Social Media Content Strategy for Entrepreneurs by Alex Hormozi

Last updated: May 30, 2023

This video by Think Media is a presentation by Alex Hormozi on social media content strategy for entrepreneurs. Alex shares his experiences and lessons learned in growing successful businesses through video content.

The video is a 55-minute presentation by a successful entrepreneur Alex Hormozi who shares his social media content strategy.

He begins by discussing the importance of establishing credibility and speaking on one's own truths rather than claiming to know the truth.

He then shares his personal journey of building multiple successful businesses and how he started creating video content to attract internet business owners and share his experiences.

He also discusses the success of other famous entrepreneurs who have built billion-dollar brands through their organic audience.

The goal of the presentation is to provide lessons and insights to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses through social media content.

  • Establish credibility before sharing content.
  • Speak on personal experiences rather than claiming to know the truth.
  • Three sections of the presentation: why, what and how, and observations.
  • Importance of having a goal for creating content.
  • Benefits of creating content for establishing credibility and attracting clients.
  • Importance of consistency in creating content.
  • Importance of understanding your audience and creating content that resonates with them.
  • Track metrics to measure the success of content strategy.
  • Content creation model involves testing, recording, contextualizing, and distributing.
  • Organic content works for B2B businesses.
  • Importance of volume in content creation.
  • How to repurpose content for different platforms.
  • Results achieved through content creation.
  • Business results achieved through content creation.
  • Costs and time allocation for content creation.

55 Minutes of Social Media Content Strategy for Entrepreneurs - YouTube

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  • The importance of establishing credibility before sharing content.
  • Speaking on personal experiences rather than claiming to know the truth.
  • The three sections of the presentation: why, what and how, and observations.
  • A brief overview of the Alex Hormozi's business background.
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  • Alex Hormozi's initial goals for creating video content: attracting internet business owners, helping businesses grow, and documenting best practices.
  • Alex's surprise at the organic success of his video content.
  • The importance of having a goal for creating content.
  • The benefits of creating content for establishing credibility and attracting clients.
  • Hormozi's personal experience with the benefits of creating video content.
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What and How

  • The importance of consistency in creating content.
  • The Alex Hormozi's process for creating content: identifying topics, creating outlines, filming, and editing.
  • The benefits of repurposing content for different platforms.
  • The importance of engaging with viewers and responding to comments.
  • The Alex Hormozi's tips for creating engaging content: storytelling, humor, and authenticity.
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  • The importance of understanding your audience and creating content that resonates with them.
  • The benefits of creating content that solves problems for your audience.
  • Alex Hormozi's observations on the current state of social media and the importance of adapting to changes.
  • The importance of measuring the success of your content and adjusting your strategy accordingly.
  • Alex Hormozi's final thoughts on the benefits of creating video content for entrepreneurs.
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Lessons Learned in Starting a YouTube Channel

  • Organic content works for B2B businesses.
  • Being famous was not the Alex Hormozi's goal.
  • Meeting with a friend who was willing to pay the price of being famous for the impact he wanted to have changed the speaker's perspective.
  • Alex Hormozi started a YouTube channel called Nosy Nation 18 months ago.
  • He built two expensive studios to launch the channel.
  • He learned that what's inside the content matters more than the wrapper.
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The Importance of Volume in Content Creation

  • Grant Cardone advised Alex to increase the volume of content he was creating.
  • Alex learned that doing the right stuff is not enough; one must do way more of it.
  • Alex shared a story about underestimating the amount of volume and effort required to achieve a goal.
  • He decided to take Cardone's advice and dramatically increase the amount of content he created and displayed.
  • He went from creating seven pieces of content to 80 pieces a week.
  • Alex repurposed the same content for YouTube and a podcast.
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How to Repurpose Content for Different Platforms

  • Alex also repurposed content for Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  • He advised entrepreneurs to repurpose content for different platforms to reach a wider audience.
  • Alex shared tips on how to repurpose content, such as turning a blog post into a video or a podcast episode.
  • He emphasized the importance of creating content that resonates with the audience on each platform and  advised entrepreneurs to experiment with different types of content to see what works best for their audience.
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How to Measure the Success of Your Content Strategy

  • Hormozi advised entrepreneurs to track their metrics to measure the success of their content strategy.
  • He shared the metrics he tracks, such as views, watch time, and engagement.
  • He advised entrepreneurs to focus on engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares, as they indicate how well the content resonates with the audience.
  • He shared tips on how to improve engagement, such as asking questions and responding to comments.
  • Alex advised entrepreneurs to experiment with different types of content and track their metrics to see what works best for their audience.
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Results Achieved

