What No One Tells You About Dropshipping.

Last updated: Jan 1, 1970

The video discusses the flaws and problems with the traditional way of doing the Dropshipping business model, and offers a new strategy to solve these issues and achieve long-term success.

The video discusses the flaws of the dropshipping business model and how beginners can avoid them to achieve long-term success. The speaker shares three main problems that stop beginners from going full-time with dropshipping and provides examples of how these problems can kill a dropshipping store. The first problem is the customer journey, including long shipping times, poor customer support, and low-quality products. The speaker shows examples of negative reviews on Trustpilot for a dropshipping store called Urban Shoes. The video also includes proof of the speaker's successful dropshipping stores and a new strategy for approaching dropshipping.

  • The Drop Shipping business model has long-term flaws.
  • Three main problems stop beginners from seeing long-term success.
  • Using an outdated strategy that doesn't work anymore is a common mistake.
  • Urban Shoes and The Phone Case Store are examples of how flaws can kill a Drop Shipping store.
  • The new strategy involves finding reliable suppliers, offering fast shipping, and providing excellent customer support.
  • Building a brand and creating a community can help with customer loyalty and repeat business.
  • Dropshipping products can be easily copied by competitors, leading to saturation and competition.
  • Focus on providing excellent customer service and building a strong brand for long-term success.
  • Transitioning into e-commerce dropshipping is the better way to do things.

What No One Tells You About Dropshipping. - YouTube

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  • The Drop Shipping business model is not perfect and has long-term flaws.
  • There are three main problems that stop beginners from seeing long-term success.
  • Using an outdated strategy that doesn't work anymore is a common mistake.
  • A new strategy will be presented to solve these issues and achieve long-term success.
  • The video will show proof of successful Drop Shipping stores and e-commerce brands.
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The Three Fundamental Flaws

  • The first fundamental flaw is the customer's journey, including long shipping times, poor customer support, and low-quality products.
  • Long shipping times can lead to negative reviews and a poor reputation.
  • Poor customer support can lead to dissatisfied customers and negative reviews.
  • Low-quality products can lead to dissatisfied customers and negative reviews.
  • Two real examples of how these flaws can kill a Drop Shipping store will be presented.
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The First Example: Urban Shoes

  • Urban Shoes is a Drop Shipping store with a two-star rating on Trustpilot based on 25 reviews.
  • Trustpilot is a credible place where people leave reviews based on where they buy things.
  • The reviews mention the poor quality of the products, shipping issues, and expensive postage fees.
  • One review mentions waiting eight weeks for the shoes to arrive and never receiving them.
  • These issues can lead to dissatisfied customers and negative reviews, damaging the store's reputation.
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What No One Tells You About Dropshipping. - YouTube

The Second Example: The Phone Case Store

  • The Phone Case Store is a Drop Shipping store with a one-star rating on Trustpilot based on 1,200 reviews.
  • The reviews mention long shipping times, poor customer support, and low-quality products.
  • One review mentions waiting over a month for a phone case and receiving the wrong one.
  • These issues can lead to dissatisfied customers and negative reviews, damaging the store's reputation.
  • These issues can also lead to chargebacks and refunds, causing financial losses for the store.
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The Solution: The New Strategy

  • The new strategy involves finding reliable suppliers, offering fast shipping, and providing excellent customer support.
  • Using a fulfillment center can help with shipping times and quality control.
  • Offering a unique product or niche can help differentiate the store from competitors.
  • Building a brand and creating a community can help with customer loyalty and repeat business.
  • Using paid advertising and social media marketing can help drive traffic and sales.
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Flaw 1: Terrible Customer Service

  • Urban Shoes is a successful Dropshipping store with $750,000 in sales.
  • However, their customer service is terrible, leading to negative reviews.
  • This is stopping them from launching a long-term brand and seeing long-term success.
  • The traditional way of doing Dropshipping has fundamental flaws that are real and damaging.
  • Many people are still suffering from these flaws because they are not moving to the new way of doing this business model.
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Flaw 2: Dropshipping Short Life

  • Dropshipping products can be easily copied by competitors, leading to saturation and competition.
  • This causes problems with making long-term money and revenue.
  • To stop this from happening, you need to understand the internet marketing tree.
  • The roots of the tree are the most important part of your e-commerce journey.
  • If you do the research, strategy, brand, content, and other aspects of the tree, you can destroy your competitors.
  • Most dropshippers only focus on online advertising and miss out on the majority of the internet marketing tree.
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Solution 1: Focus on Customer Service

  • Focus on providing excellent customer service to build a long-term brand.
  • Use customer feedback to improve your products and services.
  • Invest in building a loyal customer base that will keep coming back.
  • Use social media and other platforms to engage with customers and build relationships.
  • Don't sacrifice customer service for short-term profits.
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Solution 2: Build a Strong Brand

