Luke Belmar vs The Matrix - Ai, Making $16 Million Drop Shipping and 3 Simple Steps to Becoming Rich

Last updated: May 22, 2023

The video by Brett Malinowski is about Luke Belmar discussing his success in drop shipping and his thoughts on AI and its impact on the job market.

The video features an interview with Luke Belmar, a 26-year-old who made $16 million through drop shipping.

The conversation covers topics such as Luke's success, unique angles, and luck, as well as the impact of AI on the job market and the future of capitalism.

Luke believes that AI will replace many jobs, including white-collar positions like consultants, and that individuals and businesses need to start utilizing AI to stay competitive.

The video also discusses short-term opportunities in AI and how to protect oneself in the face of AI's potential threat to traditional jobs and systems.

  • Luke Belmar made $16 million in drop shipping by thinking differently.
  • AI is going to replace many jobs, and automation is already replacing some jobs.
  • Entrepreneurs need to start creating their own AI to compete in the future.
  • Companies need to be relevant tomorrow and have an evergreen period before becoming irrelevant.
  • Human connection, community, and emotional connections are things that AI and technology will never be able to replace.
  • People need to develop skills that cannot be replaced by AI, such as social skills.
  • Information that goes against the narrative of controlled civilizations is suppressed.
  • Skills are important for personal growth and financial success.
  • People should focus on developing skills that align with their passions and interests.

Luke Belmar vs The Matrix - Ai, Making $16 Million Drop Shipping and 3 Simple Steps to Becoming Rich - YouTube

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Luke Belmar's Success in Drop Shipping

  • Luke Belmar made $16 million in drop shipping by thinking differently.
  • He believes that people are not always working in your best interest.
  • He thinks that to succeed, you need an edge to compete with people who have trillions of dollars.
  • He retired at the age of 26 and has done very well in life at a young age.
  • He believes that everyone has unique angles and a little bit of luck, making it hard to replicate success.
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Luke Belmar's Thoughts on AI

  • Luke Belmar believes that AI is going to replace many jobs.
  • He thinks that automation is already replacing jobs, such as ticketing at airports.
  • He believes that the value that some people provide to their company can be replaced by automation.
  • He thinks that AI will have a level of intelligence that will be able to replace many jobs in the future.
  • He believes that entrepreneurs need to start creating their own AI and training it to compete in the future.
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Short-Term and Long-Term Impact of AI

  • Luke Belmar believes that there will be phases of AI in the short-term.
  • He thinks that the first phase is already happening and that there are many opportunities to make short-term business.
  • He believes that eventually, one AI will rule them all.
  • He thinks that people need to protect themselves by finding the most optimal way to compete with AI.
  • He believes that AI could threaten capitalism and freedom in the long-term.
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Luke Belmar vs The Matrix - Ai, Making $16 Million Drop Shipping and 3 Simple Steps to Becoming Rich - YouTube


  • Luke Belmar has been successful in drop shipping by thinking differently.
  • He believes that AI will replace many jobs in the future.
  • He thinks that entrepreneurs need to start creating their own AI to compete in the future.
  • He believes that people need to find the most optimal way to protect themselves from AI.
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Building Companies of the Future

  • Entrepreneurs need to start building companies of the future.
  • Technology is accelerating so quickly that companies of today will become irrelevant tomorrow.
  • Companies need to be relevant tomorrow and have an evergreen period before becoming irrelevant.
  • For example, if you started building companies when the internet started, you had a decent gap of 15-20 years to build.
  • There will be a decade where AI is still relevant.
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The Power of AI

  • There is a lot of power in AI that is already out there.
  • BlackRock uses an AI called Aladdin to do forecasting and predictions.
  • They have had this model being developed over the last several years and it beats and trumps every other software and automation.
  • AI is going to rule out a ton of people.
  • AI is like a calculator but for English and writing.
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What AI Can't Replace

