How To Earn Money with a FACEBOOK PAGE!

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

This video is about how to earn money with a Facebook page, specifically through affiliate marketing, as the speaker explains the various requirements and limitations of other methods such as ads, fan subscriptions, brand collaborations, stars, and events.

This video by John Crestani was published on Nov 10, 2021.
Video length: 11:09.

This video is about how to earn money with a Facebook page.

The speaker, John Crostani, explains that while there are various ways to make money on Facebook such as ads, brand collaborations, fans, stars, and events, these methods have strict requirements and are not beginner-friendly. Instead, he suggests using affiliate marketing as a business model. By joining an affiliate network like Amazon Associates and recommending products through links on Facebook, users can earn a commission when people make purchases through their recommendations.

Crostani claims to have made millions of dollars using this method and criticizes Facebook for being greedy and not supportive of beginners trying to make money on their platform.

  • Earning money through ads shown on your videos.
  • Earning money through fan subscriptions.
  • Earning money through brand collaborations.
  • Earning money through stars on live streams.
  • Earning money through events.
  • Facebook's requirements and limitations for earning money are seen as ridiculous and not beginner-friendly.
  • Affiliate marketing is a viable option for earning money with a Facebook page.

How To Earn Money with a FACEBOOK PAGE! - YouTube

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Ways to Earn Money from Facebook

  • Earning money through ads shown on your videos.
  • Earning money through fan subscriptions.
  • Earning money through brand collaborations.
  • Earning money through stars on live streams.
  • Earning money through events.
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Requirements and Limitations of Earning Money from Facebook

  • For ads, you need 10,000 followers and 600,000 total minutes viewed in the last 60 days.
  • For fan subscriptions, you need 10,000 followers and 50,000 post engagements.
  • For brand collaborations, there are even more requirements.
  • For stars, you can earn a penny if someone gives you a star on a live stream.
  • Events have their own requirements, but they are not discussed in detail.
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Earning Money with Affiliate Marketing

  • Affiliate marketing is a business model where you earn a commission by recommending products.
  • You can join an affiliate network like Amazon Associates.
  • You can post affiliate links on Facebook to recommend products.
  • When people click on your links and make a purchase, you earn a commission.
  • Affiliate marketing is a way for beginners to make money on Facebook.
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How To Earn Money with a FACEBOOK PAGE! - YouTube

Facebook's Greed and Limitations

  • Facebook's requirements and limitations for earning money are seen as ridiculous and not beginner-friendly.
  • Facebook is considered a greedy and evil corporation.
  • Facebook's various ways of making money are seen as restrictive and not beneficial for creators.
  • Affiliate marketing is seen as a way to bypass Facebook's limitations and earn money from product recommendations.
  • Facebook's focus on monetization has led to dissatisfaction among creators.
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Affiliate Marketing as a Money-Making Method

  • Events, ads, fan subscriptions, brand collaborations, stars, and other methods don't work for normal people.
  • Affiliate marketing is a viable option for earning money with a Facebook page.
  • Join an affiliate network like Amazon or Clickbank.
  • Choose a niche or product category that you are passionate about.
  • Recommend products in that niche and earn commissions for every sale.
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Choosing a Niche and Product Category

  • Choose a niche or product category that you are excited about and can recommend to others.
  • Regardless of the niche, it takes time to start earning money as an entrepreneur.
  • Examples of niches: investing, crafts and jewelry, camping, kayaking, etc.
  • Focus on a product or category that you love talking about.
  • Building a career as an entrepreneur takes time and effort.
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Building a Facebook Page or Group

  • Sign up for an affiliate program like Clickbank, Amazon, or the speaker's own program.
  • Create a Facebook page or group around your specific niche.
  • Examples: "Moms Working at Home in Atlanta" or "Freelance Designers United."
  • Focus on topics related to your niche and provide valuable content.
  • Invite people to join your group and share your affiliate links in your posts.
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Posting Content and Affiliate Links

  • Post valuable content related to your niche, such as memes, images, or motivational posts.
  • For every promotional post with your affiliate link, share four other valuable content posts.
  • Find content from Google, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc., related to working from home or becoming an online entrepreneur.
  • Include your affiliate link in promotional posts to earn commissions.
  • Engage with your audience and provide valuable information to build trust.
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How to Earn Money with a Facebook Page

  • The video discusses how to earn money with a Facebook page through affiliate marketing.
  • The speaker explains the limitations and requirements of other methods such as ads, fan subscriptions, brand collaborations, stars, and events.
  • They ask for feedback on whether anyone has been successful in earning money through these methods.
  • The speaker encourages viewers to like and subscribe to the video for more content on specific tactics to make money with Facebook.
  • They mention a video on their channel called "Free Traffic Methods" where they break down specific methods for getting engagements on Facebook.
  • The video ends with a thank you and goodbye.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How To Earn Money with a FACEBOOK PAGE! - YouTube

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