How To Make Money As A Teenager? (5 SECRETS)

Last updated: Jul 22, 2023

The video is about how teenagers can make money, with the speaker giving five secrets to becoming a teenage millionaire, including having multiple streams of income, dedicating time to learning different crafts and side hustles, understanding the importance of money, and focusing on saving when starting out.

This video by KyWavyyy was published on Jul 7, 2023.
Video length: 04:17.


The video is about how to make money as a teenager.

The speaker, Kyle, shares five secrets to becoming a teenage millionaire. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that teenagers have time to make money and not to feel like a failure if they are not making as much money as they want at a young age. He also advises having multiple streams of income and dedicating time to learning different crafts and side hustles. Kyle emphasizes the importance of money and saving, stating that money is not the root of all evil and that it is necessary for survival and to support oneself and one's family.

He encourages viewers to focus on saving when starting from zero and then focus on making more money once established.


  • Teenagers have plenty of time to make money and should not feel like failures if they are not making as much money as they want.
  • Having multiple streams of income is important for making money as a teenager.
  • Dedication and hard work are necessary to make money from different sources.

How To Make Money As A Teenager? (5 SECRETS) - YouTube

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Section 1: You Have Time

  • Teenagers have plenty of time to make money and should not feel like failures if they are not making as much money as they want.
  • Success takes time and everyone goes through low moments.
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Section 2: Multiple Streams of Income

  • Having multiple streams of income is important for making money as a teenager.
  • Examples of multiple streams of income include running a YouTube channel, a marketing agency, a dropshipping site, and a clothing brand.
  • Getting a job and starting an online business are other ways to have multiple streams of income.
  • Dedication and hard work are necessary to make money from different sources.
  • Some teenagers are working two jobs and making a lot of money.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How To Make Money As A Teenager? (5 SECRETS) - YouTube

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