The Real Reason Why Most People Don't Produce Content

Last updated: Jun 24, 2023

This video by GaryVee Video Experience discusses the importance of creating content and building a personal brand on social media, but emphasizes that emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in this endeavor.

The video discusses the reasons why most people don't produce content on social media. The speaker argues that the problem is not the quality of the camera or finding someone to post for you, but rather the fear of judgment and criticism from others.

He emphasizes the importance of mindset and perspective in building a personal brand and leveraging it for success.

The speaker also highlights the changing landscape of social media and the opportunities it presents for those who are willing to create and share content. Ultimately, he stresses the importance of emotional stability and self-awareness in achieving one's ambitions.

  • The camera on your phone is better than what Hollywood was using 20 years ago.
  • Fear is the biggest way to not make money.
  • Building a personal brand is crucial for success in social media.
  • Emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in content creation.
  • The free distribution of social media has changed everything.
  • Understanding what content works on which platform is crucial.
  • Producing 15 to 25 pieces of content a day across four to five platforms is necessary for business ambitions to come true.
  • Overcoming insecurity is crucial for success in creating content and building a personal brand on social media.
  • Branding is more important than sales.

The Real Reason Why Most People Don't Produce Content - YouTube

The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Creating Content

  • The camera on your phone is better than what Hollywood was using 20 years ago.
  • The problem is the fear of posting content due to worrying about what others think.
  • Fear is the biggest way to not make money.
  • Building a personal brand is crucial for success in social media.
  • Emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in content creation.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Opportunity for Most People

  • Building a personal brand is incredibly important.
  • Creating your own content and using social media to distribute it is crucial.
  • The majority of people won't end up on a hit television show like Ryan.
  • The free distribution of social media has changed everything.
  • People who have never produced content for social media can start a different path of growth in their career.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Macro and Micro of Content Creation

  • The macro is the mindset and perspective needed for success.
  • Everyone's ambition is completely dictated by what's going on inside of them emotionally.
  • The micro is the type of content and which platforms to use.
  • Understanding what content works on which platform is crucial.
  • Building a solid foundation is necessary for sustainable success.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Real Reason Why Most People Don't Produce Content - YouTube

The Importance of Emotional Stability

  • Emotional stability is the steel and concrete that holds up the building.
  • It's not sustainable to achieve success without a solid emotional foundation.
  • Building a solid emotional foundation is crucial for success in content creation.
  • The speaker's success was due to incredible mothering.
  • Emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in any endeavor.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Emotional Stability and Mindset

  • Building a personal brand on social media requires emotional stability and mindset.
  • Not everyone is lucky enough to have a supportive upbringing that fosters accountability and self-esteem.
  • Before focusing on selling or building a business, it's important to ask yourself if you are emotionally capable of dealing with the challenges that come with creating content.
  • Producing content on social media at scale is the biggest opportunity for brokers to make more money.
  • The reason most people don't produce enough content is not because of lack of time, but because they can't deal with the emotional feedback that comes with putting themselves out there.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Social Media Output for Business Growth

  • Social media output is a driver of business growth.
  • Everyone who attended the conference understands this to be true.
  • Being ambitious and wanting to improve your business means you are in play to execute the model that creates growth.
  • Producing 15 to 25 pieces of content a day across four to five platforms is necessary for business ambitions to come true.
  • The reason most people don't produce enough content is because they can't deal with the emotional feedback that comes with putting themselves out there.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Biggest Barrier to Doubling Your Business

  • Insecurity is the biggest pandemic in the world that prevents people from doubling their business.
  • Many people won't double their business this year because they are not capable of dealing with negative comments on social media.
  • People won't create content not because they don't know how, but because of insecurity.
  • The camera on your phone is good enough to create content, so equipment is not the problem.
  • People will listen to advice and affirmations, but still won't take action because of insecurity.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Overcoming Insecurity

