I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online!

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about a simple and free method to make money online, using Facebook pages and targeting specific keywords to generate traffic and revenue.

This video by affiliatemarketingmc was published on Jun 2, 2023.
Video length: 16:24.

The video is about a method to make money online without a website or expensive web hosting.

The speaker claims that this method is simple and easy to do, and it is backed by data. They demonstrate how to create a Facebook page and add content to it, but emphasize that this alone won't make money. They then reveal a secret loophole that can generate significant traffic and income, using examples of Facebook pages that rank for keywords and generate thousands of dollars in monthly traffic value.

The speaker encourages viewers to pay attention and watch the video multiple times to fully understand and implement the method.

  • An example of someone making $21,600 a month using the method being discussed.
  • This method does not require a website or expensive web hosting.
  • Examples shown do not have much content on them.
  • The method is simple and backed by data.
  • It is part of a multi-billion dollar loophole.
  • Create a Facebook page for free.
  • Choose a title and category for the page.
  • Add a simple description to the page.
  • Once the page is created, you can start adding content.
  • Having a Facebook page alone will not make you money.
  • Discovering a keyword that ranks well in Google.
  • Using a keyword research tool to find profitable keywords.
  • Example of a Facebook page ranking for over 8,399 keywords in Google.
  • Generating over 7,600 visitors a month to the Facebook page.
  • The traffic value of the Facebook page is $21,000 a month.
  • An example of a page generating over $6,100 a month with 291 visitors.
  • Another example of a page making almost $500 a month with 31 visitors.
  • These examples show that even low traffic can still generate revenue.
  • There are many profitable niches to explore using this method.
  • Keywords that may not seem like a buyer's market can still generate income.
  • Facebook pages generate over 1.5 billion search engine visitors each month.
  • Facebook pages have a traffic value of half a billion dollars per month.
  • Some keywords rank for $842 per click.
  • Facebook pages rank for keywords like YouTube, Amazon, and Home Depot.
  • There is a lot of money to be made from Facebook pages.
  • Grammar pages can generate a lot of traffic by posting daily tips.
  • AI like chat GPT can be used to generate posts for grammar pages.
  • Grammarly affiliate program pays over $10.50 for a lead.
  • Grammar pages can post tips and include a link to the Grammarly program.
  • Other keywords that Facebook pages rank for include Bloomberg billionaires and We Buy Houses.
  • Facebook groups and private pages can rank highly in Google.
  • Facebook groups and pages can rank for keywords like Great Clips coupons.
  • Facebook pages and groups have power and importance in Google's ranking algorithm.
  • Optimizing Facebook pages and groups is important for ranking in Google.
  • Keywords with low competition can be found using keyword tools.
  • Sorting keywords by competition can help find non-competitive keywords.
  • Non-competitive keywords can still have high search volume.
  • There are over 1.9 million searches per month for non-competitive keywords.
  • Non-competitive keywords can be targeted to generate traffic and revenue.
  • Facebook pages can be ranked based on specific keywords.
  • By targeting non-competitive coupon keywords, it becomes easier to generate traffic and revenue.
  • Create a Facebook page about coupons and optimize it for a specific type of coupon.
  • Focus on posting content about that niche and rank for relevant keywords.
  • Find affiliate offers that fit the target audience looking for coupons.
  • Facebook ranks for gardening keywords, making it a lucrative niche.
  • Gardening groups and pages have a large number of members and engagement.
  • You can sell various affiliate offers related to gardening or start a gardening blog.
  • Redirect Facebook traffic to your blog to increase revenue.
  • Facebook may also pay you for engagement on your posts.
  • Facebook pages and groups about HVAC tips and tricks are popular.
  • Advertisers are willing to pay high amounts for traffic to their HVAC websites.
  • Find gaps in the market and rank higher for specific HVAC keywords.
  • Post helpful content about HVAC and share it on your Facebook page.
  • Earn money through Facebook and affiliate offers related to HVAC.
  • Facebook pages and groups rank for various meditation keywords.
  • Identify gaps in the market and rank higher for specific meditation keywords.
  • Create a Facebook group about a specific type of meditation and attract traffic.
  • Post videos, meditations, and helpful content related to the niche.
  • Earn money through Facebook and affiliate offers related to meditation.
  • Memes are popular on Facebook and can generate a large amount of traffic.
  • I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! - YouTube

    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 001

    Section 1: Introduction

    • An example of someone making $21,600 a month using the method being discussed.
    • This method does not require a website or expensive web hosting.
    • Examples shown do not have much content on them.
    • The method is simple and backed by data.
    • It is part of a multi-billion dollar loophole.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 002

