How To Start Dropshipping on Shopify in 2023 (For BEGINNERS)

Last updated: May 21, 2023

The video by Tan Choudhury is a tutorial for beginners on how to start a profitable dropshipping business on Shopify in 2023, including tips on product sourcing and using tools like Zen drop and Minia.

The video is a tutorial for beginners on how to start a profitable dropshipping business on Shopify in 2023.

The speaker, who became a millionaire at 22 years old through dropshipping, shares his strategies and tips for success.

He recommends starting with a free Shopify trial and using Zen drop as a fulfillment app.

He also shows two methods for finding potential products to sell, including using a spy tool called Minia and creating an Excel sheet to track product ideas and costs.

The video aims to provide a clear path for viewers to launch their own dropshipping business.

  • Drop Shipping can be difficult for beginners.
  • The video aims to provide a clear path to start a profitable Drop Shipping business.
  • The creator of the video is a high school dropout who became a millionaire through Drop Shipping.
  • The video will provide strategies that have helped the creator reach over 10 million dollars in Drop Shipping sales.
  • Product sourcing apps are essential for Drop Shipping.
  • Zen drop is recommended for its direct advantage over AliExpress.
  • An Excel sheet should be set up to keep track of potential product ideas.
  • After starting the Shopify trial, users can name their store.
  • Using these tools and strategies, beginners can start a profitable dropshipping business on Shopify in 2023.

How To Start Dropshipping on Shopify in 2023 (For BEGINNERS) - YouTube

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  • Drop Shipping can be difficult for beginners.
  • The video aims to provide a clear path to start a profitable Drop Shipping business.
  • The creator of the video is a high school dropout who became a millionaire through Drop Shipping.
  • The video will provide strategies that have helped the creator reach over 10 million dollars in Drop Shipping sales.
  • The first step is to start a free Shopify trial.
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Product Sourcing

  • Product sourcing apps are essential for Drop Shipping.
  • Zen drop is recommended for its direct advantage over AliExpress.
  • An Excel sheet should be set up to keep track of potential product ideas.
  • The spy tool Minia provides 30 viral products every day.
  • Minia includes Facebook and Tick Tock sections with links to the full ad and product.
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Using Zen Drop

  • Zen drop connects users to suppliers all around the United States.
  • Zen drop helps users get fast shipping on products.
  • Users can secure products on Zen drop for a cost plus shipping charge.
  • The cost of goods and retail price should be recorded in the Excel sheet.
  • Competitor prices should be checked to ensure profitability.
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How To Start Dropshipping on Shopify in 2023 (For BEGINNERS) - YouTube

Naming Your Store

  • After starting the Shopify trial, users can name their store.
  • Users can skip the questionnaire and pick their geographic location.
  • After the store finishes populating, users can browse product sourcing apps.
  • Zen drop can be added to the store.
  • Users can name their store later and should use a task store name for now.
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Product Sourcing

  • Find 10 different products to sell.
  • Use the Tick Tock ad section to find products.
  • Sort by Ecom type Shopify and likes.
  • Sort by first scene to find newly trending products.
  • Use Zen drop and Pippy ads to find products.
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Product Selection

  • Compare all the products on your list before selling.
  • Base your product selection on data.
  • Consider profit margin and virality.
  • Aim for a sale price at a minimum of three times the product price.
  • Consider selling products priced between $30 and $80.
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Building Your Store

  • Use the one product store approach.
  • Sell one singular product.
  • Make your store look like the originator of the product.
  • Use the wholesale label to make it look like the only brand selling the product.
  • Command a premium for your product price.
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  • Using these tools and strategies, beginners can start a profitable dropshipping business on Shopify in 2023.
  • Product sourcing and selection should be based on data.
  • Building a one product store can help command a premium for your product price.
  • Impulse decisions should be avoided in favor of data-based decisions.
  • Success rates can go up dramatically with the right strategies and tools.
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Choosing a Brand Name and Creating a Logo

  • Position your brand to avoid competing with Amazon and eBay.
  • Brand your website well and create a customized experience for customers.
  • Choose a brand name that is unique and memorable.
  • Use a tool like Chat Sheet BT to generate brand name ideas.
  • Add words like "shop" or "buy" to your brand name to make it more available.
  • Create a logo that matches your product's color scheme using
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Customizing Your Shopify Store

