How to Double Your Business Success in 12 Minutes

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

This video is about the importance of customer service in business success and how it can be the difference between a brand that fails and a billion-dollar brand, covering the four main pillars of customer service: delivery time, product quality, communication, and price.

This video by Davie Fogarty was published on Jan 7, 2023.
Video length: 12:05.

This video is about the importance of customer service in business success.

The speaker discusses the four main pillars of customer service: delivery time, product quality, communication, and price. They emphasize the need for brands to meet customer expectations in these areas in order to thrive.

The video also includes examples of customer service tickets and offers hacks for improving customer service.

  • Customer service is crucial for business success and can make or break a brand.
  • The four main pillars of customer service are delivery time, product quality, communication, and price.
  • Mistakes brands make include not prioritizing customer service, ignoring feedback and complaints, and underestimating the impact of poor customer service.
  • Hacks for successful customer service include focusing on exceptional experiences, investing in training, and personalizing communication.
  • Fast and quality response time is important, and automation can improve efficiency.
  • Customer service can be incorporated into marketing strategies to build trust and loyalty.
  • Requesting reviews and surveying non-purchasing cohorts can provide valuable feedback for improvement.
  • Using live chat can improve accessibility, but it should be implemented carefully based on ticket count and response time.

How to Double Your Business Success in 12 Minutes - YouTube

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Importance of Customer Service

  • Customer service can be the difference between a brand that fails and a billion-dollar brand.
  • Four main pillars of customer service: delivery time, product quality, communication, and price.
  • Customers expect reliable and fast delivery times.
  • Price is a sensitive topic, but communicating the value of the product is important.
  • Product quality should meet the expectations advertised.
  • Personalized and timely communication is crucial for customer satisfaction.
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Main Mistakes Brands Make

  • Not prioritizing customer service.
  • Ignoring customer feedback and complaints.
  • Not investing in training and empowering customer service representatives.
  • Not having clear and transparent communication channels.
  • Not addressing customer issues promptly.
  • Underestimating the impact of poor customer service on business success.
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Hacks for Successful Customer Service

  • Focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences.
  • Invest in training and empowering customer service representatives.
  • Listen to customer feedback and address issues promptly.
  • Communicate the value of the product to justify the price.
  • Ensure reliable and fast delivery times.
  • Personalize communication with customers to build trust and loyalty.
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How to Double Your Business Success in 12 Minutes - YouTube

Customer Service Tickets and Lessons

  • Customer service can become tense and challenging.
  • Examples of customer service tickets with angry and frustrated customers.
  • Lessons learned from customer service experiences.
  • Importance of providing excellent customer service to avoid negative experiences.
  • Customer service can make or break a brand's reputation and success.
  • Customer service should be a priority for all businesses.
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Importance of Fast and Quality Response Time

  • Aim for a 24 to 48 hour response time, even on weekends.
  • Customer expectations include both a fast response time and a quality response that solves their issues.
  • Investing in customer service is important for brand success.
  • Customer service creates retention, which is the ability to bring back customers to purchase again.
  • Examples of brands with great customer service and high retention include Zappos, Apple, Hero Cosmetics, Gymshark, and Athletic Greens.
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Using Automation to Improve Efficiency

  • Automation is a great way to reduce costs and the number of customer service agents needed.
  • Gorgeous is a platform that allows for automation and has been a money saver for the speaker's business.
  • With automation, you can tag tickets, set up views, and easily apply automation to speed up the customer service process.
  • Using filters and views, you can compile and respond to specific types of customer service emails more efficiently.
  • Gorgeous is recommended for new brands or those using other providers to speed up customer service.
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Incorporating Customer Service into Marketing

  • Investing in customer service can be a marketing strategy, as seen with Domino's pizza delivery in under 30 minutes.
  • Offering fast delivery or premium delivery services can differentiate a brand and attract customers.
  • For e-commerce brands, incorporating customer service into marketing can help build trust and loyalty.
  • Examples include Koala Mattresses offering four-hour delivery and calling it out in their marketing.
  • Customer service can be a unique selling point and a way to stand out from competitors.
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Requesting Reviews and Surveying Non-Purchasing Cohorts

  • Customize review request emails to be sent after a certain time period, such as 14 days after product shipment.
  • Determine which review platforms to push customers towards, such as Trustpilot or your own website.
  • Incentivize disgruntled customers to voice their concerns in the review request email to address and resolve issues.
  • Survey non-purchasing cohorts or customers who haven't made a repeat purchase to gather feedback and improve attention.
  • Using tools like Clavio, build lists of customers who subscribed but didn't purchase or who made one purchase but never returned.
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Using Live Chat and Mistakes to Avoid

  • Live chat can be used when ticket count is manageable and response time is low.
  • Gorgeous is recommended as a live chat provider that integrates with email tickets for better efficiency.
  • Setting up live chat on the website can improve customer service accessibility.
  • Avoid the mistake of using live chat when response time is already slow, as it may lead to longer wait times for customers.
  • Consider the ticket count and response time before implementing live chat.
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Importance of Customer Service in Business Success

  • Live chat should be manned to provide instant responses to customer inquiries.
  • Setting up self-service within live chat can automate replies and reduce the need for customer service agents.
  • CEOs should spend a day working in customer service to understand customer frustrations and improve products and services.
  • Don't offer things to customers that don't matter, such as free returns from another country where it costs more to return the product.
  • Consider using offshore agents for simple questions or to cover days when existing agents are unavailable.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How to Double Your Business Success in 12 Minutes - YouTube

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