I Tried Dropshipping With $0 For 30 days

Last updated: May 21, 2023

The video by Tan Choudhury is about a him and how he created a new dropshipping store with zero dollars. Tan documented the process transparently, sharing the ups and downs of the first month in business and the strategies used to attract customers without spending any money on advertising.

The video is about a high school dropout who became a millionaire through dropshipping and decided to create a new dropshipping store using zero dollars.

He shares the entire process transparently and shows that it's not an overnight success.

He found a winning product by browsing TikTok and Instagram and creating organic content to attract customers without spending any money on advertising.

He spent 30 days creating content and managed to get his first sale on day three. He switched up his content strategy and was able to make a total of $785.93 in the first week, feeling optimistic about the store's potential growth.

  • The video documents the process of creating a dropshipping store with zero dollars.
  • The creator had to find a winning product that had a good profit margin and solved a problem.
  • The creator attracted customers without spending any money on advertising by creating organic content on TikTok and Instagram.
  • The first month had ups and downs, but the creator managed to make sales and start the challenge off well.
  • The second week had consistent results and ramped up content creation.
  • The third week had some turbulence and doubts, but the creator managed to get back on track.
  • The fourth week had crushing sales and the creator finally achieved their goal of making $1000 in a single day.
  • The lessons learned include the importance of consistent content creation, setting goals, and not spending money on ads for higher profit margins.

I Tried Dropshipping With $0 For 30 days - YouTube

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  • The video is about creating a new dropshipping store with zero dollars and documenting the process transparently.
  • The first month in business had a lot of ups and downs.
  • The creator had to find a product that matched the criteria of a winning product.
  • The creator attracted customers to the website without spending any money on advertising.
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Finding a Winning Product

  • A good dropshipping store starts with a good product.
  • The product needs to have a good profit margin and make people's lives easier.
  • The creator found a problem-solving product by browsing TikTok and looking up the hashtag #tiktokmademebuyit.
  • The creator found a winner when they found a TikTok post with hundreds of people asking where they could find the product.
  • The post had only about a thousand likes, which was suspicious, but it was a great opportunity to fulfill the demand.
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Attracting Customers Without Spending Money

  • The creator had only one opportunity to become successful with this store since their budget was zero dollars.
  • The standard avenues for advertising like Facebook ads were completely out of the question.
  • The creator created TikTok and Instagram real content completely organically and tried to get the post viral so customers can see the product.
  • The creator spent a ton of time creating content and it actually went pretty well.
  • The Instagram reels were getting pushed out, but the TikToks were not doing well.
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I Tried Dropshipping With $0 For 30 days - YouTube

Results of the First Month

  • The challenge started on August 16th, and the first day in business did not get any sales.
  • Day two felt pretty similar, and they made zero dollars in sales.
  • Day three things started to pick up, and they managed to get their very first sale.
  • Day six was a super exciting day, and they managed to get three sales for a total of $270.
  • They were able to wrap the first week up at a total of $785.93, which was a good start to the challenge.
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Week Two: Consistent Results and Ramping Up Content

  • Set a goal of making $1000 in a single day.
  • Day one of week two: $159 in sales.
  • Day two of week two: $299 in sales.
  • Generated over $1000 in sales with almost 75% revenue as profit.
  • Day four of week two: hit best day yet at $364 in sales.
  • Day five of week two: smashed record at $399 in sales.
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Week Three: Turbulence and Doubts

  • Feeling nervous as goal of $1000 in a single day had not been achieved yet.
  • Day three of week three: zero sales.
  • Day four of week three: managed to get another sale and jump back on content creation.
  • Day five of week three: back on track with $145 in sales.
  • Day six of week three: biggest day yet at $429 in sales.
  • Week three sales totaled $1159, a decline from the previous week.
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Week Four: Crushing Sales and Close to Goal

  • Day one of week four: biggest sales day yet at over $604 in revenue.
  • Day two of week four: crushed goal again with over $889 in sales.
  • Spent more time on content creation to reach $1000 a day goal.
  • Day three of week four: less sales than the day before despite more views.
  • Rest of the week had inconsistent sales.
  • On day seven, finally broke the goal with an undisclosed amount in sales.
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Lessons Learned

  • Consistent content creation is key to success in dropshipping.
  • Ups and downs are normal in business.
  • Setting goals and pushing through doubts is important.
  • Not spending money on ads can lead to higher profit margins.
  • Success is possible with zero dollars to start.
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Surprising Results from Organic TikTok Traffic

  • On day seven, the store received the most website traffic yet.
  • The store made $2,473 in sales on that day, crushing the $1K per day sales goal.
  • This day's sales were more than the first and third week combined.
  • As of the video, the store had made $429 in sales for the day, all from organic TikTok traffic.
  • The video creator may make a tutorial on how to create content that blows up on TikTok.
  • The video creator may provide another update after 30 more days of running the store.

Watch the video on YouTube:
I Tried Dropshipping With $0 For 30 days - YouTube

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