$128,643 in 30 Days With An Abundance Mindset

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about the speaker's personal journey from financial struggle to making six figures a month, and how having an abundance mindset and reevaluating childhood beliefs about money played a crucial role in their success.

This video by Journey With The Hintons was published on Jun 15, 2023.
Video length: 11:31.

This YouTube video titled '$128,643 in 30 Days With An Abundance Mindset' is about the speaker's personal journey from struggling financially to making six figures a month.

The video discusses the concept of an abundance mindset, which is the belief that there is enough resources and success for everyone. The speaker shares how they had to overcome childhood beliefs and traumas about money in order to develop an abundance mindset. They also mention the importance of talking about money and financial education within families.

The video is sponsored by the financial app Chime, which conducted a survey on the comfort level of talking about money with family.

  • The speaker went from struggling financially to making six figures a month.
  • An abundance mindset is the belief that there is enough success and resources for everyone.
  • The speaker had to go back to their childhood and examine the beliefs and messages they received about money.
  • Money was not a normal topic of conversation in the speaker's family or society.
  • Writing down negative beliefs about money and replacing them with positive ones.
  • Understanding that faith without action is not enough.
  • Having a master's degree in Family Health nursing but not practicing as a nurse practitioner.

$128,643 in 30 Days With An Abundance Mindset - YouTube

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Financial Struggle to Six Figures

  • The speaker went from struggling financially to making six figures a month.
  • They used to ask their parents for money for bills and had to use a crowbar to start their car.
  • Now they are enjoying their life and making a significant income.
  • They will share their personal journey and what helped them achieve this level of success.
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The Importance of an Abundance Mindset

  • An abundance mindset is the belief that there is enough success and resources for everyone.
  • Even if a market seems oversaturated, with an abundance mindset, you focus on finding your opportunity and how to make it work for you.
  • It's important to not get discouraged by the number of people already doing something, but instead focus on your own path.
  • The speaker's success on YouTube is an example of how an abundance mindset can lead to growth and achievement.
  • An abundance mindset allows you to see opportunities where others may see obstacles.
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Reevaluating Childhood Beliefs About Money

  • The speaker had to go back to their childhood and examine the beliefs and messages they received about money.
  • They heard phrases like "More Money, More Problems" which created fears and insecurities about money.
  • Childhood beliefs and messages can have a significant impact on our mindset and relationship with money.
  • To develop an abundance mindset, the speaker had to unravel, rewire, and rewrite these beliefs.
  • They also had to learn the true meanings behind these beliefs, as some were misquoted or misunderstood.
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$128,643 in 30 Days With An Abundance Mindset - YouTube

Talking About Money and Overcoming Taboos

  • Money was not a normal topic of conversation in the speaker's family or society.
  • Education was often seen as the only path to success and financial security.
  • However, the speaker believes that financial freedom and wealth require more than just education.
  • They emphasize the importance of openly discussing money and breaking the taboo surrounding it.
  • Partnering with the financial app Chime, the speaker encourages families to talk about money together.
  • Chime conducted a survey that revealed many people, especially Gen Z, are uncomfortable sharing their bank statements with family.
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Changing Mindset About Money

  • Writing down negative beliefs about money and replacing them with positive ones.
  • Realizing that negative beliefs about money often come from people who don't have much experience with it.
  • Watching videos of successful people to learn from their experiences and mistakes.
  • Using people's stories as inspiration and guidance, but not comparing oneself to them.
  • Discovering the purpose and reason behind one's financial goals.
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Putting Faith into Action

  • Understanding that faith without action is not enough.
  • Recognizing that everyone's plan will be different and unique.
  • Some people may experience immediate change, while others may require more work and time.
  • Being open to trying different strategies and approaches.
  • Accepting that progress may take time and unraveling of old beliefs.
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Personal Journey and Career Path

  • Having a master's degree in Family Health nursing but not practicing as a nurse practitioner.
  • Choosing a different path and exploring various opportunities.
  • Embracing the abundance mindset and believing in the availability of resources.
  • Trying different things and being open to new possibilities.
  • Not being limited by societal expectations or traditional career paths.
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Continuing Growth and Learning

  • Understanding that personal growth and financial success are ongoing processes.
  • Continuing to learn from others and seek new knowledge and experiences.
  • Being willing to adapt and change strategies as needed.
  • Recognizing that everyone is at a different point in their journey.
  • Embracing the idea that it's okay to take time and make mistakes along the way.
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Importance of Mindset in Achieving Financial Success

  • Trying new things and experimenting is crucial for personal growth and success.
  • It is important to overcome fear and take risks in order to discover what works for oneself.
  • YouTube played a significant role in opening up doors and providing opportunities for the speaker.
  • While the speaker could provide a step-by-step guide on how they made money, they emphasize the importance of starting with mindset.
  • Working on one's mindset is crucial before accepting and welcoming money into one's life.
  • Developing an abundance mindset is key to achieving financial success.

Watch the video on YouTube:
$128,643 in 30 Days With An Abundance Mindset - YouTube

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