The Only Marketing Strategy You Need for 2023

Last updated: Jan 1, 1970

The video discusses the importance of social media as a marketing strategy for businesses, particularly those generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year, and encourages viewers to ask themselves how they can use social media to grow their business.

The video discusses the importance of social media as a marketing strategy for businesses, particularly those generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year. The speaker, who grew up in a family business environment, emphasizes the need for businesses to adapt to the changing landscape of social media and to focus on the consumer's needs rather than their own opinions. He encourages businesses to ask themselves if they want to grow their business and to consider the practical energy of his message in hopes that at least three percent of the audience will hear and implement his advice.

  • Social media is a cost-effective way to gain awareness for businesses.
  • Creating content and executing perfectly on the internet can create opportunities for businesses.
  • Small businesses that generate half a million to 10 million dollars a year have higher stakes than larger corporations.
  • Managing a business with more than 10 employees requires a different dynamic than managing a smaller business.
  • Businesses need to focus on the consumer they are trying to reach.
  • Social media is a crucial marketing strategy for businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year.
  • Posting on social media is a non-debatable fact that the people that are outflanking in every micro segment of every business in the output of creative.
  • For the people with 10 or more employees, it's essential to work for them, not the other way around.
  • Businesses need to adapt to changes in technology and marketing strategies to succeed.

The Only Marketing Strategy You Need for 2023 - YouTube

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The Importance of Social Media for Businesses

  • Social media is a cost-effective way to gain awareness for your business.
  • Creating content and executing perfectly on the internet can create opportunities for businesses.
  • Social media has been a successful marketing strategy for businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year.
  • Businesses can use social media to grow their brand and reach a wider audience.
  • Social media can help businesses connect with their customers and build relationships.
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The Stakes for Small Businesses

  • Small businesses that generate half a million to 10 million dollars a year have higher stakes than larger corporations.
  • When small businesses lose market share, it has a significant impact on their livelihood.
  • Small businesses require a different strategy and mindset than larger corporations.
  • Small businesses face unique challenges such as motivating and retaining employees.
  • The speaker grew up in a family business environment and understands the challenges faced by small businesses.
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The Dynamics of Managing Employees

  • Managing a business with more than 10 employees requires a different dynamic than managing a smaller business.
  • There is a whole other layer of challenges such as motivating, retaining, and feeding employees.
  • Managing employees is a significant concern for many businesses.
  • The speaker approaches the topic with a practical energy and hopes to reach three percent of the audience.
  • The speaker understands the challenges faced by businesses and hopes to provide practical advice.
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The Only Marketing Strategy You Need for 2023 - YouTube

The Need to Focus on the Consumer

  • Businesses need to focus on the consumer they are trying to reach.
  • The consumer is not interested in the business owner's opinion of social media.
  • The consumer is interested in living their life, seeing things, and spending their money.
  • Businesses need to ask themselves a simple question: how can they reach their target audience?
  • Social media can help businesses connect with their target audience and build relationships.
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The Importance of Social Media

  • Social media is a crucial marketing strategy for businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year.
  • Businesses need to execute on the reality of what the consumer is doing.
  • Companies and humans in service businesses that are outposting their competitive set are picking up market share.
  • There's just too much attention of society on these seven to ten platforms.
  • The people that are outflanking in every micro segment of every business in the output of creative are picking up market share.
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The Reality of Business Cycles

  • People who navigated 2008 are in a different life cycle now.
  • They're a little more bougie, and their overheads are higher.
  • They're caught because they're softer, and it's not as fun to do the things they had to do in 2008.
  • It was much more fun to do the things they did in 2019 because it was easier.
  • The people who have the stomach for it will separate themselves from those who don't.
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The Importance of Posting on Social Media

  • Posting on social media is a non-debatable fact that the people that are outflanking in every micro segment of every business in the output of creative.
  • The companies and humans in service businesses that are outposting their competitive set are picking up market share.
  • Posting 12 different creative posts across five different social networks a day is essential.
  • Posting between 8 and 15 pieces of content on LinkedIn, YouTube Shorts, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok every day is crucial.
  • The people that are outflanking in every micro segment of every business in the output of creative are picking up market share.
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The Importance of Being a Good Boss

  • For the people with 10 or more employees, it's essential to work for them, not the other way around.
  • Getting into that mindset gets real good real fast if you actually care about them, not what they are supposed to do for you.
  • That's being an actual boss.
  • It's crucial to be accountable to others, to your family, and to be a good boss.
  • It's essential to work for them, not them for you.
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The Importance of Social Media for Businesses

  • Businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year should use social media as a marketing strategy.
  • Ignoring social media can lead to losing market share to competitors.
  • Referrals are great, but businesses need to get more to keep going.
  • Retiring in the next five years without a solid social media presence can be detrimental to a business.
  • Social media is becoming more relevant and necessary for businesses to succeed.
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The Changing Landscape of Technology

  • Technology is constantly changing and evolving.
  • Search engine optimization and search engine marketing are no longer guaranteed execution strategies due to advancements in chat GPT and artificial intelligence.
  • Microsoft's 10 billion dollar investment in chat GPT could lead to Bing becoming the new search engine leader.
  • Being under 35 provides advantages in understanding and adapting to new technology.
  • Experience and knowledge gained from patterns and trends are advantages for those over 35.
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The Power of Social Media Marketing

  • Posting one video on Instagram reels or TikTok can lead to more leads in a 24-hour window than an entire year of traditional marketing strategies.
  • Choosing not to use social media as a marketing strategy is a decision that can lead to missed opportunities.
  • Subjective opinions and decisions can hinder a business's success on social media.
  • Supply and demand is a simple concept that applies to social media marketing opportunities.
  • Data shows that social media marketing is a necessary strategy for businesses to succeed in the current market.
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The Need to Adapt to Change

  • Businesses need to adapt to changes in technology and marketing strategies to succeed.
  • Ignoring new opportunities and trends can lead to missed opportunities and loss of market share.
  • Adapting to change requires a willingness to learn and try new things.
  • Businesses need to focus on what their customers want and need, not their own personal opinions or biases.
  • Adapting to change is necessary for long-term success and growth.
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The Opportunity of Under Supply

  • Understanding supply and demand is crucial for making decisions.
  • There is a remarkable opportunity due to too much consumption and not enough posts against demand.
  • LinkedIn is a cozy place for businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year.
  • LinkedIn is acting the way Facebook did about 12 years ago.
  • There is an enormous opportunity on LinkedIn, and you don't even have to make videos.
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How to Dominate LinkedIn

  • Written word on LinkedIn crushes the written word.
  • The post should be about something bigger than you.
  • Treat it as if you work for Bloomberg or the Wall Street Journal.
  • There is a level of localization to this.
  • The combo of LinkedIn and Facebook is a remarkable brand building exercise.
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Running Out of Ideas

  • After a couple of months, you start to run out of ideas.
  • Start following other people on Instagram and Tick Tock to spark ideas.
  • When somebody calls your bluff and does it for three months, it opens up a whole different game.
  • You can make a video about anything that matters to you or that you also know.
  • One of you makes 71 posts on all these platforms like we talked about over two months.
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The Importance of Social Media

  • Social media is crucial as a marketing strategy for businesses.
  • Ask yourself how you can use social media to grow your business.
  • LinkedIn should be a place you should dominate.
  • There's nothing intimidating about LinkedIn.
  • There's an enormous opportunity on LinkedIn right now.
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The Power of Social Media

  • Businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year should use social media as a marketing strategy.
  • Creating content that people actually want to watch is key to success on social media.
  • Micro branding around a specific subject matter can lead to increased word-of-mouth referrals and reputation.
  • Referral business can become bigger than core business through social media marketing.
  • Social media marketing costs zero dollars and can provide awareness without having to pay for it.
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The Opportunity in 2023

  • The greatest opportunity in 2023 for businesses is to use social media as a marketing strategy.
  • Micro branding around a specific subject matter can lead to increased market share.
  • Businesses that understand and use social media marketing are picking up market share.
  • Referral business can become bigger than core business through social media marketing.
  • Using social media marketing can lead to referring out leads in areas that businesses don't do business in.
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The Importance of Branding

  • Micro branding around a specific subject matter is key to success on social media.
  • Word-of-mouth referrals and reputation are important aspects of branding.
  • Brand is only as big as the people that businesses have done business with and the people they've told.
  • Using social media marketing can lead to increased brand awareness and market share.
  • Nike is an example of a company that has built its brand through years of branding efforts.
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The Power of Social Media Marketing

  • Social media marketing costs zero dollars and can provide awareness without having to pay for it.
  • Businesses can get a full page ad in the newspaper for free through social media marketing.
  • Tick Tock has led to increased awareness on social media without having to pay for it.
  • Using social media marketing can lead to increased market share and referral business.
  • Social media marketing is an opportunity for businesses to stand out in a crowded market.
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The Importance of Social Media

  • Social media is a free marketing strategy that requires work.
  • It is the best opportunity to get serious about social media because of the double dynamic of organic reach and the industry going on heavy defense.
  • Businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year should ask themselves how they can use social media to grow their business.
  • People who consistently follow the blueprint of social media marketing will see results.
  • It is important to take social media seriously and pick up market share.
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Advice for Using Social Media