  • Human connection, community, and emotional connections are things that AI and technology will never be able to replace.
  • These connections create culture and are dictated and created by people.
  • Even if AI is created and learns by itself, it has an origin point and biases.
  • There is always a bias in preconceived data that comes in that could potentially inflict pendulum swings where AI isn't neutral.
  • The purpose of OpenAI is to let people start using it and benefit from it, but they can control it and try to set standards.
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What to Learn for the Future

  • Hard skills that provide value to someone are important.
  • Human connection, community, and emotional connections are things that AI and technology will never be able to replace.
  • There is always a bias in preconceived data that comes in that could potentially inflict pendulum swings where AI isn't neutral.
  • AI is like a calculator but for English and writing.
  • Seed oils are important because you need to be optimal.
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The Impact of AI on the Job Market

  • AI is becoming more prevalent in the job market and is replacing certain jobs.
  • People need to develop skills that cannot be replaced by AI, such as social skills.
  • Those who understand how the game is played are the ones who are deciding the future of AI.
  • The anime Psychopaths shows how AI can be biased and not neutral.
  • Civilization has always flourished when the working class is subjugated and enslaved.
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The Deception of Marketing Ads

  • Companies and businesses do not have people's best interests in mind when propagandizing them with marketing ads.
  • Michael Phelps and Lindsey Von have done paid partnerships with Pfizer to promote their products.
  • Pharmaceutical ads in America are really bad and contribute to the high percentage of chronic illnesses.
  • People are mimicking creatures and subconsciously copy the movements and behaviors of others.
  • Social media platforms like TikTok are designed to keep people distracted and addicted to dopamine hits.
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The Suppression of Information

  • Information that goes against the narrative of controlled civilizations is suppressed.
  • The best way to keep citizens and slaves in check is to keep them weak.
  • The system tricks and deceives people into mental and energetic consumption.
  • Societies are built on the back of slaves, and modern-day slaves exist today.
  • People need to be careful with seed oils and not consume them despite the positive narrative promoted.
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The Importance of Developing Skills

  • People need to develop skills that cannot be replaced by AI, such as social skills.
  • Skills are important for personal growth and financial success.
  • People should focus on developing skills that align with their passions and interests.
  • Developing skills can lead to financial freedom and the ability to live life on one's own terms.
  • People should not rely on the education system to provide them with all the necessary skills for success.
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The Importance of Social Skills

  • Diminishing social skills in society
  • Psychology and persuasion skills will be valuable
  • AI will take over hard skills jobs
  • Money is made in inefficiencies in markets based on skills
  • Money gives people status
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Gaining Status in a Universal Basic Income Society

  • Status is earned by doing things that most people can't do
  • Example of Michael Phelps as a person of influence
  • Passion can drive people to be good at something
  • Utopian or dystopian scenario for a universal basic income society
  • Good and evil is a spectrum of perception
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The Future of Society and the Importance of Conversations

  • Players on both ends of the spectrum
  • Good and evil is an iffy scenario
  • Conversations need to be enabled in a healthy way
  • Disseminating unbiased information from multiple perspectives
  • Two routes for the future: metaverse or artistic culture
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The Importance of Entrepreneurship

  • Entrepreneurship is the lifestyle of freedom
  • Self-interest and repercussions in real life
  • Entrepreneurship is important for freedom
  • Money is not the only goal of entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship is a philosophy
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The Fear of Failure and Conditioning

  • Most people have a fear of failure that is built up in the system.
  • Children are not encouraged to fail and are reprimanded for it.
  • People are conditioned to believe that if they don't obey the rules, they are failures.
  • The pressure to conform is massive, but it is all conditioning.
  • The school system should be based on self-development and pursuing one's highest potential.
  • Other people with different agendas are working hard to see their narrative come through.
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Developing Social Skills

  • Luke Belmar has been talking about the same topics since 2019-2020.
  • Practice is the key to developing social skills.
  • Luke Belmar was not very social in high school.
  • Being less distracted allowed him to level up and develop skills like oration and thinking.
  • Thinking itself is a skill that needs to be developed.
  • Skills come with practice and repetition, and people need to commit to one thing and consistently work on it to become really good.
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The Power of the Human Mind

