six ways to make money as a full-time student

Last updated: Jul 22, 2023

This video is about six ways for full-time students to make money, including starting a lemonade stand, blogging, getting a part-time job, neighborhood jobs like tutoring or pet sitting, freelancing, and starting a YouTube channel.

This video by Gohar Khan was published on Mar 31, 2023.
Video length: 09:07.


This YouTube video titled "six ways to make money as a full-time student" discusses different methods for students to earn money while in school.

The video starts with the creator sharing their personal experience of running a lemonade stand as a child and a gaming blog as a teenager. They then proceed to explain six methods that students can use to make money, including getting a part-time job, neighborhood jobs like tutoring or pet sitting, freelancing, starting a small business, investing, and participating in paid surveys or online tasks.

The video provides pros and cons for each method and rates them based on earning potential, flexibility, stability, and difficulty.


  • Starting a lemonade stand can be a fun and profitable way for younger students to make money.
  • Starting a blog, particularly in a niche like gaming, can generate passive income through Google AdSense.
  • Getting a part-time job, such as in food service or retail, provides a steady and predictable income.
  • Neighborhood jobs like tutoring, babysitting, pet sitting, and landscaping can offer higher pay than minimum wage.
  • Pros: Fun, social, and can teach valuable business skills; Somewhat passive income and opportunity to improve writing and design skills; Stable income and skill development; Flexibility and higher pay.

six ways to make money as a full-time student - YouTube

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Lemonade Stand

  • Starting a lemonade stand can be a fun and profitable way for younger students to make money.
  • It allows you to work with friends and learn about running a small business.
  • While it may not make a lot of money, it can provide a nice side income.
  • Pros: Fun, social, and can teach valuable business skills.
  • Cons: Limited earning potential and seasonal.
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  • Starting a blog, particularly in a niche like gaming, can generate passive income through Google AdSense.
  • It requires writing and design skills, and a steep learning curve for SEO.
  • Pros: Somewhat passive income and opportunity to improve writing and design skills.
  • Cons: Takes time for content to rank on Google and faces competition.
  • Earning potential: 7, Flexibility: A, Stability: 5, Difficulty: A.
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Part-Time Job

  • Getting a part-time job, such as in food service or retail, provides a steady and predictable income.
  • It offers a structured work environment and opportunities for socializing.
  • Cons: More time-intensive and potentially stressful dealing with customers.
  • Pros: Stable income and skill development.
  • Earning potential: 4, Flexibility: 5, Stability: 7, Difficulty: 5.
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six ways to make money as a full-time student - YouTube

Neighborhood Jobs

  • Neighborhood jobs like tutoring, babysitting, pet sitting, and landscaping can offer higher pay than minimum wage.
  • Pros: Flexibility and higher pay.
  • Cons: Less stability and potential challenges with students or clients.
  • Earning potential: 6, Flexibility: A, Stability: 5, Difficulty: 6.
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  • Selling skills online, such as designing or coding, on websites like Fiverr.
  • Pros: extreme flexibility in terms of when and where to work.
  • Cons: high competition on freelancing websites.
  • Earning potential: 7/10, flexibility: 9/10, stability: 6/10, difficulty: 7/10.
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Creating Content

  • Earning money through ads or brand deals on platforms like YouTube.
  • Pros: unbounded creativity, networking opportunities, forming a community of creators.
  • Cons: need for discipline and patience, consistency in uploading content.
  • Earning potential: 7/10, flexibility: 7/10, stability: 5/10, difficulty: 7/10.

Watch the video on YouTube:
six ways to make money as a full-time student - YouTube

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