  • Consistently post five days a week on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
  • Focus on providing useful and informative content.
  • Don't worry about the lighting or other details, just talk.
  • Collaborate with others and do stitches and duets.
  • Set Google Alerts for terms in your industry to stay up-to-date on news and have thoughts on what it means.
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The Time and Effort Required

  • Social media requires time and effort, but it can be reduced to as little as eight minutes a day once you stop overthinking everything.
  • It is important to have the right mentality and put in the time to see results.
  • It took hundreds of videos for multiple years before anyone watched Gary Vaynerchuk's wine show.
  • It is important to collaborate with others and stay up-to-date on industry news to create more effective content.
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The Importance of Results

  • It is important to measure the results of social media marketing to determine if the time and effort put in is worth it.
  • Businesses should focus on generating tangible leads and a positive ROI.
  • Providing useful and informative content can help generate more leads and a positive ROI.
  • It is important to stay committed to social media marketing and not give up too soon.
  • Results may take time, but they will come with consistent effort and the right mentality.
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Importance of Social Media for Marketing

  • Encourages businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year to use social media to grow their business.
  • Discusses the importance of creating different types of content on social media.
  • Emphasizes the need to allocate at least 30 minutes a day to social media marketing.
  • Warns against paying referral fees in the future due to the rise of artificial intelligence.
  • Stresses the importance of brand, sales, and business in social media marketing.
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Short Form vs. Long Form Content

  • Short form content and vertical concepts are the easiest route to go due to shorter attention spans.
  • Long form content on YouTube is also effective, as demonstrated by Mr. Beast's success.
  • Compares the ROI of a basketball to the ROI of social media content.
  • States that both short form and long form content can be successful, depending on the individual's strengths.
  • Suggests creating a 20-minute podcast interviewing every local business in town to gain exposure and potential clients.
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Strategy for Creating Content

  • Suggests starting a local podcast to interview small business owners in the area.
  • Emphasizes the ease of finding guests for the podcast, as most small business owners will say yes to being interviewed.
  • Explains how the long form podcast can be chopped up into shorter pieces for social media.
  • Encourages businesses to dig under the hood and put in the work to create content.
  • Stresses the importance of being curious and focused in creating content.
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Personal Experience and Advice

  • Shares personal experience with predicting the success of Uber and the importance of technology in business.
  • Encourages businesses to have a growth mindset and not to dismiss social media as ineffective for their industry.
  • Stresses the importance of brand, sales, and business in social media marketing.
  • Encourages businesses to be creative in their social media strategy and to think outside the box.
  • Emphasizes the need to stay ahead of the competition and not to lollygag in social media marketing.
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Maximizing Social Media for Business Growth

  • Importance of social media as a marketing strategy for businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year
  • Using social media to increase awareness of business
  • Maximizing content for social media by taking clips from longer videos
  • Not focusing too much on the aesthetic of the grid, but rather on maximizing content for people's feeds
  • Using data to confirm the effectiveness of social media marketing
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Highlights and Click-Throughs on Social Media

  • Highlights on Instagram pages are a nice tactic, but click-throughs are small compared to post-by-post content
  • Not necessary to spend time thinking about highlights
  • Going through multiple platforms does not confuse people, but rather shows subconscious bias
  • Contextualizing content for different social platforms, such as being more fun and free on TikTok
  • Posting the same video on different platforms is okay, but changing the copy is important
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Forward Thinking in Social Media Marketing

  • Chat GPT is a forward-thinking technology that is already here
  • Being practical and passionate about today, rather than being a visionary
  • Not being excited about yesterday, but being scared about tomorrow because of the possibility of guessing wrong
  • Chat GPT is a technology that everyone should look up on Google
  • Encouraging people to stay up-to-date with new technologies and trends in social media marketing
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Advice for Social Media Marketing Services

  • Contextualizing content for different industries and social platforms
  • Being addicted to the growth of business through social media marketing
  • Maximizing content for people's feeds, rather than focusing too much on the aesthetic of the grid
  • Using data to confirm the effectiveness of social media marketing
  • Changing the copy when posting the same video on different platforms
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Importance of Social Media for Businesses

  • Social media is a crucial marketing strategy for businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year.
  • Businesses need to ask themselves how they can use social media to grow their business.
  • Chat GPT is a new tool that uses artificial intelligence to help businesses write articles and posts for social media.
  • Chat GPT can help businesses save time and effort in creating content for social media.
  • Schools are banning Chat GPT because students are using it to write papers in seconds.
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Using Chat GPT for LinkedIn Posts