  • The human mind is more powerful than any AI.
  • People are running on autopilot and not using their thinking skills.
  • The human mind can tap into different realities and frequencies.
  • Developing skills like thinking and oration comes from constant repetition and exposing oneself to scenarios that push growth.
  • People need to commit to one thing and consistently work on it to become really good.
  • AI is one of the lanes that people need to get on.
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The Manipulation in the School System

  • Everyone in the school system is being manipulated.
  • Teachers and principals are doing what they think is best, but the evil is way higher than they know.
  • Self-learning and motivating oneself are more important than focusing on what the school system thinks people should be good at.
  • Millions of dollars can allow people to pursue their own interests and develop their own skills.
  • People need to be conscious of what they want to be better at and consciously learn specific things to improve.
  • The school system treats people as expendable resources.
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The Responsibility of Teachers and the Flaws in the Education System

  • There is a level of responsibility that teachers have to educate their students.
  • The curriculum that teachers are teaching may not be good, but they are not conscious enough to realize it.
  • The education system is fundamentally flawed and designed by many people.
  • The quality of education is different in lower income areas compared to higher income areas.
  • Teachers should be paid better and there should be less teachers so that everyone can learn from the best people in their fields.
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The Importance of Gaining Multiple Opinions and Using YouTube as a Learning Tool

  • It is important to gain as many opinions as possible to form a world view that sustains and elevates one's fullest potential.
  • YouTube is a powerful tool for learning and gaining knowledge.
  • Self-motivation to learn and using YouTube to learn everything is crucial for success.
  • Do not rely solely on the school system.
  • Understand the algorithm and that YouTube is not a perfect source of information.
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The Ability to Learn Anything on YouTube and the Importance of Research

  • YouTube is a great source for learning hard skills and life lessons.
  • Researching multiple platforms and listening to multiple people is important.
  • Books are also important for gaining knowledge.
  • One cannot rely solely on other people for information because there may be an agenda.
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The Optimism of Luke Belmar and the Importance of Questioning the System

  • Luke Belmar is an optimistic person who believes in the power of gaining knowledge.
  • Questioning the system is important for growth and progress.
  • The flaws in the education system and the discrepancies in quality of education are purposeful.
  • YouTube is a powerful tool for gaining knowledge, but it is important to understand its limitations.
  • Learning from multiple sources and gaining multiple opinions is crucial for forming a well-rounded world view.
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Importance of Questioning

  • Questioning allows teachers to improve and be held accountable.
  • The culture of the internet allows for questioning and accountability.
  • Questioning is not allowed in traditional school systems.
  • There is a lack of transparency between schools and parental figures.
  • California recently passed a law allowing for transgender reassignment without parental consent.
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Impact of AI on Jobs and Currency

  • AI taking over jobs could lead to everyone making the same amount of money.
  • FDIC ensures each bank account up to $250,000.
  • People should become self-banked and diversify their investments.
  • 401k investments are managed by big companies and organizations.
  • Money is a relatively new concept and the current format of central banking is new since 1971.
  • In 1971, it became illegal to own gold in the United States of America.
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Steps to Becoming Rich

  • Become self-banked and diversify investments.
  • Build your own investment portfolio.
  • Extract money from your paycheck to invest directly.
  • Question the conditioning to invest in 401k investments.
  • Research and understand the history of money and central banking.
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Importance of Understanding AI

  • AI is becoming more prevalent in society.
  • Understanding AI can lead to job opportunities.
  • AI can be used to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • AI can also be used for malicious purposes.
  • It is important to question the creators and uses of AI.
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Money and Assets

  • The Federal Reserve can print money out of thin air, which is essentially forging money.
  • Money in your bank account isn't technically yours.
  • It's useful to know this information, but it's unclear what to do with it.
  • For those higher up, it's important to have a basket of assets.
  • Swiss Francs are a good asset to have because they've stayed neutral for the last hundred years and have low inflation.
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The United States and Military Power

