How To Make Money as a 14 Year Old (No Bullsh*t Guide)

Last updated: Jul 21, 2023

This video is about how a 14-year-old can make money, with the speaker sharing their personal experiences and advice on taking action and finding opportunities to make money.

This video by Srijan was published on Jun 24, 2023.
Video length: 06:20.


The video is a guide on how to make money as a 14-year-old.

The speaker shares their personal experience of selling a popular drink called Prime at their school and making a profit. They emphasize the importance of taking action and not overthinking, as well as utilizing skills and resources that are readily available.

The video also mentions the need for a long-term plan to achieve financial freedom.


  • You don't need to watch side hustle videos to make money, you just need the mindset to capitalize on opportunities.
  • Look for opportunities around you, such as selling items or offering services.
  • Take action on the ideas you have and start offering your services or products.
  • Short-term goals are about making some money for personal expenses.
  • Long-term goals should focus on creating financial freedom.

How To Make Money as a 14 Year Old (No Bullsh*t Guide) - YouTube

How To Make Money as a 14 Year Old (No Bullsh*t Guide) 001

Section 1: Mindset and Taking Action

  • You don't need to watch side hustle videos to make money, you just need the mindset to capitalize on opportunities.
  • Take action and don't overthink it.
  • Start by buying something or taking the first step.
  • Get in the habit of taking action and taking risks.
  • Don't be discouraged by not making money yet, just start.
How To Make Money as a 14 Year Old (No Bullsh*t Guide) 002

Section 2: Finding Opportunities

  • Look for opportunities around you, such as selling items or offering services.
  • Use platforms like Kijiji or Facebook Marketplace to buy and resell products.
  • Identify skills or talents you have that can be monetized, such as teaching guitar or shoveling snow.
  • Don't underestimate the value you can provide, even as a teenager.
  • Brainstorm ideas and think about what people around you are willing to pay for.
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Section 3: Taking Action and Providing Value

  • Take action on the ideas you have and start offering your services or products.
  • Don't let doubts or age hold you back, people will pay for value regardless of your age.
  • Focus on providing value to your customers or clients.
  • Consider what skills or knowledge you can offer that others may find valuable.
  • Think long-term and find ways to create a sustainable income stream.
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How To Make Money as a 14 Year Old (No Bullsh*t Guide) - YouTube

Section 4: Short-Term vs Long-Term Goals

  • Short-term goals are about making some money for personal expenses.
  • Long-term goals should focus on creating financial freedom.
  • Use short-term opportunities to fund your long-term goals.
  • Consider starting a business or investing in assets that can generate passive income.
  • Think about how you can build a sustainable income stream that will set you free in the long run.
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How to Make Money as a 14 Year Old

  • Starting a YouTube channel is a long-term way to make money and achieve financial freedom.
  • Short-term ways to make money include doing tasks like snow shoveling or teaching guitar.
  • Having a business long-term is important for setting yourself free financially.
  • Starting a YouTube channel is recommended for long-term money-making.
  • Desperation for making money is a good sign that you will soon start making money.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How To Make Money as a 14 Year Old (No Bullsh*t Guide) - YouTube

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