Luke Belmar: The RICHEST People All Do This

Last updated: May 21, 2023

The video by Champ is an interview with Luke Belmar, a successful entrepreneur, who shares his knowledge and experiences on how to achieve financial and personal freedom.

The video is an interview with Luke Belmar, a successful entrepreneur who has gained a large following on social media. The interview takes place in front of the Matterhorn in Switzerland, and Luke discusses the importance of making intentional choices in life and achieving financial freedom. He also talks about his own journey to success and how he has been able to travel the world and meet other successful entrepreneurs. The interview is unique in its location and the candid nature of the conversation.

  • The video is an interview with Luke Belmar, a successful entrepreneur.
  • Belmar shares his knowledge and experiences on how to achieve financial and personal freedom.
  • Freedom comes with financial freedom.
  • Living life with intention and by design is necessary for success.
  • Education and information are important for achieving extraordinary results.
  • The financial system is designed to take advantage of ignorance.
  • Belief in oneself and identifying opportunities are necessary for success.
  • Energy and time are the only two things people truly have, and they need to optimize their lives.
  • The money matrix is infinite as long as people let it last.

Luke Belmar: The RICHEST People All Do This - YouTube

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  • The video is an interview with Luke Belmar, a successful entrepreneur.
  • Luke Belmar has gained a ravenous following in a short amount of time.
  • He shares his knowledge and experiences on how to achieve financial and personal freedom.
  • The interview takes place in Switzerland, in front of the Matterhorn.
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Choosing to Live Life on Your Own Terms

  • Everything in life is a choice.
  • Most people don't realize that what they want to do isn't truly what they want to do, but what they've been programmed to do.
  • Shooting a podcast 14,000 feet in the air is done because they want to, not because they have to.
  • They understand that they're autonomous individuals that can have decision-making power over their lives.
  • Freedom obviously comes with financial freedom.
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Living Life with Intention

  • Most people don't have a plan, schedule, or orientation for their lives.
  • People need to analyze the terrain before they go into it.
  • Freedom comes with financial freedom.
  • People need to realize that they're not bound to their cubicles, Excel sheets, or the opinions of others.
  • Freedom comes with financial freedom.
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Luke Belmar: The RICHEST People All Do This - YouTube

Glitching Through the Matrix

  • Freedom comes with financial freedom.
  • They glitched to Switzerland because they made money.
  • They woke up in Texas and teleported to Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 12 months before that, Luke Belmar was in a different place.
  • Freedom comes with financial freedom.
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Importance of Education and Information

  • The ruling class and working class have vastly different life experiences.
  • Billionaires don't give their kids public school education.
  • Public school education is flawed, so extraordinary information is needed to achieve extraordinary results.
  • Collect data sets that broaden your mind and give different perspectives.
  • Living in an echo chamber comes at a price, either regret or discipline.
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Life by Design

  • Living a life by chance won't lead to success.
  • Discipline and suffering are required for success.
  • Education by design is necessary for success.
  • Knowing fundamental rights is important for financial success.
  • The financial system is designed to take advantage of ignorance.
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Money Glitches in the System

  • The fractional reserve banking system is a money glitch.
  • There are many glitches in the system that take advantage of people.
  • What people have been told is a lie because they don't want the top to be crowded.
  • The top is only for those who seek out and use extraordinary information.
  • The system is designed to keep people ignorant.
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Addressing Comments and Helping People

  • Addressing comments that say it's easy for successful people to say it's a condition of the mind.
  • For those who believe they are without resources, step one is seeking information.
  • Seeking information is the first step to achieving financial and personal freedom.
  • Helping people is the goal of the interview.
  • Success is possible for anyone who seeks out and uses extraordinary information.
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The Importance of Mindset

  • If you think the game is rigged, you've already lost.
  • Exploit the rigged game, don't complain about it.
  • Belief is the starting point for achieving success.
  • Static in your mind can prevent you from identifying opportunities.
  • Small wins can give you the confidence to achieve bigger wins.
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Identifying Opportunities

  • Opportunities are there, but you need to develop the skills to capture them.
  • Specialized skills, positivity, hope, and small wins are required to see opportunities.
  • Trust in yourself is necessary to achieve success.
  • Identifying opportunities requires thinking, reasoning, and understanding the market.
  • Money is just energy, and it represents the expendable energy of people.
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The Role of Energy and Time