  • Added 300,000 subscribers on YouTube in 6 months
  • 7,000 followers on Instagram
  • 350,000 followers on TikTok
  • 150,000 buyers on Amazon for the book
  • 350,000 followers on Instagram
  • 100,000 followers on Twitter
  • 400,000 downloads a month on the podcast
  • Net traffic result for web traffic went from non-existent to about 100,000 unique clicks a month to the site just organically
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Business Results

  • At a 25 CPM, they were getting $2 million a month in exposure for free
  • 400 companies a month apply for to help them scale
  • Grew from $7 million a month to $13 million a month in 6 months
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How and How Much

  • Costs $20,000 a month to do
  • Allocates 2 days per month and 4 hours per week towards it
  • Has a daily mind dump, weekly Twitter review, and one day a month of recording for shorts and YouTube videos
  • Content creation model involves testing, recording, contextualizing, and distributing
  • Posts ideas as tweets on Twitter rather than just sending them to himself
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Content Creation Model

  • Test, record, contextualize, and distribute
  • Posts ideas as tweets on Twitter
  • Threads become long format and shorts become short format
  • Records both long and short content
  • Uses a content calendar to plan out content in advance
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Content Creation Model

  • Shorts give you breath, Longs give you depth.
  • CTR times watch time is the key to making content go viral.
  • General format for Longs: hook, question, story, framework, explanation.
  • General format for Shorts: hook, question, tweet, example, explanation.
  • Inject call to actions into content to increase engagement.
  • Contextualize content for different platforms.
  • Distribute content frequently to increase output.
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Section 1

  • Brain dump into something that's generating content.
  • Record winning content.
  • Inject a call to action to direct traffic.
  • Contextualize content.
  • Cut and increase volume.
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Section 2

  • Answer the question: Why should I listen to you?
  • Frame influences how content is consumed.
  • Answer the question for yourself and your prospects before creating content.
  • Make sure you have evidence to support what you're talking about.
  • Don't make content from a weak frame.
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Section 3

  • Traditional content generation model is boring and not interesting.
  • Presenting it to answer potential questions.
  • Visit for more video marketing tips from industry experts.
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Section 4

  • Real reason for audience growth is talking about evidence-supported topics.
  • Don't make content from a weak frame.
  • Examples of weak frames: 18-year-old relationship coaches, business coaches making $5,000 a month.
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Shifts in Mindset

  • It's about having evidence for others and yourself.
  • Two frame shifts need to occur: how I versus how to, and give versus get.
  • Switching from how to to how I makes a difference in how people interpret your message.
  • Speaking on your truths rather than claiming to know the truth is more effective.
  • Everyone is an expert on their own life, so speaking on your own experiences is untouchable.
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Alex's Crazy Content Creation Model

  • Step one: douche.
  • Step two: talk about what you just did.
  • Step three: do bigger.
  • Sharing what you did and what works for you is more effective than telling people what they should do.
  • Sharing examples of what works for your clients is also effective.
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Feed Them, Not You

  • Make content to help the audience, not to become famous or feel good about yourself.
  • Shift your focus from yourself to your audience.
  • The biggest influencers in the business space focus on helping their audience.
  • Using the Alex Crazy Content Creation Method can help you shift your focus to your audience.
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Lessons Learned

  • Having evidence for yourself and others is important.
  • Sharing what works for you and your clients is more effective than telling people what they should do.
  • Shift your focus from yourself to your audience.
  • Speaking on your own experiences is more effective than claiming to know the truth.
  • Feed your audience, not yourself.
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Building Authority through Niche Specific Content

  • People don't need a large social media following to be successful.
  • Becoming a niche specific authority is more effective than trying to be a general expert.
  • Focus on a specific area of expertise, such as helping people build ATM businesses or flip houses in Phoenix.
  • Compete in a smaller pond where you can be king.
  • Add value to your audience by sharing your experiences and what has worked for you.
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Creating Content Based on Personal Experience

  • Share content based on personal experience and what you are doing.
  • Build rapport with your audience based on shared values.
  • Don't worry about being an expert, just make the content entertaining and informative.
  • People will choose to learn from you because they like you and trust your experience.
  • Don't try to teach something theoretical, focus on what you have actually done.
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Documenting Your Life and Sharing What Works

  • Document what is working for you and share it with your audience.
  • Don't worry about creating new content, just share what you are already doing.
  • Recap what is working for you in your current context.
  • Don't try to teach people how to do something, just share what has worked for you.
  • By sharing what works, you will gain a following and set yourself on the path to broader success.
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Sequencing Your Success and Scaling Your Business