  • Chat GPT can help businesses create LinkedIn posts quickly and easily.
  • Businesses can use Chat GPT to write articles comparing interest rates from different years.
  • After using Chat GPT, businesses can edit and add their own personal touch to the content.
  • Using Chat GPT for LinkedIn posts can save businesses time and effort in creating content.
  • Businesses can create multiple LinkedIn posts in a short amount of time using Chat GPT.
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Posting Content with Children in the Background

  • Posting content with children in the background is a personal decision for parents.
  • Parents need to consider the potential impact on their children's privacy and self-esteem.
  • Posting content with children can increase engagement, but it should not be the sole reason for including them.
  • Parents need to instill self-esteem in their children to help them navigate the pros and cons of society.
  • Ultimately, the decision to include children in content is up to the parents and how they see the world.
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The Power of Doing the Right Thing in Marketing

  • Doing the right thing in marketing can double a business's revenue.
  • The speaker hopes that attendees will email him in three years to say that this talk doubled their business.
  • The speaker's book, Jab Jab Jab Right Hook, was a collection of examples of posts on Facebook and Twitter.
  • The speaker is writing a follow-up book, Jab Jab Jab Left Hook, based on a talk he gave 10 years ago.
  • The speaker believes that doing the right thing in marketing is the key to success.
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Using Social Media for Business Growth

  • Social media is an important marketing strategy for businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year.
  • Businesses should ask themselves how they can use social media to grow their business.
  • Businesses should focus on posting on LinkedIn, YouTube shorts, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
  • Posting on these platforms can help businesses build their brand and referral opportunities.
  • Businesses should reply to people on Twitter who are searching for terms related to their business.
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Using Personal Names on Social Media

  • Using a personal name on social media is a good idea if you are willing to go there.
  • Using a personal name can help you build a platform that you can use for different purposes in the future.
  • Using a personal name can help you avoid having to start over with a new platform in the future.
  • Using a personal name can help you build a platform that you can use for a side hustle or other interests in the future.
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Be Real as a Marketing Platform

  • Be Real is a platform for adults.
  • Be Real is not currently an important platform for businesses.
  • Be Real was a singular platform that took advantage of both cameras on a phone.
  • Other platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram, have copied Be Real's features and killed its momentum.
  • Businesses should focus on posting on LinkedIn, YouTube shorts, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook instead of Be Real.
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Posting on Different Social Media Platforms

  • Businesses should focus on posting on LinkedIn, YouTube shorts, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
  • Posting on these platforms can help businesses build their brand and referral opportunities.
  • Businesses should reply to people on Twitter who are searching for terms related to their business.
  • Businesses should post one time a day on all of these platforms.
  • Businesses should also have a Facebook fan page.
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Importance of Social Media for Businesses

  • Social media is word of mouth on steroids.
  • Referral-based industries that don't take social media seriously are missing out.
  • Social media is a powerful marketing strategy for businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year.
  • Businesses should ask themselves how they can use social media to grow their business.
  • Tick-Tock is a great platform to reach the attention of 18 to 35-year-olds.
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Advice on Social Media from Gary Vaynerchuk

  • Gary Vaynerchuk is open to answering questions about social media and often says yes to requests for help.
  • He has done hundreds of podcasts that have no views because he wasn't big enough at the time.
  • Reading his book "Crush It!" has been a game changer for some businesses.
  • Businesses should take social media seriously and be consistent with their posts.
  • Businesses should ask for help if they don't know how to use social media effectively.
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Snapchat and Other Social Media Platforms

  • Snapchat has a platform called Spotlight that is similar to other social media feeds.
  • Snapchat is a good platform for businesses because it disappears, but it is a step behind other platforms.
  • Tick-Tock and Instagram are the best platforms to reach 18 to 35-year-olds.
  • Businesses should focus on these platforms to build leads for the next decade.
  • Consistency is key to success on social media.
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Advice for Businesses New to Social Media

  • Businesses should take social media seriously and be consistent with their posts.
  • Businesses should ask for help if they don't know how to use social media effectively.
  • Editing and making videos can be challenging, but it is important to take it seriously.
  • Businesses should aim for five posts a day every day to get 100 referrals from social media.
  • Not taking social media seriously is the reason why some businesses struggle to succeed on these platforms.
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The Importance of Social Media as a Marketing Strategy

  • Social media is a crucial marketing strategy for businesses generating half a million to 10 million dollars a year.
  • Businesses should ask themselves how they can use social media to grow their business.
  • Many people fear posting on social media due to the fear of negative comments and not getting enough views.
  • If someone takes the time to come to your page and make you feel bad, you should feel bad for them, not yourself.
  • Businesses should not let insecurities hold them back from taking advantage of social media as a marketing tool.
  • It is important to remember that everyone gets to rock their own style and present themselves in a way that makes them comfortable.

Watch the video on YouTube:
The Only Marketing Strategy You Need for 2023 - YouTube

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