I’ve Made $500k from Faceless INSTAGRAM Accounts | How to go VIRAL and make passive income

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

This video is about how to create and monetize faceless Instagram accounts, with the speaker sharing their personal experience of making $500k in passive income from these accounts and providing a step-by-step guide on how to go viral and make money on Instagram.

This video by DIGITAL INCOME PROJECT was published on Jun 14, 2023.
Video length: 09:06.

This YouTube video is about how to make passive income and go viral on Instagram using faceless accounts.

The speaker shares their experience of making over $500k from their Instagram accounts and provides a step-by-step blueprint for success. They discuss starting an Instagram account about something you're passionate about, downloading the necessary software, understanding the Instagram algorithm, and creating viral posts and reels. They also provide tips on using Canva and AI voice generators to create engaging content.

The video aims to help viewers achieve similar results and profits by following the strategies outlined.

  • The speaker has made over $500k in passive income from faceless Instagram accounts.
  • Starting an Instagram account about something you're passionate about is crucial.
  • The Instagram algorithm prioritizes watch time, saves, and shares over likes.
  • Canva is a simple design studio that can be used to create viral posts.
  • Instagram has been pushing reels to compete with TikTok, creating an opportunity for faster audience growth.

I’ve Made $500k from Faceless INSTAGRAM Accounts | How to go VIRAL and make passive income - YouTube

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Section 1: Introduction

  • The speaker has made over $500k in passive income from faceless Instagram accounts.
  • They started building Instagram accounts two years ago with little knowledge and turned it into a profitable business.
  • The process can be automated if you follow the blueprint provided.
  • Starting an Instagram account about something you're passionate about is crucial.
  • Download the necessary software for video editing and creating posts.
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Section 2: Understanding the Instagram Algorithm

  • The Instagram algorithm prioritizes watch time, saves, and shares over likes.
  • Typical impressions to time spent looking at a post is between 3-5 seconds.
  • On average, there are 5 saves for every 1000 impressions and 2 shares for every 1000 impressions.
  • Creating posts that exceed these averages can help increase reach and virality.
  • Examples of viral posts that have exceeded normal engagement metrics are shown.
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Section 3: Creating Viral Posts with Canva

  • Canva is a simple design studio that can be used to create viral posts.
  • Using the "hook" technique, the first slide of a post should be bold and intriguing.
  • Using Chat GPT, specific quotes related to the account's niche can be generated.
  • Quotes can be copied and pasted into Canva slides and branded with colors and graphics.
  • Posts like these have the potential to go viral and gain a lot of success.
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I’ve Made $500k from Faceless INSTAGRAM Accounts | How to go VIRAL and make passive income - YouTube

Section 4: Creating Viral Reels

  • Instagram has been pushing reels to compete with TikTok, creating an opportunity for faster audience growth.
  • Examples of reels that have gone viral with millions of likes and followers are shown.
  • Using Chat GPT, motivational quotes can be generated for voiceovers in viral videos.
  • Text-to-speech AI, like 11 Labs, can be used to create voiceovers that match the quotes.
  • Adding a related background to the video can enhance its appeal.
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Section 1: Creating and Monetizing Faceless Instagram Accounts

  • The speaker shares their personal experience of making $500k in passive income from faceless Instagram accounts.
  • They provide a step-by-step guide on how to go viral and make money on Instagram.
  • They recommend using AI photo generators like Mid-Journey, Stable Diffusion, or Leonardo to create images for your account.
  • They suggest using video editing software like Cap Cut to match the images to audio and create engaging content.
  • They emphasize the importance of creating auto captions to increase engagement.
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Section 2: Steps to Increase Virality and Monetize Your Account

  • Before sharing your content, ask yourself if it will capture people's attention, make them want to share, comment, or save it, and if it provides value and substance.
  • Post once a day to maintain relevance without overwhelming your audience.
  • Study insights provided by Instagram, such as reach and engagement, to understand what content is working and replicate its success.
  • Explore different ways to monetize your account, such as advertisements, partnerships, or sponsored posts.
  • Reach out to companies directly through LinkedIn to set up advertising deals and negotiate payment.
  • Consistency is key in building a successful Instagram account, so focus on posting quality content regularly.

Watch the video on YouTube:
I’ve Made $500k from Faceless INSTAGRAM Accounts | How to go VIRAL and make passive income - YouTube

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