How I Got MONETIZED with ONLY 5 Videos (+20k subscribers in 45 days)

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

This video is about the creator's experience of starting a YouTube channel, gaining a large number of subscribers and views, and monetizing their channel within 45 days, and they share tips and insights on how they achieved this success.

This video by DIGITAL INCOME PROJECT was published on Jun 28, 2023.
Video length: 08:59.

This YouTube video is about the creator's experience of starting a faceless YouTube channel and achieving monetization with only five videos and over 20,000 subscribers in 45 days.

The video discusses the journey of the channel, including initial slow growth, experimenting with different types of videos, and finally finding success with a video about building Instagram accounts. The creator shares insights on important metrics such as average view duration, click-through rate, views to likes ratio, views to comment ratio, and views to subscriber ratio. They emphasize the importance of quality content, production, and delivery in creating a viral video.

The video also provides tips on creating compelling thumbnails and titles to increase click-through rates.

  • A new YouTube channel gained over 17,000 subscribers and 300,000 views in 45 days.
  • The channel quickly became monetized and generated thousands of dollars in passive income.
  • The creator shares their experience and advice for starting a successful YouTube channel.
  • Early challenges and mistakes included slow initial growth and deleting successful videos.
  • Factors for viral success include high click-through rates, average view duration, and other important metrics.

How I Got MONETIZED with ONLY 5 Videos (+20k subscribers in 45 days) - YouTube

How I Got MONETIZED with ONLY 5 Videos (+20k subscribers in 45 days) 001

Section 1: Introduction

  • The creator started a YouTube channel 45 days ago and already has over 17,000 subscribers and 300,000 views.
  • The channel got monetized quickly and has already made thousands of dollars in passive income.
  • The creator will share everything they have learned so far about starting a new YouTube channel in today's algorithm.
  • The goal is to help those who are ready to start building their own channel and achieve similar results.
  • The creator will discuss their journey, including the slow start and the bumps along the way.
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Section 2: Early Challenges and Mistakes

  • The first video was slow for the first three days, but then started getting traction on day four.
  • However, the view count flatlined the next day, and the channel only gained 120 subscribers.
  • The second video was a total flop and didn't see much traction.
  • The third and fourth videos did well initially, but the creator decided to delete them and post them on separate new accounts, which was a mistake.
  • The creator then posted a video about building Instagram accounts and monetizing them, which gained traction and led to a significant increase in subscribers.
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Section 3: Factors for Viral Success

  • The viral video had a high click-through rate and average view duration.
  • The click-through rate was well above the average of 2-10% for the first 72 hours.
  • The average view duration was closer to 60%, which is higher than the typical range of 25-50%.
  • The video's virality lasted for weeks, unlike other videos that stop being pushed by the YouTube algorithm after a day or two.
  • Other important metrics for viral success include views to like ratio, views to comment ratio, and views to subscriber ratio.
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How I Got MONETIZED with ONLY 5 Videos (+20k subscribers in 45 days) - YouTube

Section 4: Tips for Creating Viral Videos

  • Quality is key, including the quality of the information provided, production, and delivery.
  • The thumbnail and title are crucial for getting viewers to click on the video.
  • The thumbnail should be simple and intriguing, and the title should accurately describe the video with high levels of intrigue.
  • It's important to achieve a higher click-through rate than the average 2-10% by mastering the thumbnail and title.
  • Thumbs Up TV is a website that can help optimize thumbnails and titles for YouTube.
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Writing the Script

  • The script is the soul of your video and serves as the outline for your content.
  • The hook, which is the first 30 to 90 seconds of your video, is crucial in capturing and retaining your audience's attention.
  • The hook should get to the point, tell the audience what they will see, and create intrigue.
  • The rest of the script should deliver on the promises made in the hook.
  • Tools like chat GPT can help in writing more informative scripts.
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Editing the Video

  • You have the option to use an AI tool, edit the video yourself, or hire an expert.
  • If you want high-quality videos and save time, hiring an expert is recommended.
  • Provide creative direction to the editor, including motion graphics, transitions, sound effects, and background music.
  • Show the video to at least five people for honest feedback before posting it on YouTube.
  • Quality is key in editing, information, and production to succeed on YouTube.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How I Got MONETIZED with ONLY 5 Videos (+20k subscribers in 45 days) - YouTube

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