How I Made $4,919 from Scratch with Affiliate Marketing - [Extreme Mindset Hacks]

Last updated: Jun 2, 2023

The video Mohammed is about the mindset hacks the creator used to make almost $5,000 from scratch with affiliate marketing, and how he shifted his mindset to tap into the abundance of the universe.

The video is about how the creator made almost $5,000 from scratch using affiliate marketing and mindset hacks.

He talks about how he made the money effortlessly and without intending to make that much. He shares his mental shift and mindset hacks that helped him tap into the wealth available to everyone and realize that lack doesn't actually exist.

He emphasizes the importance of realizing the truth behind the world and the power of asking the Creator for anything you want.

The video is not a step-by-step guide but rather a discussion of the hidden things he did to make the money.

  • The video discusses mindset hacks used to make almost $5,000 from scratch with affiliate marketing.
  • The creator shifted his mindset to tap into the abundance of the universe.
  • The video is not a step-by-step guide, but rather a discussion of the hidden things the creator did to make money.
  • The creator realized that all humans are abundant and not poor.
  • The creator manifested the exact amount of money he needed to pay for his pilgrimage to Mecca and other expenses.
  • The creator used affiliate marketing to make money and recommends finding a niche that you are passionate about and promoting products that you believe in.
  • Acting through inspiration leads to the best effort and results.
  • Flowing through inspiration means forgetting yourself and letting God flow through you.
  • Realize that good things can be simple and that your mind may try to complicate things.

How I Made $4,919 from Scratch with Affiliate Marketing - [Extreme Mindset Hacks] - YouTube

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  • The video is about the mindset hacks the creator used to make almost $5,000 from scratch with affiliate marketing.
  • The creator shifted his mindset to tap into the abundance of the universe.
  • The video may sound schizo, but the creator believes that not talking about these things would be a disservice to his audience.
  • The video is not a step-by-step guide, but rather a discussion of the hidden things the creator did to make money.
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Mental Shift

  • The creator realized that all humans are abundant and not poor.
  • Even if someone thinks they are poor, it is just their brain believing it.
  • The creator shifted his mindset to believe that his wealth was with the creator of the universe, not in his bank account.
  • He realized that the creator has unlimited wealth and abundance, and tapped into it to get what he wanted.
  • The creator believes that everyone has access to this abundance and just needs to ask for what they want.
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  • The creator manifested the exact amount of money he needed to pay for his pilgrimage to Mecca and other expenses.
  • He believed that he could get what he wanted without decreasing his wealth.
  • The creator asked the universe for what he wanted and believed that he would receive it.
  • He believes that manifestation is about having a clear intention and belief that what you want is already yours.
  • The creator believes that anyone can manifest what they want by tapping into the abundance of the universe.
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How I Made $4,919 from Scratch with Affiliate Marketing - [Extreme Mindset Hacks] - YouTube

Affiliate Marketing

  • The creator used affiliate marketing to make money.
  • He believes that affiliate marketing is a great way to make money because it is passive income.
  • The creator recommends finding a niche that you are passionate about and promoting products that you believe in.
  • He believes that building trust with your audience is key to being successful in affiliate marketing.
  • The creator recommends being honest and transparent with your audience about the products you promote.
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  • The creator believes that anyone can tap into the abundance of the universe to manifest what they want.
  • He recommends having a clear intention and belief that what you want is already yours.
  • The creator believes that affiliate marketing is a great way to make passive income.
  • He recommends finding a niche that you are passionate about and promoting products that you believe in.
  • The creator believes that building trust with your audience is key to being successful in affiliate marketing.
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Realizing the Abundance of the Universe

  • The universe is infinite and abundant.
  • Asking the Creator for what you want can lead to inspiration and coincidences.
  • People often do things that turn out to be perfect without intending to.
  • Accessing the abundance of the universe led to making money through the Amazon influencer program.
  • Effort that comes from inspiration often leads to the best results.
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Acting Through Inspiration

  • Acting through inspiration leads to the best effort and results.
  • Great people in history, like Kobe Bryant, acted through inspiration.
  • Asking Allah for what you want and then forgetting yourself can lead to flowing and acting through inspiration.
  • Acting through inspiration brings blessings and leads to reaching goals.
  • Putting 100% trust in Allah can lead to wealth, like a bird's sustenance.
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Using Inspiration to Make Money

  • Made almost $5,000 from scratch with affiliate marketing through the Amazon influencer program.
  • Made almost 600 videos of products around the house to make money through the program.
  • Money made through the program paid for expenses related to a marriage.
  • Used the same idea of acting through inspiration to make money through drop shipping.
  • Acting through inspiration led to finding a winning product without using research tools.
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Flowing Through Inspiration

  • Flowing through inspiration means forgetting yourself and letting God flow through you.
  • Thinking is too slow, so it's better to act through inspiration.
  • Putting trust in Allah leads to flowing through inspiration and reaching goals.
  • When Allah loves you, he becomes the hearing, eyes, hands, and feet through which you act.
  • Acting through inspiration leads to forgetting who you are and just flowing.
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Mindset Hacks for Affiliate Marketing

  • Realize that you are not your brain and distinguish between inspirational and negative thoughts.
  • Put a goal to yourself and ignore the negative mind that tries to put you down.
  • Learn to become in tune with your intuition and live through the heart.
  • Control your mind and become aware of what's happening inside your head and body.
  • Use meditation to be aware of the thoughts that are coming and let them pass by.
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Distinguishing Between the Mind and the Heart

  • Realize that your mind is not you and that you are the one that's aware of these things.
  • Separate the bad mind and the good mind to know who is inspiring you to do things that are right.
  • Learn to ignore the negative mind and become in tune with your intuition.
  • Live through the heart and become harmonious with the Earth.
  • Ask for something and act upon the inspiration that comes from a good place.
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Living Through the Heart

  • Realize that good things can be simple and that your mind may try to complicate things.
  • Distinguish between the mind and the heart to come from a heart Consciousness.
  • Flow through inspiration and act upon it without the need to think.
  • Find inspiration from the bank account that you have with Allah, the infinite wealth.
  • Live through the heart to become in tune with the universe and tap into its abundance.
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  • Shift your mindset to tap into the abundance of the universe.
  • Realize that you are not your brain and learn to control it.
  • Distinguish between the mind and the heart to live through the heart and become in tune with the universe.
  • Find inspiration from the infinite wealth of Allah and act upon it without the need to think.
  • Live through the heart to become harmonious with the Earth and achieve success in affiliate marketing.
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Mindset Hacks for Affiliate Marketing Success

  • The Matrix is the mind, which is polluted by limiting beliefs from external sources.
  • The heart is always pure and connected to the infinite source of the universe.
  • Realize that you are a droplet of water from the infinite ocean of the universe.
  • Escape the matrix by going beyond the mind and tapping into the abundance of the universe.
  • When you live from the heart consciousness, doors of opportunities will open up for you.
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The Beauty of Living from the Heart Consciousness

  • Realize that bad things are not inherently bad, but it's our mind that labels them as such.
  • Living from the heart consciousness brings joy and comfort to yourself and others.
  • Living from the heart consciousness opens up doors of opportunities and success.
  • People who are successful and joyful are living from the heart consciousness.
  • These mindset hacks are important for personal growth and success in all areas of life.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How I Made $4,919 from Scratch with Affiliate Marketing - [Extreme Mindset Hacks] - YouTube

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