  • Energy and time are the only two things you truly have.
  • What you do with your energy and time will dictate the outcome of your life.
  • Money is just a metric, and it's infinite as long as you let it last.
  • Validation and success based on numbers is never-ending.
  • People need to wake up and start optimizing their lives.
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The Infinite Money Matrix

  • There are people watching the video who will make a million dollars this year.
  • The money matrix is infinite as long as you let it last.
  • Money is just a metric, and there's always another number to chase.
  • Belief in yourself and your abilities is necessary to achieve success.
  • People need to change their perspective and optimize their lives.
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Defining Wealth

  • Wealth is not just money in the bank, but the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want.
  • Relationships are important to move around effectively.
  • Health is important, both physically and mentally.
  • Wealth is abundance, making sure that everything in life is properly set up.
  • Money is necessary to maximize health and relationships.
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The Importance of Mindset

  • Wealth is not just about money, but also about having a healthy mind and body.
  • Many celebrities and wealthy people struggle with mental health issues.
  • Abundance in one area of life does not make up for a lack in another area.
  • Injecting different information into your mind can lead to a different life.
  • Limiting beliefs can hold you back, but a free and limitless mind can lead to success.
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The Value of Relationships

  • Relationships are important for wealth and personal fulfillment.
  • Many billionaires prioritize lifespan, longevity, and spending time with loved ones.
  • Money is important for maximizing health and relationships, but it should not define a person.
  • Reinventing oneself is important for personal growth and success.
  • People may try to limit you, but a free and limitless mind can break those limitations.
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The Paradox of Wealth

  • People often give up valuable things in life, such as relationships and health, for material possessions.
  • Identity is often built on what society deems valuable, such as luxury brands.
  • Buying luxury items can make someone else's dreams come true, while neglecting one's own dreams.
  • The mind is the root of the problem, as it can be easily influenced by societal norms and expectations.
  • True wealth comes from a balance of financial stability, health, and fulfilling relationships.
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The Importance of Mindset

  • Being poor in one area of life can affect all other areas.
  • Having a positive mindset can lead to wealth.
  • Financial freedom is the ultimate goal.
  • Some wealthy people still live in fear of going broke.
  • People don't trust themselves to make money back.
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Betting on Yourself

  • People are afraid to bet on themselves.
  • Conditioning makes it difficult to trust oneself.
  • Investing in oneself is the key to success.
  • Using the stock market is like betting on race horses.
  • It's okay to lose money as long as you keep trying.
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Escaping Mind Control

  • Conditioning starts at a young age.
  • The period from zero to seven is crucial in shaping one's life.
  • The voice in your head that says you can't do it is programming, not truth.
  • Recognizing this voice is important in overcoming it.
  • It's possible to break free from conditioning, but it takes effort.
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The Power of Perspective

  • There will always be someone better than you.
  • It's important to surround yourself with successful people.
  • Having a positive perspective can lead to success.
  • Enjoying life is just as important as making money.
  • Having fun and building relationships is key to personal and financial success.
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Limiting Beliefs and Conditioning

  • It's easy to get stuck with limiting beliefs.
  • Belmar made his first million dollars but still felt scared and panicked.
  • Conditioning from a young age affects our beliefs and mindset.
  • The source of information we receive dictates our reality.
  • The internet is whitewashed and controlled by higher-ups.
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Breaking Out of Mediocrity

  • People are mediocre in various areas of their lives.
  • Having a non-mediocre extraordinary life requires a plan.
  • Stop complaining about your job and become the CEO.
  • Recognize that what you've believed may be a lie.
  • Ask yourself how much money is in your bank account and if you're where you want to be.
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The Power of Small Wins and Consistency

  • Small compounding wins lead to mastery.
  • Consistently doing the same thing every day gets you further along.
  • Paragliders and roller coaster riders have mastered their craft through repetition.
  • Read books and listen to interviews from successful billionaires.
  • Instant gratification and impatience hinder progress.
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Facing Fear and Making Sacrifices