  • Overcoming insecurity is crucial for success in creating content and building a personal brand on social media.
  • People need to learn how to deal with negative comments and feedback.
  • People need to focus on their own growth and not compare themselves to others.
  • People need to understand that creating content is a long-term game and success won't happen overnight.
  • People need to take action and create content consistently to overcome insecurity and achieve success.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Fear of Posting

  • The problem is not finding someone to post for you, it's the fear of posting.
  • People are scared to post because they worry about what others think.
  • Fear is the biggest way to not make money and achieve what you want.
  • Most people are scared to sell, but selling is very important.
  • Sales never beats branding, branding always beats sales.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Branding

  • Branding is more important than sales.
  • People buy products because of the brand, not because they were sold to them.
  • Everyone needs to focus on building their personal brand.
  • Brokers have already crossed the chasm into an area that most people are scared to do.
  • The stakes are high for brokers in the UAE because it is a flourishing market.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Opportunity of Social Media

  • Everyone needs to make a bigger commitment to producing content on social media.
  • Producing videos, pictures, and written words on various platforms is crucial.
  • Social media platforms are free to use.
  • People blame shadow banning for their lack of views, but it's usually because their content is not good.
  • Maximizing the opportunity on social media is crucial for success.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Mindset

  • Emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in building a personal brand on social media.
  • People need to overcome their fear of posting and worrying about what others think.
  • People need to focus on their own goals and not compare themselves to others.
  • People need to be consistent and persistent in producing content.
  • People need to have a growth mindset and be willing to learn and improve.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Entitlement Mindset

  • People blame free platforms and algorithms for lack of success instead of taking accountability for their content.
  • Many people lack emotional stability and cannot handle negative comments or lack of engagement.
  • People are becoming entitled and expect success without putting in the effort.
  • Free platforms are a privilege and we should take advantage of them while they last.
  • Individuals and small businesses have the ability to get free exposure and attention, which is the most important asset in marketing.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Accountability

  • Most people are not capable of having accountability for their actions on social media.
  • Platforms are starting to change and may not be free in the future.
  • We are living in the greatest era of free exposure in the history of the world.
  • 98% of people in a room of thousands will not take action to produce content.
  • Insecurity and fear of negative comments hold people back from producing content.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Power of Negative Comments

  • People should not be upset for themselves when receiving negative comments, but for the person leaving the comment.
  • Leaving negative comments is a sign of misery and pain.
  • Understanding this can change the paradigm of how we view negative comments.
  • The biggest growth in the industry comes from individuals who are out producing their competitors in social media content.
  • The market does not care about personal opinions of social media platforms.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Actionable Steps to Take

  • Take accountability for your content and actions on social media.
  • Understand the privilege of free exposure on social media platforms.
  • Produce more content than your competitors to stand out.
  • Do not let insecurity and fear of negative comments hold you back.
  • Take advantage of the most important asset in marketing: attention.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Opportunity of YouTube Shorts

  • YouTube shorts is a major opportunity for content creators to build their personal brand on social media.
  • YouTube shorts has a unique advantage over other platforms because it is the second biggest search engine in the world.
  • Unlike Instagram and TikTok, YouTube shorts can live for a very long time and can be optimized for search.
  • YouTube shorts can be a major part of the place to go for selling homes, commercial real estate, and other products.
  • Creating YouTube shorts can disproportionately grow the opportunity of awareness and branding.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Problem of Underproduction

  • There is a major problem of underproduction in the room, with only four people making YouTube shorts every day.
  • Outproducing is crucial for success in content creation and building a personal brand on social media.
  • Many people may regret not taking advantage of this era of underpriced social media content in the next three to five years.
  • More and more people are coming in and producing content, which throws off the supply and demand and makes it harder to stand out.
  • People need to get serious about social media content while it is still underpriced on an everyday basis.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Opportunity of Social Media Content

