I Gave ChatGpt $1,000 To Invest In Domains...

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about the YouTuber giving ChatGpt and Bard $1,000 to invest in domains and see how much money they can make, using AI to analyze domain sales data and determine the value of different domains.

This video by affiliatemarketingmc was published on Jun 5, 2023.
Video length: 19:24.

In this YouTube video titled "I Gave ChatGpt $1,000 To Invest In Domains," the host, Marcus, gives an AI called ChatGpt $1,000 to invest in domains and see how much money it can make.

Marcus explains that he has been in the domain business for over 23 years and has made significant profits. He teaches the AI by feeding it data about recent domain sales and top-selling domain names. He then goes to GoDaddy auctions and asks the AI to determine the value of different domains based on what it has learned.

The video aims to show how AI can be used to make money in the domain market.

  • The YouTuber is giving ChatGpt and Bard $1,000 to invest in domains and see how much money they can make.
  • The AI will analyze domain sales data and determine the value of different domains.
  • The YouTuber has been in the domain business for over 23 years and has made significant profits.
  • The process is simple and anyone can do it by training the AI with publicly available data.
  • The size of the domain market is significant, with millions of dollars in sales happening daily.
  • The YouTuber has been feeding Bard and ChatGpt data about recent domain sales and top-selling domain names.
  • The AI is being taught what domains sell and why by analyzing this data.
  • The YouTuber takes a snippet of domains available at auction and asks the AI which one it thinks is worth the most.
  • The YouTuber shows examples of domains they have invested in and their subsequent sales.

I Gave ChatGpt $1,000 To Invest In Domains... - YouTube

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Section 1: Introduction

  • The YouTuber is giving ChatGpt and Bard $1,000 to invest in domains and see how much money they can make.
  • The AI will analyze domain sales data and determine the value of different domains.
  • The YouTuber has been in the domain business for over 23 years and has made significant profits.
  • The process is simple and anyone can do it by training the AI with publicly available data.
  • The size of the domain market is significant, with millions of dollars in sales happening daily.
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Section 2: Teaching the AI

  • The YouTuber has been feeding Bard and ChatGpt data about recent domain sales and top-selling domain names.
  • Examples of domain sales include mangareader.net, Steve's Bar and Grill, and wfma Adverse Events.
  • The AI is being taught what domains sell and why by analyzing this data.
  • The YouTuber has also sold many domains in the past.
  • They will now go to GoDaddy auctions and other domain marketplaces to ask the AI how much it thinks certain domains are worth.
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Section 3: Analyzing Domain Values

  • The YouTuber takes a snippet of domains available at auction and asks the AI which one it thinks is worth the most.
  • They remove any specific amounts mentioned in the domain listings to feed the AI raw domain data.
  • An example domain is www.ashleyfurniture.com, but the AI identifies issues with it, such as the presence of "www" and trademark concerns.
  • The AI suggests other domains that it believes are worth more money.
  • The YouTuber will use the AI's analysis to make decisions on which domains to invest in.
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I Gave ChatGpt $1,000 To Invest In Domains... - YouTube

Section 4: Results and Conclusion

  • The YouTuber shows examples of domains they have invested in and their subsequent sales.
  • They highlight a domain that was purchased for $60 and later sold for $4,150, resulting in a net profit of $4,090.
  • The AI still has $940 left to invest.
  • The YouTuber emphasizes that this process is simple and has been used by their students to make money.
  • They encourage viewers to watch the entire video multiple times to fully understand the process.
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Section 1: Analyzing domain names

  • The YouTuber has domains like maverickfarms.com, Vapor puff, and Baytown Bulldogs.
  • ChatGpt analyzes the domains and provides reasons for their potential value.
  • Maverick Farms is currently going for the most money at auction.
  • However, the YouTuber's budget is limited to $60.
  • They use the program spamzilla to find domains available for $9 or less.
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Section 2: Finding potential domains

  • Using spamzilla, the YouTuber finds domains like capsium kitchens, Health I.T Asheville, concrete shop, and dream catcher.
  • They identify stamp shoes.com and dream catcher as potentially valuable domains.
  • They consider whether these domains will sell for more than the $62 they have to pay to acquire them.
  • They mention using the main filter to find domains available for $9.
  • They apply criteria learned from ChatGpt about highest selling domains to their searches.
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Section 3: Filtering domains

  • The YouTuber sets filters in spamzilla to find short domains (15 letters or less) and .com domains.
  • They explore common words included in high price selling domain names.
  • They search for domains containing the word "digital" and find thousands of options.
  • They express uncertainty about having ChatGpt go through 6,000 different domain names to find a potential sale.
  • They consider a different approach by feeding ChatGpt a list of domains on auction that are ending soon.
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Section 4: Potential valuable domains

  • Based on the list provided, ChatGpt suggests domains like organata and vaporpuff.com have potential value.
  • Organata is going for $59 and has an appraisal value of $1,712 according to GoDaddy.
  • The YouTuber asks for opinions on whether they should buy organata even though it's slightly above their budget.
  • Vaporpuff.com fits their criteria and is currently the winning bid at $22 with 22 minutes remaining.
  • They mention another domain called Baytown Bulldogs.
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Investing in Domains

  • The YouTuber is using ChatGpt and Bard to invest $1,000 in domains.
  • They are analyzing domain sales data using AI to determine the value of different domains.
  • They start by bidding on a domain that is currently at $22.
  • They skip a domain called Sabers because it might be a trademarked term.
  • They bid on another domain that is currently at $32.
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Shortest Domains

  • The YouTuber asks ChatGpt to find the shortest domains in the list.
  • They find a domain called oqn.org, but it is out of their price range.
  • They find a domain called AOC NYC, which might be a political domain, but it is priced at $1,600.
  • They try to find some cheaper domains, but the results are not great.
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Most Expensive Domains

  • The YouTuber goes to GoDaddy and sorts the domains by price to find the most expensive ones.
  • They ask ChatGpt to find commonalities among these domains.
  • They discover a lot of organic domains in the GoDaddy Closeouts section.
  • They ask ChatGpt to determine which of these organic domains is most valuable.
  • They find domains like JNL Shake Organics and organically clean dot u s.
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Insurance Domains

  • The YouTuber searches for insurance domains and finds several options.
  • They find domains like Ransom Insurance and commercial insurance dot net.
  • They find a domain called secureinsurance.com that they like.
  • They also find a domain called digital Insurance tools that they are interested in.
  • They consider bidding on a domain called secure your insurance.
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Domains Purchased

  • The YouTuber won the domain wallethackers.com for $220.
  • They found that insurance-related domains were performing well.
  • They searched for insurance-related domains in the $9 price range.
  • They added several insurance-related domains to their list.
  • They purchased a bartending insurance domain with an estimated value of $1,433 for $12.
  • They also explored shop-related domains and made some purchases.
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Total Domains Purchased

  • The YouTuber spent a total of $261 on a small list of domains.
  • They also won two domains, Vapor puff and Baytown Bulldogs, at auction.
  • They bought three domains for the insurance niche.
  • They believe that the list of domains will make more than $1,000 when sold on the open market.
  • They are planning to make a part two video to show how much they earn from selling these domains.

Watch the video on YouTube:
I Gave ChatGpt $1,000 To Invest In Domains... - YouTube

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