    Section 2: Getting Started

    • Create a Facebook page for free.
    • Choose a title and category for the page.
    • Add a simple description to the page.
    • Once the page is created, you can start adding content.
    • Having a Facebook page alone will not make you money.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 003

    Section 3: The Secret to Making Money

    • Discovering a keyword that ranks well in Google.
    • Using a keyword research tool to find profitable keywords.
    • Example of a Facebook page ranking for over 8,399 keywords in Google.
    • Generating over 7,600 visitors a month to the Facebook page.
    • The traffic value of the Facebook page is $21,000 a month.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 004

    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! - YouTube

    Section 4: Examples of Successful Pages

    • An example of a page generating over $6,100 a month with 291 visitors.
    • Another example of a page making almost $500 a month with 31 visitors.
    • These examples show that even low traffic can still generate revenue.
    • There are many profitable niches to explore using this method.
    • Keywords that may not seem like a buyer's market can still generate income.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 006

    Keywords and Traffic Value

    • Facebook pages generate over 1.5 billion search engine visitors each month.
    • Facebook pages have a traffic value of half a billion dollars per month.
    • Some keywords rank for $842 per click.
    • Facebook pages rank for keywords like YouTube, Amazon, and Home Depot.
    • There is a lot of money to be made from Facebook pages.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 007

    Using Grammar Pages to Generate Traffic

    • Grammar pages can generate a lot of traffic by posting daily tips.
    • AI like chat GPT can be used to generate posts for grammar pages.
    • Grammarly affiliate program pays over $10.50 for a lead.
    • Grammar pages can post tips and include a link to the Grammarly program.
    • Other keywords that Facebook pages rank for include Bloomberg billionaires and We Buy Houses.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 008

    Facebook Groups and Pages Ranking in Google

    • Facebook groups and private pages can rank highly in Google.
    • Facebook groups and pages can rank for keywords like Great Clips coupons.
    • Facebook pages and groups have power and importance in Google's ranking algorithm.
    • Optimizing Facebook pages and groups is important for ranking in Google.
    • Keywords with low competition can be found using keyword tools.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 009

    Non-Competitive Keywords with High Search Volume

    • Sorting keywords by competition can help find non-competitive keywords.
    • Non-competitive keywords can still have high search volume.
    • There are over 1.9 million searches per month for non-competitive keywords.
    • Non-competitive keywords can be targeted to generate traffic and revenue.
    • Keyword research is important for finding profitable keywords.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 011

    Facebook Pages and Coupon Keywords

    • Facebook pages can be ranked based on specific keywords.
    • By targeting non-competitive coupon keywords, it becomes easier to generate traffic and revenue.
    • Create a Facebook page about coupons and optimize it for a specific type of coupon.
    • Focus on posting content about that niche and rank for relevant keywords.
    • Find affiliate offers that fit the target audience looking for coupons.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 012

    Gardening Keywords and Affiliate Offers

    • Facebook ranks for gardening keywords, making it a lucrative niche.
    • Gardening groups and pages have a large number of members and engagement.
    • You can sell various affiliate offers related to gardening or start a gardening blog.
    • Redirect Facebook traffic to your blog to increase revenue.
    • Facebook may also pay you for engagement on your posts.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 013

    HVAC Tips and Tricks

    • Facebook pages and groups about HVAC tips and tricks are popular.
    • Advertisers are willing to pay high amounts for traffic to their HVAC websites.
    • Find gaps in the market and rank higher for specific HVAC keywords.
    • Post helpful content about HVAC and share it on your Facebook page.
    • Earn money through Facebook and affiliate offers related to HVAC.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 014

    Meditation Keywords and Memes

    • Facebook pages and groups rank for various meditation keywords.
    • Identify gaps in the market and rank higher for specific meditation keywords.
    • Create a Facebook group about a specific type of meditation and attract traffic.
    • Post videos, meditations, and helpful content related to the niche.
    • Earn money through Facebook and affiliate offers related to meditation.
    • Memes are popular on Facebook and can generate a large amount of traffic.
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! 016

    Using Facebook Pages to Generate Traffic and Revenue

    • Facebook pages with high engagement and a large number of followers can generate significant traffic and revenue.
    • By targeting specific keywords, such as "coffee memes," Facebook pages can rank quickly and effectively.
    • Pages dedicated to coffee memes have hundreds of thousands of members and off-the-charts engagement.
    • Creating new Facebook groups or pages dedicated to specific niches, like meme profits, can quickly grow and tap into a market that would otherwise be too small.
    • Utilizing Facebook's powerful content distribution capabilities allows for rapid ranking and growth.
    • Pairing Facebook page strategies with the booster method, which involves boosting site visibility using other properties, can further enhance ranking and speed up growth.

    Watch the video on YouTube:
    I Made $21,600 - Free Easy Way To Make Money Online! - YouTube

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