Make $10K As A Teenager - 7 Side Hustles

Last updated: Jul 20, 2023

This video is about different side hustles that teenagers can do to make $10,000, including cutting grass, flipping candy, selling Buckeye necklaces, and shoveling driveways.

This video by Austin Rutherford was published on Aug 17, 2020.
Video length: 12:19.


This YouTube video titled "Make $10K As A Teenager - 7 Side Hustles" is about the various ways a teenager can make money and earn $10,000.

The video starts with the creator, Austin Rutherford, explaining how he was able to buy his first house at 19 years old by saving money from his teenage years. He then proceeds to share seven side hustles that can help teenagers make money, including cutting grass, flipping candy, selling Buckeye necklaces, and shoveling driveways.

Austin also emphasizes the importance of hard work and sacrifice in order to achieve financial goals.


  • To make $10,000 mowing lawns, you need to cut 400 lawns at $25 each.
  • Buying candy in bulk and selling it at school can be a profitable side hustle.
  • Selling Buckeye necklaces, a niche market in Ohio, can be lucrative.
  • Shoveling driveways in snowy areas can be a profitable side hustle.
  • Shoveling driveways early in the morning when adults are leaving for work.
  • A friend made $70,000 by flipping sneakers and used the money to invest in real estate.
  • Opportunity to make money by taking care of pools in areas where pools are common.
  • Buying items in bulk with team logos and selling them at games and tailgates.

Make $10K As A Teenager - 7 Side Hustles - YouTube

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Cutting Grass

  • To make $10,000 mowing lawns, you need to cut 400 lawns at $25 each.
  • This means cutting 20 lawns every week for 20 weeks.
  • It requires sacrificing some free time on weekends.
  • Even if you don't have many lawns to cut, it can still add up to a significant amount of money.
  • It is a reliable and straightforward way to make money as a teenager.
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Flipping Candy

  • Buying candy in bulk and selling it at school can be a profitable side hustle.
  • Carrying around two backpacks, one for school and one for candy and gum, is necessary.
  • It may require dealing with school authorities if caught selling candy.
  • It can be a consistent source of income for several years.
  • Flipping candy is a simple and accessible way for teenagers to make money.
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Selling Buckeye Necklaces

  • Selling Buckeye necklaces, a niche market in Ohio, can be lucrative.
  • Collecting Buckeyes, drilling them, and putting them on necklaces is the process.
  • Ohio State football and basketball games are ideal places to sell Buckeye necklaces.
  • Having an assembly line with friends can help increase production.
  • People are more likely to buy from a young entrepreneur selling Buckeye necklaces.
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Make $10K As A Teenager - 7 Side Hustles - YouTube

Shoveling Driveways

  • Shoveling driveways in snowy areas can be a profitable side hustle.
  • It requires physical labor and being available during snowstorms.
  • Not all areas get snow, so this may not be applicable to everyone.
  • It is a seasonal opportunity but can generate a significant amount of money during winter.
  • Shoveling driveways is a reliable way for teenagers to make money in snowy regions.
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Shoveling driveways

  • Shoveling driveways early in the morning when adults are leaving for work.
  • Less competition from other kids who are still sleeping on snow days.
  • Adults may be willing to pay for the service.
  • Tire marks from cars make it more difficult to shovel.
  • Opportunity to make money during snowy weather.
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Flipping sneakers and cars

  • A friend made $70,000 by flipping sneakers and used the money to invest in real estate.
  • Flipping sneakers requires knowledge of the market and finding the right niche.
  • Flipping cars can also be profitable if done correctly.
  • Flipping requires dedication and becoming a master in a specific area.
  • Flipping can be a stepping stone to other investments.
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Pool maintenance

  • Opportunity to make money by taking care of pools in areas where pools are common.
  • Regularly testing water, adding chemicals, and cleaning leaves.
  • Potential to have multiple clients and make a steady income.
  • Requires knowledge of pool maintenance and safety.
  • Can be a seasonal job depending on the location.
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Selling memorabilia at sporting events

  • Buying items in bulk with team logos and selling them at games and tailgates.
  • Opportunity to make money by targeting sports fans.
  • Requires finding suppliers and negotiating bulk prices.
  • Can be a fun way to make money while attending sporting events.
  • Requires knowledge of popular teams and merchandise.
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  • The speaker talks about how he made a lot of money as a teenager and how his parents made him open a bank account to save it.
  • He mentions that if his parents had let him spend his money on unnecessary things, he wouldn't have been able to save enough to buy a house at 19 years old.
  • He shares that he did splurge on a Chrysler 300 car in high school but was able to sell it for the same amount he bought it for.
  • The speaker advises against buying expensive items that will result in losing a lot of money.
  • He encourages teenagers to hustle and make money, and suggests that parents should have their kids watch the video to change their mindset about money.
  • The speaker asks viewers to like, comment, and subscribe to his channel for more content like this.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Make $10K As A Teenager - 7 Side Hustles - YouTube

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