Domain Scam On Godaddy Auctions - This Is Crazy!

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about a domain scam on GoDaddy Auctions, where people are buying domain names, artificially boosting their rankings with spammy AI content, and then selling them at a premium after the rankings have dropped or the domain has been penalized by Google.

This video by affiliatemarketingmc was published on Jul 14, 2023.
Video length: 13:51.

The video is about a domain scam on GoDaddy Auctions.

The narrator, who has been buying and selling domains for over 23 years, noticed something curious about a domain's asking price and its GoDaddy estimate. He suspects that there may be a pump and dump scam happening, where people buy domain names, artificially boost their rankings with spammy AI content, and then sell them at a premium before the rankings drop. The narrator investigates further and discovers that this scam is dominating the higher price listings on GoDaddy Auctions.

The video also mentions the importance of backlinks and pagerank in determining a website's power and value.

  • People are buying domain names on GoDaddy Auctions and artificially boosting their rankings with spammy AI content.
  • After the rankings drop or the domain is penalized by Google, they sell the domains at a premium.
  • Examples of scammed domains include and
  • The spam content on these domains caused Google to de-index many of their rankings.
  • Domains involved in the scam showed a peak in traffic followed by a significant drop.
  • Despite the drop in traffic, these domains were listed for high prices on GoDaddy Auctions.
  • There is an ethical way to maintain traffic and rankings for years, which will be explained later.

Domain Scam On Godaddy Auctions - This Is Crazy! - YouTube

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Section 1: Introduction

  • The speaker is an SEO professional who buys and sells domains for his business.
  • He has been doing this for over 23 years and has made millions of dollars.
  • He noticed something curious about a domain on GoDaddy Auctions.
  • The asking price for the domain is $20,000, but the GoDaddy estimate is less than $1,500.
  • He wonders if people are buying domains, artificially boosting their rankings with spammy AI content, and then selling them at a premium.
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Section 2: Shocking Discovery

  • The speaker investigates further and finds that this is indeed happening.
  • People are buying domain names, loading them with spammy AI content, and artificially boosting their rankings.
  • They then sell these domains at a premium after the rankings have dropped or the domain has been penalized by Google.
  • This scam is dominating the higher price listings on GoDaddy Auctions.
  • The speaker decides to investigate further.
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Section 3: Aha Moment

  • The speaker reveals that about a month ago, another SEO professional named Matt Diggity found a similar scam.
  • He discovered the owners of a powerful domain called Conch House.
  • This domain had backlinks that made it powerful to Google.
  • It was sold for $20,000, even though it was just a website about a restaurant in Florida.
  • Backlinks determine the power of a website or domain in the eyes of Google.
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Domain Scam On Godaddy Auctions - This Is Crazy! - YouTube

Section 4: How to Rank in Google

  • If a website or domain has backlinks from big websites like CNN or Fox News, it becomes powerful in Google's eyes.
  • This power allows the website to rank for any keyword on Google.
  • The speaker mentions that Amazon has over 2 billion backlinks, which is why they rank for millions of keywords.
  • He explains that the scam involves buying domains and artificially boosting their rankings to sell them at a higher price.
  • He shows examples of domains related to restaurants and other businesses that are being sold for high prices.
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Domain Scam on GoDaddy Auctions

  • People are buying domain names on GoDaddy Auctions.
  • They artificially boost the rankings of these domains with spammy AI content.
  • After the rankings drop or the domain is penalized by Google, they sell the domains at a premium.
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Examples of Scammed Domains

  • and were domains involved in the scam.
  • These domains were getting around 15,000 visitors a day before being sold to the scammers.
  • The traffic was mostly related to the restaurant industry.
  • Other domains like and restaurant domains showed the same pattern of traffic increase and drop.
  • Spam content and black hat SEO techniques were used to boost rankings.
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De-indexing by Google

  • The spam content on these domains caused Google to de-index many of their rankings.
  • Domains that were once getting over 3 million visitors a month saw a drastic drop in traffic.
  • Google takes a few months to realize the spam content and penalize the domains.
  • Regurgitating junk content on the internet to get search traffic is considered spam.
  • Domains like still have some rankings due to their relevance to motor-related topics.
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Pattern of Traffic and Sales

  • Domains involved in the scam showed a peak in traffic followed by a significant drop.
  • Despite the drop in traffic, these domains were listed for high prices on GoDaddy Auctions.
  • They were not getting any sales on GoDaddy auctions, so they started selling them on Flippa.
  • The value of the domains is subjective, but misleading in terms of search engine rankings.
  • There is an ethical way to maintain traffic and rankings for years, which will be explained later.
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Section 1: Buying Cheap Domains and Ranking for Profitable Keywords

  • The video discusses an ethical method of buying cheap domain names and ranking them for profitable keywords.
  • The example given is a domain bought for $450 that is still ranking for keywords related to dog allergies after a year.
  • By offering products or services related to the keywords, the website can generate profit.
  • Even without any updates or changes, the website's traffic and rankings have increased over time.
  • This method is contrasted with the spammy AI content method, where domains are rendered useless after a short period of time.
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Section 2: Finding Domains with Potential and Building Profitable Sites

  • The video suggests looking for domains that can be used to build a site around and have potential for profitability.
  • An example is given of a domain related to angels and religious topics that can be turned into a business.
  • Another example is a domain ranking for budgeting keywords, which can be monetized through ads or affiliate marketing.
  • The video emphasizes the importance of backlinks, referring domains, and keywords in determining the value of a domain.
  • The speaker shares their own experience of buying a domain for $380 and potentially making a significant profit from it.
  • The video acknowledges that results may vary and success is not guaranteed, but highlights the lucrative nature of ranking on Google.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Domain Scam On Godaddy Auctions - This Is Crazy! - YouTube

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