  • Creating social media content is a unique time in the history of selling stuff because of the distribution.
  • Google AdWords was a big tactic in the early 2000s that people were not taking advantage of, but it has become much more of a standard practice around the world.
  • People need to get serious about social media content while it is still underpriced on an everyday basis.
  • Many people decide about certain things without ever trying it, but there are many examples of people selling luxury homes on TikTok.
  • Creating social media content is a major opportunity for content creators to build their personal brand and sell products.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Emotional Stability and Mindset

  • Emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in content creation and building a personal brand on social media.
  • Many people struggle with the conversation of creating content and need to get more serious about it.
  • People need to be motivated to get serious about social media content and not regret not taking advantage of this era.
  • Creating content can be a major opportunity for personal growth and development.
  • People need to overcome their fears and insecurities to create content and build their personal brand on social media.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Understanding Underpriced Attention

  • The number one way to grow a business is to understand where the underpriced attention is.
  • Underpriced attention always sits in the stuff of today.
  • Most people look at yesterday and tomorrow when they want to build a business.
  • The second people grasp the concept of underpriced attention is the second they will grow.
  • The people being affected by information to make a decision to consider a purchase is predominantly happening on social media.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Power of LinkedIn

  • LinkedIn is a humongously untapped social network.
  • The mentality of someone going through their feed on LinkedIn is very different than on Instagram or Facebook.
  • When on LinkedIn, people are in a business mindset.
  • Making a commitment to videos, listings, pictures, and audio on LinkedIn can lead to surprising results.
  • Producing content every day on LinkedIn is a great way to tap into underpriced attention.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Challenge of Insecurity and Self-Judgment

  • The reason people don't produce content is due to insecurity and self-judgment.
  • Emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in content creation and building a personal brand on social media.
  • People are obsessed with tomorrow and romantic about yesterday, but most don't execute in today.
  • The only way to 2-15x a business is by executing an underpriced attention.
  • People need to focus on today and understand where the underpriced attention is to grow their business.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Currency of Attention

  • Social media is the currency of attention.
  • People continue to underestimate and politicize social media.
  • Building a personal brand on social media is crucial for success in today's world.
  • Understanding where the underpriced attention is on social media is the key to growing a business.
  • Buying or getting free underpriced attention on every single platform that comes out is the key to success.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Reasons for not producing content

  • Insecurity is a major reason why people don't post content.
  • Understanding why you're not posting is the first step to overcoming insecurity.
  • Many people are uncomfortable with video, but there are other mediums available.
  • Writing, audio, and photos are all acceptable forms of content.
  • Self-awareness is important in finding the right medium for you.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Importance of understanding platforms and culture

  • Understanding how social media platforms work is crucial for success.
  • Green screens are a creative format that can increase views on videos.
  • There is an extraordinary amount of strategy that goes into making content.
  • Understanding popular culture and making content relevant to the audience can increase consumption.
  • The tactics of PAC (platforms, audience, and culture) are important for success.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Framework for producing content

  • PAC (platforms, audience, and culture) is a strategic framework for producing content.
  • Understanding how platforms work and what's over indexing can make you more successful.
  • Green screening your listing is more successful than just videoing it.
  • Referencing culture in your content can increase consumption.
  • You don't have to share anything you don't want to share.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Encouragement to produce content

  • Emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in producing content.
  • Creating content and building a personal brand on social media is important.
  • Video outperforms every other medium, but there are other options available.
  • Recording audio can be a good alternative for those uncomfortable with video.
  • Getting serious about PAC and understanding platforms and culture can lead to success.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Posting Content on Social Media

  • Many people don't post content because they don't want to share personal information or compromise their privacy.
  • You don't have to post personal information or anything that makes you uncomfortable.
  • You can use social media as a business platform without compromising your moral compass.
  • You are in control of what you post and what you don't post.
  • Posting content on social media is not a requirement for success, but it can be a powerful tool for building a personal brand.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Posting Content

