I Met 101 Millionaires, Here's What I Learned...

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about the seven most important lessons the speaker learned from meeting over a hundred millionaires, including the realization that millionaires are just regular people, the American dream of working a job and saving money is a lie, and the importance of developing a valuable skill set to become a millionaire.

This video by Jordan Welch was published on Jun 8, 2023.
Video length: 11:24.

This video is about the seven most important lessons the speaker learned from meeting over a hundred millionaires.

The first lesson is that millionaires and successful people are just regular people, which was a mindset shift for the speaker. The second lesson is that the traditional American dream of working a job, saving money, and investing in retirement accounts is not the path that millionaires take. Instead, they focus on developing a highly valuable skill set and starting a business. The third lesson is that money is abundant and there is a lot of it out there, so if someone can't make money, they are doing something wrong.

The speaker also discusses the importance of surrounding oneself with people who have money and changing one's mindset about money.

  • Millionaires are just regular people, as seen through the speaker's encounter with a millionaire mentor who did not flaunt his wealth.
  • The traditional path of working a job and saving money is not how millionaires become wealthy; instead, they focus on developing valuable skills and starting businesses.
  • Money is abundant, but many people have a scarcity mindset that limits their expectations and opportunities.
  • Developing a valuable skill set is crucial for becoming a millionaire, as it can lead to high-paying jobs or successful businesses.
  • Setting massive goals and thinking bigger is important for achieving success and extracting money from the world.
  • Revolutionary ideas are not necessary for making money; success can be found by following existing business models and improving upon them.
  • Consistency and daily improvements in skills and knowledge are key to long-term success, and sticking with one path increases the chances of success.

I Met 101 Millionaires, Here's What I Learned... - YouTube

I Met 101 Millionaires, Here

Lesson 1: Millionaires are just regular people

  • The speaker's first encounter with a millionaire was at a book signing for Damon John.
  • The millionaire the speaker met owned one of the biggest aluminum companies in their city.
  • Despite his wealth, the millionaire did not have expensive clothes, jewelry, or a fancy car.
  • The millionaire became the speaker's mentor and helped them make their first million dollars.
  • The biggest lesson learned was that millionaires are just regular people, which shifted the speaker's mindset.
I Met 101 Millionaires, Here

Lesson 2: The American dream of working a job and saving money is a lie

  • The traditional path of working a job, saving money, and investing in retirement accounts is not how millionaires become wealthy.
  • Millionaires focus on developing a valuable skill set and starting a business.
  • A highly valuable skill set is the most important factor in making the first million dollars.
  • The speaker's valuable skill set was marketing and content creation.
  • Penny pinching and saving alone will not lead to becoming a millionaire.
I Met 101 Millionaires, Here

Lesson 3: Money is abundant

  • There is an abundance of money in the world.
  • Many people have a scarcity mindset and believe there is not enough money.
  • Money is printed by the government, and there is a vast amount of it.
  • Having a scarcity mindset leads to setting low expectations for oneself.
  • The speaker used to have a scarcity mindset but shifted to an abundance mindset.
I Met 101 Millionaires, Here

I Met 101 Millionaires, Here's What I Learned... - YouTube

Lesson 4: Developing a valuable skill set is crucial

  • Developing a valuable skill set is the key to becoming a millionaire.
  • A valuable skill set can lead to high-paying jobs or starting a successful business.
  • The speaker's valuable skill set in marketing and content creation changed their life.
  • Learning these skills requires effort and taking action.
  • Becoming a millionaire is not about saving and penny pinching, but about providing value to the world.
I Met 101 Millionaires, Here

Lesson 1: Think Bigger

  • Setting massive goals is important for achieving success.
  • There is a lot of money out there, you just need to figure out how to extract some of it.
  • Don't limit yourself by thinking small.
  • Believe in your ability to achieve big things.
  • Expand your mindset and aim higher.
I Met 101 Millionaires, Here

Lesson 2: You Don't Need a Revolutionary Idea

  • Many millionaires have made their money from saturated business models.
  • You can find success by following in the footsteps of others.
  • Success leaves clues, so learn from those who have already achieved what you want.
  • Add your own touch and improve upon existing ideas.
  • The blueprint for making money is already out there.
I Met 101 Millionaires, Here

Lesson 3: Daily Improvements and Consistency

  • Success comes from daily improvements in your skills and knowledge.
  • Consistency is key to achieving long-term success.
  • Focus on becoming better than your competition.
  • Building your skill set takes time, but it is possible.
  • Don't give up when things get tough, keep pushing forward.
I Met 101 Millionaires, Here

Lesson 4: Pick One Path and Stick with It

  • Trying multiple business models at once can lead to failure.
  • Pick one path that aligns with your strengths and interests.
  • Stick with that path for as long as it takes to become successful.
  • Don't get distracted by new methods or ideas.
  • Focusing on one path increases your chances of success.
I Met 101 Millionaires, Here

Lessons from Meeting Millionaires

  • Many people start businesses with the wrong intentions, solely focused on making money quickly at any cost.
  • Some individuals resort to illegal activities or run poorly managed businesses that do not satisfy customers.
  • The journey to becoming a millionaire is long and challenging, and it continues until the end of one's life.
  • Young individuals in their late teens or early twenties should not stress about not having made a million dollars yet, as they have plenty of time ahead of them.
  • During the pursuit of making the first million dollars, it is crucial not to lose one's integrity and values.
  • When the first million dollars is finally achieved, it becomes a cherished milestone, regardless of age.
  • However, making a million dollars does not necessarily result in significant life changes.

Watch the video on YouTube:
I Met 101 Millionaires, Here's What I Learned... - YouTube

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