  • The US has the biggest military power in the world.
  • With military power comes force and the ability to exercise power.
  • The US spends a lot on the military because they need it.
  • History repeats itself and rhymes well, so it's likely that the US will enter a phase of military force.
  • CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) are programmable money that can be frozen by the government.
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CBDCs and Programmable Money

  • CBDCs are not the money of the people, but rather the money of the Central Bank.
  • Money becomes programmable, meaning the government can freeze it or set rules on it.
  • The head of the Bank of International Settlements said that the money they're trying to create is programmable.
  • CBDCs have the potential for evil use cases, such as freezing someone's money if they question the government.
  • The Trojan Horse always comes in as a gift, so it's important to consider the potential scenarios.
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Leadership and Good People

  • The world is worse than people think, but it's also extremely good.
  • We need good people leading the world who care about more than just their own reputation and bank account.
  • Scenarios to consider include carbon credits and the Greenhouse effect.
  • It's important to talk about these scenarios and have good people leading the way.
  • The world needs people who give a [__] about more than just themselves.
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Environmentalism and The Great Reset

  • Exceeding your carbon footprint leads to consequences like food shortage.
  • The narrative of environmentalism is about saving the environment and taking care of others.
  • The history of climate change is interesting to explore.
  • The Great Reset is a system reset to replace the current broken system.
  • The information about The Great Reset is allowed to be out there to condition people to accept the new system.
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AI and The Matrix

  • The Matrix will still exist even with the rise of AI.
  • Not everyone likes The Matrix, especially those who are affected by it negatively.
  • CBDCs may hurt those who are mining for materials used in technology.
  • Movies like Wall-E are predictive programming that show what society will become.
  • Elon Musk owns a lot of things, including the internet, social media platforms, and AI.
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Potential Misuse of Technology

  • Technology may have good intentions, but it can be misused in the wrong hands.
  • People need to be aware of the potential misuse of technology to make educated decisions.
  • Elon Musk is compared to Lex Luthor because he competes with Superman to control the world.
  • Tesla cars have cameras that record anyone who comes near the car for security purposes.
  • People are out here to run the game, and it's important to be aware of what's going on.
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AI and The Matrix

  • The speaker discusses the symbolism of the dashboard in his Tesla car and how it resembles the Matrix.
  • He talks about the surveillance system of phones and social media platforms like TikTok.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of the rules of the game to level up in life.
  • He stresses the need for social skills, self-development, and understanding the unwritten rules of money.
  • The speaker believes that propaganda and conditioning are responsible for people's lack of awareness of the reality of the Matrix.
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Warren Buffett and Propaganda

  • The speaker talks about Warren Buffett's business model and how it is based on addiction.
  • He emphasizes the importance of using one's head and not falling for propaganda.
  • The speaker believes that people's perceptions are controlled, and they need to understand that.
  • He talks about the Forbes list and how being on it is not always a good thing.
  • The speaker believes that there are people worth trillions of dollars, and a few million dollars or subscribers cannot change the system.
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The Importance of Self-Development

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-development and how it can help one level up in life.
  • He talks about how eating healthy and getting enough sleep can improve one's mental clarity and effectiveness.
  • The speaker believes that people need to focus on their own growth and development to outperform others.
  • He talks about the importance of understanding the reality of the situation and conversing about it.
  • The speaker believes that citizens can help keep the administration in check.
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The Future of The Emirates

  • The speaker talks about the Emirates' plan to create something called "the line."
  • He believes that it could be either extremely dope or chaotic, depending on the administration.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of citizens in keeping the administration in check.
  • He believes that people need to establish a desire for change and take action to make it happen.
  • The speaker believes that people need to be aware of the reality of the situation and conversant about it.
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Importance of a Balanced Life

  • People neglect their health to make money and then spend that money on health, which makes no sense.
  • Keeping a balanced life is important.
  • It is important to access better information and meet new people to get an edge.
  • It is important to learn enough information to become valuable.
  • It is important to get access to faster information.
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Using Social Media Platforms for Business

  • Social media platforms are bringing people back to social media.
  • It is important to make a good product and test it on TikTok.
  • It is easier to do research and development and market research for free now.
  • It is important to have a big audience to scale and expand.
  • It is important to make sure that what you're doing is in high demand.
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Three Qualifiers for Making Money