  • Focus on building a strong brand with a clear message and identity.
  • Understand your target audience and tailor your marketing to them.
  • Invest in creating high-quality content that provides value to your customers.
  • Use the internet marketing tree to cover all aspects of your e-commerce journey.
  • Don't rely solely on online advertising and miss out on the majority of the tree.
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Flaws with Traditional Dropshipping

  • Ads can be taken down and ad accounts can be banned.
  • Platforms like Facebook, Google, and TikTok have a bias against dropshippers.
  • Traditional dropshipping can damage your business in the long run.
  • Postponing building a brand can sabotage your business.
  • The point of dropshipping is to get proof of concept.
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Solution: Build a Brand

  • Build a brand sooner rather than later.
  • Transition into the better way of doing dropshipping once you have proof of concept.
  • Carrying on with traditional dropshipping will kill your store.
  • Reinvesting money into building a brand is necessary for long-term success.
  • Three simple steps to turn your traditional dropshipping store into an e-commerce dropshipping brand.
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Example: Traditional vs. E-commerce Dropshipping

  • Traditional dropshipping store selling animal portraits from AliExpress.
  • Trustpilot reviews show more one-star reviews than five-star reviews.
  • Store is making money but doesn't want to reinvest it into the business.
  • E-commerce dropshipping store selling dog portraits.
  • Website looks nicer and photos are organic.
  • Doing things correctly leads to long-term success.
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  • Building a brand is necessary for long-term success in dropshipping.
  • Traditional dropshipping can damage your business in the long run.
  • Transitioning into e-commerce dropshipping is the better way to do things.
  • Doing things correctly leads to long-term success.
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Unique Products and Branding

  • Creating unique products is important for long-term success.
  • Reinvesting profits into creating own products is a good strategy.
  • Controlling quality and design of products is beneficial.
  • Positive customer reviews and ratings are important.
  • Building an e-commerce brand is better than just a dropshipping store.
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Press Presence and Public Relations

  • Investing in PR is powerful for building credibility.
  • Being featured in press articles and news outlets is beneficial.
  • Using big names to build credibility is a good strategy.
  • Press presence can beat competitors and attract customers.
  • Using press mentions in ads can build more power.
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Private Labeling and Custom Content

  • Private labeling products is a good strategy.
  • Creating custom content is important for branding.
  • Using own images and descriptions is beneficial.
  • Offering alternative products to increase average order value is good.
  • Real testimonials from customers are important.
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Getting an Agent for Legwork

  • Getting an agent can save time and effort.
  • Agents can help with finding and negotiating with suppliers.
  • Agents can help with quality control and shipping.
  • Unify Drop is a recommended agent.
  • Using an agent can help transition to a better way of doing dropshipping and e-commerce.
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Benefits of Using a Dropshipping Agent

  • Dropshipping agents can find the best quality product on the market for you.
  • They can tell you if a product is illegal, trademarked, or painted.
  • They can create custom products for you, including private labeling and putting your logo on products.
  • They can find you warehouses and manufacturers that can make you a brand new product.
  • They offer fast delivery within multiple shipping methods, 7 to 15 days globally.
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Unified Dropshipping

  • Unified Dropshipping is a one-stop dropshipping service provider.
  • They offer one-on-one VIP service, quality check-in fulfillment, branding, customization, product sourcing, and after-sales service.
  • They provide fast delivery times, which is faster than AliExpress and any alternative.
  • Unified Dropshipping can process a large number of orders, and they can customize a dropshipping product and turn it into a custom label brand.
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Content Massacre

  • Stop using content from AliExpress and your competitors.
  • Make your own content and go wild with it.
  • Get loads and loads of content.
  • Use unique content to avoid ad account bans and issues.
  • Experiment in new regions and countries to see success.
  • The more content you give platforms, the more they will reward you.
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  • The traditional way of dropshipping has flaws, but using a dropshipping agent and Unified Dropshipping can solve these issues.
  • Creating unique content and experimenting in new regions and countries can help build a long-term e-commerce brand.
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The Better Way of Doing Dropshipping

  • Traditional way of doing dropshipping has flaws and problems.
  • Transition into being an e-commerce brand or a dropshipping brand.
  • Identify the three transitions that you must make.
  • Do not stick to the fundamentally forward way of doing dropshipping.
  • Transition as soon as you've got 10 orders.
  • Transition to the better way of doing dropshipping sooner than later to make long-term money and have a long-term business.

Watch the video on YouTube:
What No One Tells You About Dropshipping. - YouTube

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