How to Start a Small Business as a Teenager with NO Money ~ tips, advice + ideas

Last updated: Jul 26, 2023

This video is about how to start a small business as a teenager with no money, with tips, advice, and ideas on how to grow an online business and earn enough money to live off of.

This video by HEGLA was published on Jul 17, 2021.
Video length: 10:23.


This YouTube video is about how to start a small business as a teenager with no money.

The video creator shares their personal experience of starting an online business at the age of 18 and provides tips, advice, and ideas for others who want to do the same. They emphasize the importance of strategy over investment, doing thorough research, finding a niche market, understanding postage and packaging, and building a following.

The video aims to help teenagers start their own businesses and achieve financial independence.


  • The video is about starting a small business as a teenager with no money.
  • The creator shares their personal experience of growing an online business.
  • They provide tips, advice, and ideas on how to start and grow a business.
  • The creator emphasizes that they are not an expert, but they found something that worked for them.
  • The best advice the creator received was to put strategy first and investment second.
  • Focus on finding cheaper or free alternatives for equipment and tools.
  • Good research is essential for a solid foundation for your business.

How to Start a Small Business as a Teenager with NO Money ~ tips, advice + ideas - YouTube

How to Start a Small Business as a Teenager with NO Money ~ tips, advice + ideas 001

Section 1: Introduction

  • The video is about starting a small business as a teenager with no money.
  • The creator shares their personal experience of growing an online business.
  • They provide tips, advice, and ideas on how to start and grow a business.
  • The creator emphasizes that they are not an expert, but they found something that worked for them.
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Section 2: Strategy and Investment

  • The best advice the creator received was to put strategy first and investment second.
  • They recommend not putting all your money into the business at the start.
  • Focus on finding cheaper or free alternatives for equipment and tools.
  • Invest in your business once you have a clear strategy and know what is worth spending money on.
  • The creator shares their experience of starting with a cheaper tool for their wood burning art business.
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Section 3: Research and Finding Your Audience

  • Good research is essential for a solid foundation for your business.
  • Find out if there is a market for your product or service.
  • Consider merging different niches to make your product stand out.
  • Identify your target audience and understand who you are selling to.
  • The creator shares their experience of merging painting on vinyls with portraits to target fandoms.
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How to Start a Small Business as a Teenager with NO Money ~ tips, advice + ideas - YouTube

Section 4: Postage and Packaging

  • Postage is an important aspect of selling products.
  • Balance nicely packaged items with affordable packaging options.
  • Know the weight and size limits for shipping to ensure accurate pricing.
  • Order labels online to save money and time.
  • Suggests using delivery offices instead of post offices for dropping off parcels.
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Using Instagram and TikTok

  • Create an Instagram business account and link it to your shop.
  • On Facebook, link your products in the catalog with your URL first.
  • Utilize TikTok and use the right hashtags to increase views and orders.
  • Instagram Reels is a great tool to boost sales for your small business.
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Utilizing Pinterest

  • Post pins on Pinterest and watch as they gain more views over time.
  • Adding more pins to your Pinterest board can increase visibility and website clicks.
  • Pinterest provides analytics to track the number of clicks to your website.
  • Link people back to your shop through Pinterest to drive sales.
  • Consider using Xyro, an affordable website builder, to create your online shop.
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Free Alternatives

  • Use Canva or Pixlr as alternatives to Photoshop for editing photos.
  • If you don't have a printer, use a library printer for your business needs.
  • Take product photos with your phone and involve family members for additional shots.
  • Improve your skills with freelancing by taking Skillshare courses.
  • Consider bringing in other people or services to reduce initial costs.
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  • Save money by utilizing social media platforms and free alternatives.
  • Take advantage of tools like Instagram Reels and Pinterest to drive sales.
  • Consider using Xyro for building your website and online shop.
  • Get creative with reducing costs by involving others and renting equipment.
  • Continuously learn and improve your skills through online courses.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How to Start a Small Business as a Teenager with NO Money ~ tips, advice + ideas - YouTube

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