How They Made $200 Million Dropshippping

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about a group of successful dropshippers who have made millions of dollars through e-commerce, sharing their experiences and advice on how they achieved their success.

This video by Jordan Welch was published on Aug 13, 2023.
Video length: 10:03.

The video is about a group of successful dropshippers who have made millions of dollars through e-commerce.

They discuss their experiences and strategies for success, including finding profitable products, scaling their businesses, and overcoming challenges. They also mention the importance of learning from successful people and using the right tools, such as Auto DS, to streamline the dropshipping process.

The video highlights their achievements and offers viewers a chance to access Auto DS for free.

  • A group of successful dropshippers have made millions of dollars through e-commerce.
  • One dropshipper made millions of euros at a young age and scaled his brand globally.
  • Two brothers from the Netherlands have made millions in sales and kept their success a secret from their parents.
  • The traditional method of dropshipping from China is no longer effective, and a tool called Auto DS is recommended.
  • Another dropshipper achieved close to 10 million euros in sales and emphasizes the importance of adapting and evolving.
  • Starting from zero, one dropshipper achieved success by identifying a problem and targeting the right audience.
  • The dropshippers scaled their business to $200 million by testing hundreds of products and focusing on long-term growth.

How They Made $200 Million Dropshippping - YouTube

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Section 1: Introduction and Background

  • The video features a group of successful dropshippers who have made millions of dollars through e-commerce.
  • The dropshippers are interviewed about their experiences and advice on achieving success.
  • One of the dropshippers made 4 million euros in one month and 300,000 euros in a single day at the age of 20.
  • He started his brand at 16 and scaled it globally, making his first million dollars with Shopify while still in high school.
  • He found a product that was successful in the USA, brought it to Europe, and improved upon it.
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Section 2: Success Stories and Challenges

  • Two brothers from the Netherlands, whose parents are immigrants from Iraq, have made 20 million euros in sales.
  • They started a new store three months ago and have already achieved 1.6 million euros in revenue.
  • In the beginning, they lost money and faced challenges, but eventually started making sales and kept their success a secret from their parents.
  • They were inspired by successful people online and advise others to learn from them and solve a problem for customers.
  • Another dropshipper found success by bringing successful products from the USA to Europe.
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Section 3: The Importance of the Right Tools

  • The video mentions that the traditional method of dropshipping from China is no longer effective.
  • A tool called Auto DS is recommended as the best tool for dropshipping, allowing products to be shipped in one to five days.
  • Auto DS has a library of over 100 million products and connects directly to suppliers in the US and China.
  • They can source, ship, and customize products with your branding, and automatically fulfill orders.
  • The video offers a partnership with Auto DS, providing viewers with their first month on any package for free.
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How They Made $200 Million Dropshippping - YouTube

Section 4: More Success Stories and Achievements

  • Another dropshipper has achieved close to 10 million euros in sales and had their best year in 2021.
  • They changed their business model and have continued to be successful in e-commerce.
  • They emphasize the importance of adapting and evolving in the industry.
  • They also mention the importance of building a brand and having a strong marketing strategy.
  • The video concludes by encouraging viewers to start dropshipping with the right tools and resources.
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Starting from Zero

  • Started with no money and was in debt.
  • Borrowed money from girlfriend to invest in a course.
  • Started during COVID-19 lockdown and made 2K in revenue in six weeks.
  • Debt was paid off within a year.
  • Achieved 700K in sales in the first month as a full-time entrepreneur.
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Successful Product Selection

  • Identified a problem with calloused feet and created a device to solve it.
  • Created viral ads targeting people who were ashamed of their feet.
  • Started with a small ad budget and quickly scaled up to 30K per day.
  • Emphasized the importance of solving a big problem and putting it in front of the right audience.
  • Believed in the power of compounding time and taking risks.
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Scaling to $200 Million

  • Started with eBay in 2006, transitioned to Facebook ads in 2008, and then tried Groupon before returning to dropshipping in 2016.
  • Experienced success early on, hitting seven figures in their second month.
  • Focused on long-term growth, building teams and structures.
  • Tested hundreds of products per week to find winners.
  • Found success with gadgets and electronics, such as color chargers for iPhones.
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Keys to Success in E-commerce

  • Don't get emotionally attached to one product and keep pouring money into it if it's not working.
  • Resilience and persistence are crucial in testing and finding winning products.
  • Recognize that finding the first winning product may take time and multiple attempts.
  • Stay focused on long-term goals and keep pushing forward.
  • Subscribe to the channel for more business and e-commerce content.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How They Made $200 Million Dropshippping - YouTube

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