at their lowest moment, Luke Belmar advises looking up and taking control of their life with the help of God.
  • He compares the relationship with God to that of a captain and a crew member, where God guides but the individual needs to put in the work.
  • He emphasizes the importance of putting in the hours and staying committed.
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Aspiring to Become a Billionaire

  • Luke Belmar's plan to become a billionaire is to build the largest decentralized entrepreneurial network in the world called Capital Club.
  • The goal is to have a million entrepreneurs from all over the world focused on creating, multiplying, and preserving wealth and opportunity for all members.
  • He believes in the power of community and collaboration to solve problems together.
  • He wants to change the mindset that solving problems alone is the only way to succeed.
  • His focus is on building value and making an impact, rather than solely chasing money.
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  • Luke Belmar and the interviewer express their love for each other and their shared aspirations for a life of freedom, impact, and change.
  • They plan to ride down to the bottom together, symbolizing their journey towards success.
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What Luke Belmar wants people to remember him for

  • Luke Belmar doesn't care if people remember him, he just wants them to have a good life.
  • He wants people to make good decisions and be successful in their own lives.
  • Belmar believes in helping others on their journey to success.
  • He appreciates the support and motivation from his audience.
  • Belmar acknowledges that there are few people who can match his drive and determination.
  • He encourages viewers to subscribe, like, and leave comments to support his work.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How Luke Belmar Made $42 Million In His 20s - YouTube

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