  • First, become the best at what you do.
  • Second, make sure that what you're doing is in high demand.
  • Third, do something that makes you irreplaceable.
  • Being irreplaceable cements your ability to scale.
  • Being the best at what you do and being in high demand makes you irreplaceable.
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Investing and Real Estate

  • It is important to have a skill and offer it to someone to solve a problem.
  • It is important to use the money earned to invest.
  • Real estate is slow and not recommended unless you have millions of dollars.
  • It is better to make a software company with infinite leverage with 10 grand.
  • It is important to have a really cool product and run it on TikTok organic.
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Drop Shipping

  • Drop Shipping has a low barrier to entry, but it requires depth in each step to be successful.
  • Success in Drop Shipping requires learning copywriting, psychology, marketing, sales, fulfillment, and administration.
  • Algorithm hits are important, and you need to be conscious of who your target audience is.
  • Convincing customers to buy your product requires showing them that it solves their problem.
  • Drop Shipping is harmful because it reduces friction and allows people to enter the market without the necessary skills.
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Success in Drop Shipping

  • Success in Drop Shipping requires thinking differently and processing information differently than others.
  • Product research is important, and the product has to work.
  • Marketing and word of mouth are essential to push the product to virality.
  • Testing every aspect of the product is important instead of defaulting to the product or business model.
  • Drop Shipping is not the best thing to start, but it teaches the necessary steps to be successful.
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Best Business to Start

  • Starting a physical hard skill service to sell to people in your social network is the best way to start.
  • Testing and experimenting in your free time is important to find the best business model.
  • Future technologies like AI and NFTs will be big in the next three to five years.
  • AI Arbitrage is a good business model, but it requires knowledge in hiring developers and marketing.
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Impact of AI on Job Market

  • AI will replace jobs that are repetitive and can be automated.
  • AI will create new jobs that require skills in programming, data analysis, and machine learning.
  • AI will change the way we work and require us to adapt to new technologies.
  • AI will create a more efficient and productive workforce.
  • AI will require us to learn new skills and continuously improve ourselves to stay relevant in the job market.
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Importance of Skill

  • Get a skill that is in high demand, that you are the best at, and that makes you irreplaceable.
  • Understand the depth of each level of skill.
  • When starting a service-based business, focus on making $1000 a week.
  • Listen to podcasts or audiobooks to learn while practicing your social skills and selling your services.
  • Learn from the best people in your field.
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Pros and Cons of Different Business Avenues

  • Services require a lot of sweat equity and hours, but are easy to enter and can be profitable.
  • Physical products have slim margins and supply chain issues, but can be sold easily through platforms like TikTok.
  • Digital products like info products and software have high potential for profit, but require a specific skill set.
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Focusing on One Avenue

  • Pick one avenue (services, physical products, or digital products) and get extremely good at it.
  • Find your advantages and use them to your advantage.
  • Transitioning between avenues is possible, but requires effort and a willingness to learn new skills.
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Transitioning to Digital Products

  • Transitioning from physical products to digital products can reduce friction and increase potential for profit.
  • Exploring the internet space and software infrastructure like web3 can lead to new opportunities.
  • Take action to change the industry if you see a problem.
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Luke Belmar on AI, Drop Shipping, and Building a Successful Business

  • Belmar believes that AI and blockchain are the two biggest markets to be in right now.
  • He sees digital ownership as a huge problem that blockchain can solve.
  • Belmar acknowledges that it takes a lot of money to develop software and hire the best talent.
  • He emphasizes the importance of having a team with diverse skill sets, including marketing and branding.
  • Belmar suggests that once a business is making enough money, it should invest in hiring the best copywriters, ad writers, and media buyers to scale up.
  • He believes that AI and web3 are the future and is passionate about taking over the world and leaving The Matrix.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Luke Belmar vs The Matrix - Ai, Making $16 Million Drop Shipping and 3 Simple Steps to Becoming Rich - YouTube

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