  • Thinking big is scary and requires facing fear.
  • Belmar had a conversation with God and was willing to give up anything for success.
  • Breaking out of mediocrity requires a plan and sacrifices.
  • Recognize that success takes time and effort.
  • Believe in yourself and will your success into existence.
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The Pursuit of Truth

  • Blessings come from a place of humility and being teachable.
  • Pursuing truth leads to understanding, knowledge, and wisdom.
  • Wisdom is what leads to success.
  • King Solomon asked God for wisdom and became the wealthiest man.
  • Changing your life path requires seeking information.
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The Matrix and Energy Conservation

  • The Matrix represents energy being expended by humans.
  • Conserving energy and utilizing it to fulfill your potential is important.
  • Time and energy are the only things you can control.
  • Protecting your energy from others is crucial.
  • Sexual transmutation is the ability to channel sexual energy towards your potential.
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Reciprocity and Mindset

  • The law of reciprocity applies to relationships, habits, and personal life.
  • People need to be proactive in seeking information.
  • Disconnecting from static and noise is necessary to receive information.
  • Positioning yourself in the right place leads to tapping into the right information.
  • Reciprocity is real and applies to everything in life.
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Semen Retention and Power

  • Semen retention has power and is important to understand.
  • Watching porn leads to being programmed to ejaculate.
  • Conserving sexual energy through non-ejaculation leads to power and potential.
  • Protecting your energy from others who want to absorb it is important.
  • Having sanctity around time and energy is crucial for success.
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Principles that can be applied to every aspect of life

  • Not chasing instant gratification is a common theme.
  • Discipline is key.
  • Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is a highly impactful book.
  • The hardest thing is discipline, but it makes life easier.
  • Release conversations and practice discipline every day.
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Importance of a morning routine

  • Wake up and go for a walk to avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Tan for vitamin D and better sleep cycles.
  • Stretch to maintain flexibility.
  • Perceive the routine as a business play to make money.
  • There is no competition in doing what you want to do.
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Being a successful person

  • Being a dope person makes you money.
  • Focus on yourself and your own growth.
  • Identify successful people by how they move, what they wear, and what they have obtained.
  • Play the part and play the game.
  • Change your world perspective through psychedelics.
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The importance of discipline

  • The pain of discipline versus the pain of regret.
  • Discipline makes life easier.
  • Going to the gym and working out is never regretted.
  • Preserve your energy and practice discipline every day.
  • Discipline is the key to success.
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Psychedelics and Money Glitches

  • Psychedelics offer an altered state of consciousness and can rewire how you think and operate.
  • Psilocybin and lion's mane mushrooms can help with neuroplasticity and creating new neural networks.
  • Entering different states of consciousness allows you to tap into different possibilities of reality.
  • Money flows and doesn't stay stagnant, so it's important to understand where the money is going next.
  • Study billionaires to understand where they're investing their money and position yourself accordingly.
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Building a Powerful Network

  • Building a powerful network is important for success.
  • Observing successful individuals and how they move can provide insight into building a powerful network.
  • Successful individuals identify the intersection between their skill set, others' skill sets, and available resources to find money left on the table.
  • Providing value to each other is more important than becoming business partners.
  • There is power in numbers, and having a strong network can lead to success.
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Connecting Value

  • Business is about connecting valuable resources or leveraging someone else's value to connect with your audience.
  • Business is about providing value and middle-manning the experience from the consumer to the product or service.
  • Undeniable is the word for 2023, which means becoming so well-developed that you are perceived differently than the average person.
  • If you pursue self-improvement and become the best version of yourself, you can mold reality to whatever you want it to be.
  • There are biases and the world isn't fair, but you can utilize certain information and glitches to make yourself a better person and achieve the life you want.
  • Creating content and sharing knowledge is a way to help those who want to get out but don't know how to do it.
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Pursuing Self-Improvement

  • There are more millionaires than people with abs in America.
  • Pursuing self-improvement is the name of the game.
  • Joining the Matrix and understanding biases can help you utilize certain information and glitches to achieve your goals.
  • Creating content and sharing knowledge is a way to help those who want to get out but don't know how to do it.
  • The Block Vlog is an upcoming vlog of millionaires hanging out and sharing wisdom.
  • Undeniable is the word for 2023, which means becoming so well-developed that you are perceived differently than the average person.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Luke Belmar: The RICHEST People All Do This - YouTube

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