I got 35 MILLION Views on YouTube Shorts in 6 Months (earnings & results)

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about the creator's experience of starting a YouTube Shorts channel that has gained over 34 million views and 60,000 subscribers in 6 months, earning close to $1,000 per month with only one hour of work per month, and sharing tips and strategies for success with YouTube Shorts.

This video by DIGITAL INCOME PROJECT was published on Jul 25, 2023.
Video length: 11:03.

This YouTube video is about the creator's experience with YouTube Shorts and how they were able to gain 35 million views and earn close to $1,000 per month in just six months.

The video discusses the importance of market research and choosing a niche that people are interested in. It also explains the YouTube Shorts algorithm and how focusing on average view duration is crucial for success.

The creator shares their production process and how they turn clips from podcasts into their own original content to monetize their channel.

  • A YouTube Shorts channel gained over 34 million views and 60,000 subscribers in 6 months.
  • The channel earns close to $1,000 per month with only one hour of work per month.
  • The creator never shows their face or voice on the channel.
  • Market research is important to choose a niche that people want to watch.
  • The most important stat to focus on for YouTube Shorts is the average view duration (AVD).
  • Creating original content is necessary to make money from YouTube Shorts.
  • The creator uses a simple editing software to cut and splice clips to make the video more engaging.

I got 35 MILLION Views on YouTube Shorts in 6 Months (earnings & results) - YouTube

I got 35 MILLION Views on YouTube Shorts in 6 Months (earnings & results) 001

Section 1: Introduction

  • The creator started a YouTube Shorts channel that gained over 34 million views and 60,000 subscribers in 6 months.
  • The channel earns close to $1,000 per month with only one hour of work per month.
  • The creator never shows their face or voice on the channel.
  • The video will share tips and strategies for success with YouTube Shorts.
  • The creator will do a deep dive on their analytics and share the name of their channel.
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Section 2: Market Research and Choosing a Niche

  • Market research is important to choose a niche that people want to watch.
  • Choose a topic that you enjoy to avoid losing interest and quitting.
  • The creator's channel leverages viral content about health, specifically Andrew Huberman.
  • The audience interested in health is likely profitable for YouTube ads.
  • Explaining more about YouTube ads and profitability will be done later.
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Section 3: Understanding the YouTube Shorts Algorithm

  • The most important stat to focus on for YouTube Shorts is the average view duration (AVD).
  • AVD measures how much of the video the average viewer watches.
  • Shorts creators should make content that viewers will watch all the way through.
  • Video length and AVD are the two ingredients for success.
  • Longer videos tend to generate more views, but AVD is crucial for the algorithm to push the video.
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I got 35 MILLION Views on YouTube Shorts in 6 Months (earnings & results) - YouTube

Section 4: Creating Content and Monetization

  • Creating original content is necessary to make money from YouTube Shorts.
  • Reposting clips directly from a podcast will not lead to monetization.
  • Thoughtful revisions of existing content can still be monetized.
  • The creator demonstrates how to turn a podcast clip into their own revision using video editing software.
  • Shorts with shorter durations are more ideal for viewers with shorter attention spans.
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Video Editing and Storyboarding

  • The creator uses a simple editing software to cut and splice clips to make the video more engaging.
  • The first sentence of the video is crucial in hooking the viewer.
  • Background music can be added to make the video more thoughtful, but it should be copyright-free to comply with YouTube's monetization rules.
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Understanding What Works

  • The creator emphasizes the importance of creating punchy and engaging short-form content.
  • Analytics can be used to analyze what types of videos are successful and what strategies work.
  • The creator shares their own experience of monetizing their channel after 60 days and the ups and downs they faced.
  • Doubling down on what works, such as creating similar content to previously viral videos, can lead to success.
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Video Optimization

  • The title, description, and tags of a video play a key role in how many people will see it.
  • Keyword SEO tools like TubeBuddy or VidIQ can be used to optimize videos.
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Automation and Time Investment

  • Automating the process of creating and scheduling videos can save time.
  • Investing time in learning what works and what doesn't can lead to better results.
  • The creator focuses on building their channel and community, which limits the time they can invest in video creation.
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  • The creator emphasizes the importance of perseverance and not giving up, even if the competition seems tough.
  • They reveal the name of their YouTube Shorts channel, InsightsLab, and encourage viewers to subscribe only if they are genuinely interested in the content.
  • The creator encourages mutual support among creators by subscribing to each other's channels and dropping links in the comment section.
  • They mention that they will be sharing their experience of making over $300,000 on another social media platform later in the month.
  • The creator promises exciting upcoming videos and encourages viewers to stay tuned.

Watch the video on YouTube:
I got 35 MILLION Views on YouTube Shorts in 6 Months (earnings & results) - YouTube

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