3 Side Hustles To Make $500+ Per Day

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about three side hustles that can be started with little to no experience and can make $500+ per day, including finding free items to sell, being a paid friend/companion, and offering real estate photography services.

This video by Daniel Iles was published on Dec 6, 2022.
Video length: 03:16.

The video discusses three side hustles that can help individuals make $500 or more per day.

The first side hustle involves finding free items through platforms like Facebook or Craigslist and reselling them for a profit. The second side hustle is about becoming a "friend for hire" on a website where people pay for companionship at events or activities. The third side hustle focuses on real estate photography, where individuals can improve property listings by taking high-quality photos and potentially earn a significant income.

The video provides tips and strategies for each side hustle and emphasizes the potential to scale and make a substantial profit.

  • Find free items to sell by searching through local Facebook pages or Craigslist, and then clean them up and re-list them on platforms like Facebook Marketplace or eBay.
  • Make money by being a paid friend or companion through sites like rent-afriend.com, where people will pay for your activities and you don't need any specific skills.
  • Offer real estate photography services by learning the skill through YouTube tutorials, building a portfolio, and contacting real estate agents to update their listings with better photos.

3 Side Hustles To Make $500+ Per Day - YouTube

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Section 1: Finding Free Items to Sell

  • Search through the free section on local Facebook pages or Craigslist to find items that people don't want.
  • You can find deals like free couches or seasonal products in the off-season.
  • Clean up the items and re-list them on platforms like Facebook Marketplace or eBay.
  • If you don't have items to sell, you can find at least 10 items lying around your house that you don't need.
  • This side hustle is great for those starting with little to no money or skills, but it may be difficult to scale or make a significant profit.
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Section 2: Being a Paid Friend/Companion

  • Join a site like rent-afriend.com where people are looking for friends or companions to attend events with.
  • Post a listing of yourself, your hobbies, city, and availability.
  • People on the site will pay for your activities, and you don't need any specific skills.
  • There is a $25 membership fee, but you can quickly make it up.
  • Take safety precautions when meeting with people and be aware of potential risks.
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Section 3: Offering Real Estate Photography Services

  • Learn real estate photography by watching YouTube tutorials and practicing.
  • Start by taking pictures of friends' homes, relatives' homes, or your own house to build a small portfolio.
  • Contact real estate agents on platforms like Zillow and offer to update their listings with better photos.
  • Show them your portfolio and explain how you can improve their listings with specific techniques and equipment.
  • Once you make a good impression, they may refer you to other clients, helping your business grow quickly.

Watch the video on YouTube:
3 Side Hustles To Make $500+ Per Day - YouTube

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