How I Made $367,908 in 30 Days Dropshipping Using ChatGPT in 2023

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about how the YouTuber made $367,908 in 30 days through dropshipping using ChatGPT in 2023, and he shares the prompts and strategies he used to achieve this success.

This video by Alex Gelfand was published on May 24, 2023.
Video length: 06:17.

The video is about how the YouTuber, Alex, made $367,908 in 30 days through dropshipping using ChatGPT in 2023.

He explains that ChatGPT, a virtual assistant, helped him make money faster by allowing him to test more products and find winning products more quickly. He demonstrates how ChatGPT generates prompts for product descriptions, titles, and targeting, both in short form and long form, making it easier for dropshippers to create compelling and persuasive content for their online stores.

Alex also mentions that the prompts he uses are available for free in his Discord community.

  • The YouTuber made $367,908 in 30 days through dropshipping using ChatGPT in 2023.
  • ChatGPT gives the YouTuber speed in testing products, allowing him to find winning products faster.
  • He will be teaching two types of product descriptions: short form and long form.
  • Short form prompts generate product titles, descriptions, bullet points, and meta targeting for Facebook ads.
  • Using ChatGPT for product descriptions saves time and effort in brainstorming and writing compelling content.

How I Made $367,908 in 30 Days Dropshipping Using ChatGPT in 2023 - YouTube

How I Made $367,908 in 30 Days Dropshipping Using ChatGPT in 2023 001

Section 1: Introduction

  • The YouTuber made $367,908 in 30 days through dropshipping using ChatGPT in 2023.
  • He shares the prompts and strategies he used to achieve this success.
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Section 2: How ChatGPT Helped Make Money Faster

  • ChatGPT gives the YouTuber speed in testing products, allowing him to find winning products faster.
  • With ChatGPT, he doesn't have to think about product names, headlines, descriptions, marketing angles, and target audience.
  • He will be teaching two types of product descriptions: short form and long form.
  • Short form product descriptions are concise and include bullet points, while long form descriptions are more detailed and persuasive.
  • He provides prompts for both short form and long form descriptions, which are available for free in his Discord.
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Section 3: Short Form and Long Form Prompts

  • Short form prompts generate product titles, descriptions, bullet points, and meta targeting for Facebook ads.
  • Long form prompts generate multiple titles, marketing angles, descriptions, and targeting for a specific product.
  • Short form prompts are suitable for products like men's training shoes, while long form prompts work well for products like dog beds.
  • The generated prompts are creative, persuasive, and easy to copy and paste into a Shopify store.
  • The prompts cover various aspects of the product, such as features, benefits, and targeting options.
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How I Made $367,908 in 30 Days Dropshipping Using ChatGPT in 2023 - YouTube

Section 4: Advantages of Using ChatGPT for Product Descriptions

  • Using ChatGPT for product descriptions saves time and effort in brainstorming and writing compelling content.
  • The prompts generated by ChatGPT are high-quality and can be customized to fit different products and target audiences.
  • ChatGPT provides a structured format for product descriptions, such as the Ada format (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action).
  • The prompts include catchy headlines, persuasive marketing angles, and appealing product benefits.
  • ChatGPT also suggests target audience ideas, making it easier to reach the right customers.
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How to Tailor Your Product Description Using Prompts

  • Use a prompt that tailors your product description to the product title and marketing angle you chose.
  • Write five headlines and one product description using the title number and marketing angle.
  • Keep the headlines short and without the product type.
  • Example headlines: "Give your pup the ultimate Comfort experience," "Luxury Supreme Comfort," "Unmatched coziness."
  • The product description should grab attention right away and dive into everything you want to talk about.
  • These prompts can help you in your business and get you to your revenue goals faster.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How I Made $367,908 in 30 Days Dropshipping Using ChatGPT in 2023 - YouTube

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