  • Posting content on social media is the most effective way to grow your business and impact your financial system.
  • There is nothing else you can do that will have a greater impact on your business than making a full mental and financial commitment to producing as much content as possible.
  • The faster you start posting content, the quicker your business will be impacted.
  • Good markets confuse people, and it's important to take accountability for your success or failure.
  • Being a commission-based human means that you're at higher risk for failure, but it's important to take risks and make a commitment to producing content.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Overcoming Barriers to Posting Content

  • Many people are embarrassed that they don't know the most simple things about posting content on social media.
  • It's important to ask basic questions and not be afraid to admit that you don't know something.
  • It's important to make a commitment to posting content, even if it means taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone.
  • There's really no reason not to grow, and it's important to start posting content now.
  • It's important to take advantage of opportunities to learn from experts like Gary Vaynerchuk.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Benefits of Posting Content

  • Posting content on social media can help you build a personal brand and establish yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Posting content can help you connect with potential clients and build relationships with other professionals in your industry.
  • Posting content can help you stay top-of-mind with your audience and increase your visibility online.
  • Posting content can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors and stand out in a crowded market.
  • Posting content can help you grow your business and increase your financial success.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Building a Personal Brand

  • Creating content is crucial for building a personal brand on social media.
  • Personal branding helps establish credibility and trust with potential clients.
  • Consistency is key when it comes to producing content.
  • It's important to find a niche and create content that is valuable to your audience.
  • Building a personal brand takes time and effort, but it can lead to long-term success.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Role of Emotional Stability and Mindset in Content Creation

  • Emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in content creation.
  • It's important to have a positive attitude and not let fear hold you back.
  • Comparison to others can be detrimental to your mindset and productivity.
  • It's important to focus on your own progress and growth rather than comparing yourself to others.
  • Consistency and perseverance are key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Impact of Social Media on Marketing and Business

  • Social media has revolutionized the way businesses market themselves.
  • Word of mouth is now scalable through social media.
  • Not utilizing social media to scale your word of mouth is a missed opportunity.
  • Experienced agents may lose market share to less experienced agents who are better at marketing themselves on social media.
  • There are many underpriced platforms for content creation, such as YouTube shorts and Facebook reels.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Tips for Standing Out and Being Creative in Content Creation

  • Consistency is important, but it's also important to be creative and stand out from the crowd.
  • Find a unique angle or perspective to differentiate yourself from others in your niche.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of content and formats.
  • Engage with your audience and ask for feedback to improve your content.
  • Stay up to date with trends and changes in your industry, but don't be afraid to go against the grain and try something new.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Being Different

  • Copying others is not necessary to succeed in content creation.
  • Being a different human being already makes you stand out.
  • Your unique listings also make you different.
  • People who don't want to copy may be sad or insecure about not starting or having no followers.
  • The game has changed and it's now about individual pieces of content, not followers.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Power of Individual Posts

  • Individual posts are more important than followers.
  • Having zero followers and a viral post is now possible.
  • Don't worry about the perception of having fewer followers than a competitor.
  • Organic marketing through social media platforms can lead to success.
  • One real estate agency got 95% of their leads from social media platforms in just two years.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Best Piece of Advice

  • Your word is your bond.
  • Reputation and word of mouth are important in content creation.
  • Being talented in storytelling can be powerful, but it's important to have integrity.
  • Having a good reputation can lead to success in the long run.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Content Production Process

  • Delegate tasks to others if possible.
  • Start small and build up a team as needed.
  • Use tools and resources to streamline the process.
  • Focus on quality over quantity.
  • Consistency is key.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Importance of Doing It Yourself

  • Delegating content creation without understanding it is not recommended.
  • Doing it yourself for a year or two will help you understand it better.
  • Understanding it will help you hire and judge someone you hire.
  • Social media content creation is becoming increasingly important.
  • It is better to know how to make social media content than to manage your checkbook.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Documenting vs Creating Content

  • Planning content is easier when you document instead of create.
  • Documenting means filming everything you're doing.
  • You can decide later what to post or post the whole thing.
  • It's more like vlogging than creating a TV episode.
  • Posting content should be a priority.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Time Management

