How I Got A 52.2% Email Open Rate With AI

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

This video is about how the speaker achieved a high email open rate of 52.2% using AI, and they discuss the four main factors that affect open rates: sender name, email list quality, spam filters, and subject lines.

This video by H-EDUCATE was published on Jun 6, 2023.
Video length: 07:39.

This video is about how the speaker achieved a high email open rate of 52.2% using AI.

They discuss the four main factors that affect open rates, including the sender name, email list quality, spam filters, and subject lines.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of subject lines in standing out in recipients' inboxes and provides examples of subject lines that have worked for them.

  • The speaker has a consistent open rate of around 50%, which is higher than the industry average.
  • The four main factors that affect open rates are sender name, email list quality, spam filters, and subject lines.
  • Using automation campaigns to re-engage cold subscribers and automatically remove inactive users is recommended.
  • Avoid using spam words and triggers in subject lines and email copies to avoid being marked as spam.
  • Subject lines are the most important factor in increasing open rates.

How I Got A 52.2% Email Open Rate With AI - YouTube

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Factors that affect open rates

  • The speaker has a consistent open rate of around 50%, which is higher than the industry average.
  • The average open rate in the industry is around 21.5% according to Campaign Monitor, 21.3% according to MailChimp, and 26% in the real estate industry according to HubSpot.
  • The speaker achieved their high open rate using ConvertKit.
  • The four main factors that affect open rates are sender name, email list quality, spam filters, and subject lines.
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Sender name and email list quality

  • The sender name is important for recipients to recognize and open emails.
  • The speaker regularly deletes inactive users from their email list to keep it clean and active.
  • Using automation campaigns to re-engage cold subscribers and automatically remove inactive users is recommended.
  • Deleting inactive users helps improve overall reputation and increase open rates.
  • Keeping the email list clean and active is important for increasing open rates.
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Spam filters

  • Gmail, Outlook, and Microsoft use AI technologies and spam filters to filter out spam emails.
  • Avoid using spam words and triggers in subject lines and email copies to avoid being marked as spam.
  • Using spam words like "free," "guaranteed," "congratulations," and "urgent" can trigger spam filters.
  • Avoiding spam words and triggers helps ensure emails reach recipients' inboxes.
  • Passing spam filters and reaching the inbox requires careful consideration of various factors.
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How I Got A 52.2% Email Open Rate With AI - YouTube

Subject lines

  • Subject lines are the most important factor in increasing open rates.
  • Subject lines should be attention-grabbing and compelling to make recipients stop and open the email.
  • Thumbnail and title play a significant role in attracting clicks on platforms like YouTube and Medium.
  • Subject lines should stand out in recipients' inboxes to increase open rates.
  • The speaker provides examples of subject lines that have worked for them.
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How to Achieve a High Email Open Rate with AI

  • The speaker mentions a website that serves as a database of successful subject lines, allowing users to test and use them for their own campaigns.
  • A new website called "free AI kit" is introduced, which offers three tools: an email subject line generator, a subject line template generator, and an email subject line tester.
  • The email subject line generator uses AI to generate a list of subject line ideas based on a given topic.
  • The subject line template generator creates a generic template based on a subject line, providing examples in different niches and industries.
  • The email subject line tester provides an in-depth analysis of a subject line, including effectiveness score, sustainability score, sentiment analysis, spam triggers, and alternative ideas.
  • All three AI tools are free to use and do not require sign-up.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How I Got A 52.2% Email Open Rate With AI - YouTube

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