  • Start with the announcement bar and promote a sale on your products.
  • Remove the default header and upload your logo.
  • Set up your image banner on small.
  • Choose a font and color scheme that matches your brand.
  • Add product categories and collections to your homepage.
  • Include customer reviews and social media links on your homepage.
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Product Sourcing and Pricing

  • Use tools like Zen Drop and Minia to find profitable products.
  • Choose products with high demand and low competition.
  • Price your products at a markup of at least 2.5x the cost.
  • Offer free shipping to increase conversions.
  • Consider offering bundle deals or upsells to increase average order value.
  • Continuously test and optimize your product selection and pricing strategy.
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Marketing and Driving Traffic to Your Store

  • Use social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to promote your products.
  • Run targeted ads to reach your ideal customer demographic.
  • Collaborate with influencers to reach a wider audience.
  • Offer referral discounts to incentivize customers to share your store with their friends.
  • Use email marketing to nurture relationships with your customers and promote new products.
  • Continuously track and analyze your marketing efforts to optimize your strategy.
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Designing Your Website

  • Optimize your website for mobile layout as most traffic will be coming from mobile devices.
  • Change the header banner image by selecting a high-quality image from AliExpress or Shopify's free images.
  • Download Ali save plus tool to download all product photos from AliExpress.
  • Upload the downloaded photos to the banner section of your website.
  • Adjust the opacity of the image and play around with it to make it look better.
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Creating Headlines and Sub-Headlines

  • Use Chachi BT, an AI tool, to come up with all the copy on your website.
  • Prompt Chachi BT to come up with five headlines and sub-headlines for your product.
  • Copy and paste the headline and sub-headline that best represents your product.
  • Interact with Chachi BT to make changes to the headlines and sub-headlines.
  • Change the button to "Shop Now" and set the button color to match your website's color scheme.
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Adding Image with Text Sections

  • Remove all sections except for the banner section and the footer.
  • Add an image with text section and talk about the benefits of your product.
  • Research competitors on Amazon and read customer reviews to learn about the purchasing reasons for your product.
  • List the different activities that your product can be used for in the image with text section.
  • Use Chachi BT to come up with the best use cases for your product.
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Product Sourcing and Using Tools

  • Use Zen Drop and Minia to source products for your dropshipping business.
  • Look for products with high profit margins and low competition.
  • Use Ali save plus tool to download all product photos from AliExpress.
  • Research competitors on Amazon and read customer reviews to learn about the purchasing reasons for your product.
  • Use Chachi BT to come up with headlines and sub-headlines for your website.
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Website Design

  • Bullet points are important for organizing website content.
  • Use a website like emojipedia to add symbols to your website.
  • Bold important words to make them stand out to customers.
  • Add high-quality images to showcase your products.
  • Fill in the footer section with information about your company.
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Color and Typography

  • Use the same color scheme as your logo for consistency.
  • Choose a font that matches the vibe of your website.
  • Make sure your logo is visible on the checkout page.
  • Save your changes after adjusting color and typography.
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Product Import and Listing

  • Use Zen drop to locate and import products to your Shopify store.
  • Change the title of your product to your brand name.
  • Use the Auto write feature to generate product descriptions.
  • Write a compelling product description for better conversions.
  • Add images to your product page to showcase your product.
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  • Use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to advertise your products.
  • Use tools like Minia to create engaging ads.
  • Target your ads to specific audiences to increase conversions.
  • Monitor your ad performance and adjust as needed.
  • Consider using influencers to promote your products.
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Product Description and Pricing

  • Add product images to make the description more consumable.
  • Include bullet points about the product's use cases and benefits.
  • Add a lenient refund policy to increase conversion rates.
  • Ensure that variants are set up correctly.
  • Use the bulk editor to change pricing and compare app pricing.
  • Preview the website and simplify the product page before advertising.
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Shipping and Payments

  • Offer free shipping for the entire world.
  • Activate Shopify payment and integrate PayPal.
  • Download essential apps from the Shopify App Store.
  • Add a review tool to add social proof to the website.
  • Advertising is crucial for making profits.
  • Stay tuned for a detailed tutorial on the best ways to advertise in 2023.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How To Start Dropshipping on Shopify in 2023 (For BEGINNERS) - YouTube

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