  • Don't try to skip steps in the process of building a successful business.
  • Focus on building a profitable business in a specific niche before trying to scale to a larger audience.
  • Sequencing your success will lead to more sustainable growth in the long run.
  • Scaling too quickly can lead to burnout and failure.
  • Build a strong foundation in a specific area before trying to expand to other areas.
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Importance of Truth and Confidence

  • Looking at extreme versions of people helps in absorbing information without much decision-making filtering.
  • Confidence is self-delusion and it's easier to stop pretending and start doing things that you should be certain about.
  • Most people cannot separate information from the source, so it's important to seek out good sources.
  • Wisdom is built through separating information from the source.
  • Admitting your deficits builds trust and credibility.
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Building a Personal Brand

  • Building a personal brand is important for entrepreneurs.
  • Personal brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room.
  • Personal brand is built through consistency, authenticity, and value.
  • Consistency is important in terms of message, frequency, and quality.
  • Authenticity is important in terms of being true to yourself and your values.
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Creating Content Strategy

  • Creating a content strategy is important for entrepreneurs to build their personal brand.
  • Content strategy involves defining your target audience, identifying their pain points, and creating content that addresses those pain points.
  • Content should be valuable, relevant, and consistent with your personal brand.
  • Content should be distributed through various channels, such as social media, email, and website.
  • Metrics should be tracked to measure the success of the content strategy.
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Lessons Learned

  • Building a personal brand takes time and effort.
  • Consistency and authenticity are key to building a personal brand.
  • Creating valuable content that addresses the pain points of your target audience is important.
  • Metrics should be tracked to measure the success of the content strategy.
  • Admitting your deficits builds trust and credibility.
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Building a Personal Brand

  • Find your niche and stick to it.
  • Share your personal experiences and lessons learned.
  • Be authentic and relatable to your audience.
  • Don't try to be an expert in everything.
  • Focus on what is relevant to your audience.
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Getting Better Over Time

  • Volume is key to improving your skills.
  • Volume times time equals skill.
  • Don't expect to be an overnight success.
  • Give away your secrets and sell the implementation.
  • Most people need help, encouragement, and accountability.
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Giving Away Information

  • Give away as much information as possible.
  • People still need help implementing the information.
  • Don't be afraid to give away too much.
  • Trust is gained by trusting first.
  • Sharing information builds trust with your audience.
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Monetizing Your Brand

  • Give away the secrets and sell the implementation.
  • Build a brand that is valuable.
  • Sell information if you want to, but focus on building a brand.
  • Most people need help implementing information.
  • Provide help, encouragement, and accountability to your audience.
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The Importance of Giving Value First

  • Value must be given first to receive value back.
  • Content that does not contain valuable information will not be consumed.
  • Quality over quantity is preferred.
  • Free materials should be better than paid materials.
  • Sharing secrets can lead to people taking steps towards you.
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Delaying the Ask for Greater Goodwill

  • Goodwill compounds faster than money.
  • The longer you delay the ask, the bigger the ask can be.
  • Compounding works in your favor when you keep walking with people.
  • Hard pitches can interrupt the compounding process.
  • Packaging the sell without selling can lead to faster compounding.
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Playing the Infinite Game

  • Delaying the ask can lead to greater audience growth.
  • Asking too soon can decrease goodwill.
  • Give, give, give to deposit goodwill.
  • Depositing enough goodwill can lead to people offering opportunities.
  • Not asking for anything can make people uncomfortable.
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Focusing on Your Specialty

  • Know your specialty and share your truth.
  • Individual experiences cannot be challenged.
  • Playing to your strengths can lead to success.
  • Quality over quantity is preferred.
  • Free materials should be better than paid materials.
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Traits of Ultra Successful People

  • Ultra successful people have three common traits: superiority conflict, crippling insecurity of not being enough, and impulse control.
  • They think they're better than everybody and can do bigger things.
  • They stay focused on their goals because of impulse control.
  • Most people aren't successful because they can't control themselves.
  • If we can have impulse control and patience, we will be more successful.
  • Most people can't wait 12 months, but delaying gratification can lead to bigger success.
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Sharing Experiences to Add to the Body of Knowledge

  • Speak from strengths and share experiences to add to the body of knowledge.
  • The barrier to entry for publishing content is low, so most stuff is a waste of time.
  • Talk about the stuff that's not a waste of time and that you actually know.
  • Consider yourself a mini researcher and talk about the experiments you ran in your business.
  • Teaching on principles is difficult until you've achieved a material amount in the field.
  • Not everyone is an expert on everything, but you are unquestionably an expert on your own life, so share it.

Watch the video on YouTube:
55 Minutes of Social Media Content Strategy for Entrepreneurs - YouTube

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