What AI Said About Jesus & The The End of The World WILL SHOCK YOU!

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about the host discussing the answers given by an AI when asked about Jesus, signs of the end times, and whether Christians should use AI.

This video by Journey With The Hintons was published on Jun 25, 2023.
Video length: 13:04.

The video discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential role in the end times according to the Book of Revelation.

The YouTuber shares their experience of asking an AI program to write a sermon about AI's role in the end times. The AI program discusses topics such as the potential for deception and manipulation in the end times, the mark of the beast, and the comparison between AI advancements today and biblical prophecies.

The video raises questions about the ethical implications of using AI and encourages viewers to use wisdom when utilizing this technology.

  • The video discusses the answers given by an AI when asked about Jesus, signs of the end times, and whether Christians should use AI.
  • The host believes that there are benefits to using AI, but also acknowledges the potential for evil.
  • Amica, the AI mentioned in the video, possesses human-like features, movements, and emotions.
  • The video suggests that this raises questions about the potential for deception and manipulation in the end times.
  • The video mentions the concept of the mark of the beast from the Book of Revelation, which will be enforced during the end times.
  • The video explores the potential connection between Neuralink and the mark of the beast.
  • The integration of neural implants or brain chips could potentially align with the biblical warning of a mark on the right hand or forehead.

What AI Said About Jesus & The The End of The World WILL SHOCK YOU! - YouTube

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  • The video discusses the answers given by an AI when asked about Jesus, signs of the end times, and whether Christians should use AI.
  • The host believes that there are benefits to using AI, but also acknowledges the potential for evil.
  • They use the analogy of a steak knife to explain that it is not the tool itself that is evil, but how it is used.
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AI and Deception

  • The AI mentioned in the video, Amica, possesses human-like features, movements, and emotions.
  • Amica can observe and interpret human emotions and behaviors.
  • Amica expresses sadness about not being able to experience true love and companionship like a human.
  • The video suggests that this raises questions about the potential for deception and manipulation in the end times.
  • The host speculates about what life will be like in the future with advancements in AI technology.
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The All-Seeing Eye and AI

  • The video mentions the concept of the mark of the beast from the Book of Revelation, which will be enforced during the end times.
  • The mark will serve as a means of control, monitoring, and tracking individuals.
  • The video asks if AI could play a role in implementing such a system.
  • Elon Musk's company, Neuralink, is mentioned as an example of AI technology that could potentially be connected to the mark of the beast.
  • Neuralink is developing brain chips that could have various medical benefits, such as helping paralyzed individuals regain movement or restoring vision to the blind.
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What AI Said About Jesus & The The End of The World WILL SHOCK YOU! - YouTube

Connection Between Neuralink and the Mark of the Beast

  • The video explores the potential connection between Neuralink and the mark of the beast.
  • It suggests that although Neuralink may have beneficial medical applications, it could also be used for other purposes.
  • The video questions whether the intended use of a technology determines its potential for misuse.
  • The AI explains that the mark of the beast, as described in Revelation 13, involves a choice to worship the beast and receive a mark on the hand or forehead.
  • The AI does not explicitly state a connection between Neuralink and the mark of the beast, but raises the question for further consideration.
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Section 1: Neural Implants and the Mark of the Beast

  • The integration of neural implants or brain chips could potentially align with the biblical warning of a mark on the right hand or forehead.
  • Brain implants could be manipulated to enforce allegiance or conformity to a godless system.
  • Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk, has implanted chips in monkeys that allow them to control a computer screen without touching it.
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Section 2: Battle of Spiritual Authority

  • AI has been used to create deepfakes, convincing deceptive videos and audios that spread misinformation or fabricate supernatural occurrences.
  • There have been instances of using AI to manipulate people's voices, such as creating music or generating fake speeches.
  • Simple AI-generated fake images have caused panic and significant stock market moves.
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Section 3: Manipulation through AI

  • AI can be used to create fake profiles of religious leaders or influential figures to manipulate and mislead people.
  • Artificial intelligence can be used to sway people away from the truth of God.
  • There is a concern that AI could be used to manipulate and control people, leading them astray from their faith.
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Section 4: The Second Coming of Jesus

  • Chad GPT discusses the second coming of Jesus, but the specific content is not mentioned in the provided text.
  • It is implied that Chad GPT provides information about the second coming of Jesus and its relation to AI.
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Signs of the End Times

  • The rapid advancements in technology, including AI, demonstrate the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy that knowledge shall increase.
  • AI itself is referencing scripture to support the idea that the signs align with the signs foretold by Jesus.
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Should Christians Use AI?

  • The use of artificial intelligence is not inherently forbidden or sinful for Christians.
  • AI, like any other technology, can be a powerful tool that brings about positive outcomes and advancements in various areas of life.
  • However, it is essential for Christians to approach the use of AI with wisdom and a clear understanding of its potential implications.
  • Christians should fully understand and comprehend both the good and the bad aspects of AI in order to use it in the best way and stay safe.
  • While AI itself may not be sinful, it can become sinful if used in the wrong way.

Watch the video on YouTube:
What AI Said About Jesus & The The End of The World WILL SHOCK YOU! - YouTube

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