Best Side Hustles For Your Phone ($80/Hour)

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about 16 unique side hustles that can be done using a phone to make money online, with no social media followers or previous experience required.

This video by Dave Nick was published on Aug 10, 2023.
Video length: 09:16.

The video is about different side hustles that can be done using a phone to make money online.

The speaker mentions 16 unique side hustles that can be done with no social media followers or previous experience. Some of the side hustles mentioned include applying for social media-related work-from-home jobs, using AI Instagram models, selling YouTube channels and businesses, using the Threads app for promoting CPA offers, AI YouTube automation, affiliate marketing, and using the Cashstars app to watch videos, play games, and browse Google to earn money.

The speaker also mentions generating AI reels for Instagram and promoting them without showing your face.

  • Social media related work from home jobs can be applied for at
  • AI Instagram models can be created using tensorart and used to make money on Instagram.
  • Businesses and YouTube channels can be sold on for a profit.
  • can be used to promote CPA offers through threads created with the Vox script plugin.
  • The online business Club offers tutorials and opportunities to make money through social media.

Best Side Hustles For Your Phone ($80/Hour) - YouTube

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Side Hustle #1: Social Media Related Work from Home Jobs

  • Go to and apply for social media related work from home jobs.
  • Jobs include YouTube video editors, YouTube voiceover artists, and AI script writers.
  • Most of these jobs can be completed from your phone or with AI tools.
  • Jobs pay anywhere from $500 to $10,000 per month depending on the position.
  • Members of the online business Club will be accepted first.
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Side Hustle #2: AI Instagram Models

  • Use a website like tensorart to generate high-quality images of models.
  • Use these images on Instagram to make money in different ways.
  • Learn the step-by-step process inside the online business Club.
  • Access the tutorial in the tutorials section of the Club.
  • Make money in your spare time from your phone.
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Side Hustle #3: Selling Businesses and YouTube Channels

  • Go to to sell your businesses and YouTube channels.
  • Grow a YouTube channel and sell it for thousands of dollars.
  • Grow a YouTube channel by posting shorts from your phone.
  • Make money by selling your established channels and accounts.
  • Explore opportunities to make money through social media.
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Best Side Hustles For Your Phone ($80/Hour) - YouTube

Side Hustle #4: Using for Promoting CPA Offers

  • Install the app on your phone for free.
  • Generate threads using the Vox script plugin in ChargeUpT.
  • Find videos on YouTube to explain a topic and create a thread.
  • Promote CPA offers through threads on
  • Similar to using Twitter, but on the Threads app.
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Selling Digital Products

  • You can sell courses, PDF guides, ebooks, and other digital products on the online business Academy.
  • The Creator access option allows you to publish your products and get 100% of the profits from every sale.
  • You can get sales even without your own traffic or social media followers.
  • Promoting your products yourself can lead to even more sales.
  • The platform itself can generate traffic for your products.
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Completing Tasks and Selling on Platforms

  • You can complete graphic design jobs on using free tools like Canva.
  • Generate digital art using AI tools and sell it on
  • Complete various tasks for people on and get paid.
  • List your Instagram account on and potentially sell it for thousands of dollars.
  • Sell graphic designs and digital art on
  • Search for businesses and sell them products or services as an affiliate or with your own digital products.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Best Side Hustles For Your Phone ($80/Hour) - YouTube

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