  • Make content creation a priority.
  • Post at specific times of the day.
  • Compare it to planning your meals when you're home.
  • People struggle because they don't make it a priority.
  • Find time by cutting down on non-priority activities.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Personal Experience

  • The speaker did content creation by himself for nine years before hiring employees.
  • He now has 25 full-time employees working on his content.
  • He believes that doing it himself for nine years enabled him to afford having 25 employees.
  • He emphasizes the importance of emotional stability and mindset for success in content creation.
  • He encourages people to build a personal brand on social media.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Making Content Creation a Priority

  • Creating content and building a personal brand on social media is important.
  • Emotional stability and mindset are crucial for success in content creation.
  • Many people do not make content creation a priority.
  • 95% of people in the room will not take action on the advice given.
  • It is important to prioritize content creation in order to break out and succeed.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Problem of Comparing Yourself to Others

  • Comparing yourself to others can be a problem in content creation.
  • People often feel the need to make their content perfect and compare it to others.
  • Creating rules for yourself can sabotage your ability to make more content.
  • Quality is subjective and in the eye of the beholder.
  • Putting production value on a pedestal can be unpractical and lead to insecurity.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Importance of Choosing the Right Social Media Platform

  • There is no one-size-fits-all answer to which social media platform to use.
  • It is important to choose the platform that works best for you as a communicator.
  • Over-indexing on a different platform than others in the room is possible.
  • It is important to utilize viewership and choose the platform that will work best for you.
  • There is no right or wrong answer to which platform to use.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

The Problem of Overthinking and Insecurity

  • Overthinking and insecurity can be a problem in content creation.
  • People often spend too much time on one video and become insecure about their content.
  • It is important to not let judgment and insecurity hold you back.
  • Creating content with zero followers can still get attention and leads.
  • It is important to not let practicality and insecurity hold you back from creating content.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Platforms for Content Creation

  • TikTok, YouTube, and LinkedIn are recommended platforms for content creation.
  • Instagram has too much supply and demand.
  • TikTok is getting harder, but still has a window of opportunity.
  • YouTube shorts are highly recommended, especially for this audience.
  • LinkedIn has real potential and is still underpriced on distribution.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Evolution of Content and Language

  • Gary's language has not changed much, but the world has changed.
  • None of us are the exact same person we were at different ages.
  • Gary's content has evolved over time.
  • The feedback has been contextual.
  • Gary will curse less in certain contexts.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Generating Ideas for Viral Videos

  • Focus on value, not just the product you're trying to sell.
  • Talk about why the neighborhood, school system, or location is valuable.
  • Make the video about things you know and things that bring people value.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Challenges in Career and Overcoming Them

  • Gary's biggest challenge has been delivering candor on a public stage.
  • He struggles with conflict and negativity.
  • He has rebranded candor as kind candor.
  • He communicates disappointment in a kind, empathetic, and compassionate way.
  • This has made him a better communicator and helped him grow personally.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Combining Content on Social Media

  • Combining lifestyle and real estate content on social media is okay, but it may not perform as well as separate content.
  • People follow you for specific interests, so it's important to keep that in mind when posting content.
  • It's okay for some content to not perform as well as others, as long as it serves a purpose for your business.
  • Worrying about likes and algorithms can hinder your success on social media.
  • It's better to prioritize growing your business over getting likes on a post.
The Real Reason Why Most People Don

Building a Personal Brand

  • Posting about what you're interested in, what you know, and your observations can help you produce a lot of content.
  • Posting 40 times a day is possible by repurposing content for different platforms and writing different copy for each post.
  • Appearing as a guest on small podcasts and shows can provide content without having to come up with it yourself.
  • It's important to prioritize building a personal brand and standing out from the crowd.
  • Consistency and authenticity are key to building a successful personal brand.

Watch the video on YouTube:
The Real Reason Why Most People Don't Produce Content - YouTube

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