I Make $1.3M/Year With One Skill

Last updated: Jan 1, 1970

The video is about a solopreneur who makes $1.3 million a year by offering a productized design service with a unique pricing strategy, and he shares how he runs his business with zero employees from the comfort of his own home.

The video is about a solopreneur named Brad who makes $1.3 million a year with a productized service business model that sells design packages to clients for a fixed monthly fee. He runs the business from his home with no employees and uses a Trello board to manage client requests. Brad's pricing strategy is unique and he charges a fixed fee for unlimited requests, which has made him one of the highest-paid solopreneurs in the world. He advises others to find their niche, bundle their services, and come up with attractive pricing to start their own productized service business. The cost to run Brad's business is $176 a month.

  • A solopreneur makes $1.3 million a year with a unique pricing strategy.
  • He offers a productized design service and runs his business with zero employees from home.
  • Brad started building this idea while working a nine-to-five job.
  • Brad sells design as a subscription-based productized service.
  • Brad's pricing strategy involves offering off-the-shelf packages with unlimited requests.
  • Brad's business costs him precisely $176 a month to run.
  • The solopreneur did not go to school for design and taught himself how to do it.

I Make $1.3M/Year With One Skill - YouTube

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  • The video is about a solopreneur who makes $1.3 million a year with a unique pricing strategy.
  • He offers a productized design service and runs his business with zero employees from home.
  • Brad started building this idea while working a nine-to-five job.
  • The secret behind his business is a pricing strategy that nobody else is using.
  • He shares everything in the video, including how he got his first client and how anyone can build a life-changing business while still working a day job.
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Productized Service

  • Brad sells design as a subscription-based productized service.
  • Clients pay around $5,000 a month for a certain number of design requests.
  • He has no contractors or employees and uses Trello boards for clients to submit design requests.
  • He works on requests one by one and sends them to clients for feedback.
  • He has no meetings with clients, and all communication happens asynchronously.
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Pricing Strategy

  • Brad's pricing strategy involves offering off-the-shelf packages with unlimited requests.
  • Clients pay a fixed price no matter how much or how little they use the service.
  • He has some clients who pay $5,000 an hour for one request and others who pay $300 for several requests.
  • He advises others to find their niche and bundle their services into packages with attractive pricing.
  • He suggests standing up a simple website to get started.
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I Make $1.3M/Year With One Skill - YouTube


  • Brad's business costs him precisely $176 a month to run.
  • He uses Trello, Figma, and Zoom for communication and design work.
  • He also uses Stripe for payment processing and QuickBooks for accounting.
  • He has no office or employees, so his overhead costs are minimal.
  • He can dedicate his entire day to design work because he has no meetings or distractions.
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Tools and Marketing

  • The solopreneur uses Figma for design, Webflow for hosting, Adobe and Shutterstock which is the most expensive tool he uses.
  • He uses free versions of other tools including Trello and Airtable.
  • He got clients by posting his product on Product Hunt and building in public.
  • He generates leads through Twitter where he has a mild following.
  • He has not spent a penny on marketing.
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Ideas and Testing

  • The solopreneur does the bare minimum possible to test new ideas quickly.
  • He released a one-page site with scribbles for Design Joy which was a six-hour project.
  • For his course, he recorded some audio files and uploaded them.
  • He recommends releasing something minimally viable and seeing if it bites.
  • He suggests checking out Starter Story for inspiration on how regular people built online businesses to millions in revenue.
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Design Skills

  • The solopreneur did not go to school for design and taught himself how to do it.
  • He mimicked good design that was already out there and surrounded himself with good design.
  • He constantly seeks out good design and follows good designers to stay on top of what's in.
  • He did fake projects like finding a project and redesigning it.
  • He recommends pushing pixels every day to eventually get there.
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Day in the Life and Advice

  • The solopreneur wakes up at 7:30 am and watches the kids till about 10:30 am.
  • He starts work at 11:30 am to 12 pm and works till about 4 to 5 pm.
  • He spends time with the family and does boring stuff like changing diapers and watching TV.
  • He doesn't have any routines except playing video games with his friends every Friday night.
  • He advises believing in yourself and that you're capable of doing it.
  • He wasted time by keeping his main job and keeping Design Joy as a side job.

Watch the video on YouTube:
I Make $1.3M/Year With One Skill - YouTube

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