7 Principles For Teenagers To Become Millionaires

Last updated: Jul 26, 2023

The video is about the seven principles for teenagers and people in their early 20s to become millionaires, with the speaker sharing their personal experience and advice on topics such as starting from the bottom, dressing professionally, and investing wisely.

This video by Iman Gadzhi was published on Jun 13, 2023.
Video length: 16:06.

The video is about the seven principles for teenagers and people in their early 20s to become millionaires.

The speaker, who made his first million dollars at 18 years old, shares his personal experience and advice on how to achieve financial success at a young age. The first principle discussed is the importance of starting from the bottom and earning your way up, rather than expecting instant success.

The second principle is about dressing appropriately to elevate your image and gain credibility in professional settings.

  • Starting from the bottom is necessary for success.
  • Dressing professionally is important for credibility.
  • Investing wisely and seeking advice is crucial.
  • Surrounding yourself with successful people can inspire and motivate you.
  • Having humbling experiences helps prevent arrogance.
  • Avoid casual dating and focus on building yourself.
  • Focus on building your future and avoid distractions.
  • Aim for a day one girl and keep your circles small.
  • God will test your ability to handle success.
  • Invest early and invest as much as you can.

7 Principles For Teenagers To Become Millionaires - YouTube

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Principle 1: Start from the Bottom

  • In order to be a king, you must first be a pawn.
  • Earn your stripes and pay your dues.
  • Respect the process and work your way up.
  • Don't expect to jump straight to success.
  • There is honor and ability in starting from the bottom.
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Principle 2: Dress Professionally

  • People will automatically discredit you when you're young, so don't make it worse by dressing poorly.
  • Avoid flashy labels and streetwear for important meetings.
  • Dress in a traditional and classic manner to appear more mature.
  • You can look older or younger based on how you dress.
  • Don't spend excessive amounts of money on labels unless you can afford it.
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Principle 3: Invest Wisely

  • Invest your money instead of spending it frivolously.
  • Learn about different investment options and strategies.
  • Start investing at a young age to take advantage of compound interest.
  • Be patient and think long-term when it comes to investments.
  • Seek advice from professionals or experienced investors.
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7 Principles For Teenagers To Become Millionaires - YouTube

Principle 4: Surround Yourself with Successful People

  • Surround yourself with people who are more successful than you.
  • Learn from their experiences and seek their guidance.
  • Network and build relationships with successful individuals.
  • Be humble and willing to listen and learn from others.
  • Being around successful people can inspire and motivate you.
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Dressing Professionally

  • Choose clothes with no branding or labels.
  • Dress in classic and timeless styles.
  • Start with simple black or white t-shirts and trousers.
  • Add a smart blazer and some classic shoes.
  • As you progress, incorporate suits and double-breasted styles.
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Humbling Experiences

  • Have something external in your life that humbles you.
  • Combat sports or business can be humbling experiences.
  • Success at a young age can lead to arrogance.
  • Being humbled helps you grow and become a better leader.
  • It prevents you from becoming your own worst enemy.
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No Casual Dating

  • Choose something serious or nothing at all.
  • Avoid casual dates and flings.
  • Focus on building yourself and your future.
  • Don't compete with the brutal dating culture.
  • Find a partner who supports and holds you down.
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Focus on Building

  • Invest your time and energy in building your future.
  • Avoid distractions and casual relationships.
  • Your early years are the best time to build.
  • Don't waste your time trying to compete with successful men.
  • Focus on your goals and become more attractive with age.
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Principle 1: Aim for a Day One Girl

  • A day one girl is someone who has been there for you from the beginning.
  • Having a day one girl is more valuable than anything else in life.
  • Avoid casual dating and focus on building yourself up.
  • Once you've achieved success, you can have fun and enjoy relationships.
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Principle 2: Keep Your Circles Small but Your Influence Large

  • It's okay to have many acquaintances, but only a few true friends.
  • Most people don't understand true loyalty and are around others for clout or money.
  • Build yourself up first so that external factors can't impress or influence you.
  • Be polite and courteous to everyone, but only have a select few true friends.
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Principle 3: God Will Test You

  • God will test your ability to handle success and wealth.
  • It's important to stay humble and not let success get to your head.
  • External challenges and accomplishments can help keep you grounded.
  • If you don't humble yourself, God will humble you in a way you can't imagine.
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Principle 4: Invest Early and Invest as Much as You Can

  • Invest your money in property and physical assets like gold.
  • Avoid investments that are too easily bought and sold, like crypto or stocks.
  • Push your money away quickly to avoid the temptation of spending it.
  • Investing early will set you up for long-term financial success.
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Principles for Teenagers to Become Millionaires

  • Invest as much money as possible and delay enjoying luxuries until later in life.
  • Understand that there is nothing wrong with wanting money, nice cars, and beautiful women, but there is a time and place for everything.
  • Recognize that many YouTube videos are made by older individuals who may not understand the desires and mindset of young people.
  • Speak from personal experience and aim to meet young people where they are, without shaming them for their desires.
  • Emphasize that there is a right way and timing to achieve the things they want in life.
  • Encourage viewers to follow the speaker's business Q&A account for more active engagement and support.

Watch the video on YouTube:
7 Principles For Teenagers To Become Millionaires - YouTube

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