How To Make Money With Simple Excel Files ?

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

This video is about how to make money by creating and selling Excel files that contain collected data from the internet, as well as other methods of monetizing the data such as turning it into an online tool, providing freelancing services, offering data analysis, selling the files directly on marketplaces, and turning the data into an API.

This video by H-EDUCATE was published on Mar 28, 2023.
Video length: 10:43.

This YouTube video titled "How To Make Money With Simple Excel Files" discusses how to create and sell Excel files that contain collected data from the internet.

The video explains various methods to monetize this data, including turning it into an online tool or membership website, providing freelancing services, offering data analysis, selling the files directly on marketplaces, and turning the data into an API.

The video also covers different ways to collect the data, such as manual collection, web scraping, and using APIs.

  • The video discusses how to make money by creating and selling Excel files containing collected data from the internet.
  • The video also explores other methods of monetizing the data, such as turning it into an online tool, providing freelancing services, offering data analysis, selling the files directly on marketplaces, and turning the data into an API.
  • The presenter has spent two years researching and experimenting in this topic and shares their knowledge in the video.
  • One way to monetize the data is by converting it into a tool, such as the High CPC Keywords Explorer, where users can filter keywords with high CPC and use them for ad campaigns.
  • Another example is a website called Creators Who, which collects data from YouTube and provides video title ideas to users for a monthly fee.
  • The data can be sold directly on marketplaces as Excel files.
  • There are three main methods for collecting the data: manual collection, web scraping, and using APIs.

How To Make Money With Simple Excel Files ? - YouTube

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Section 1: Introduction

  • The video discusses how to make money by creating and selling Excel files containing collected data from the internet.
  • The video also explores other methods of monetizing the data, such as turning it into an online tool, providing freelancing services, offering data analysis, selling the files directly on marketplaces, and turning the data into an API.
  • The presenter has spent two years researching and experimenting in this topic and shares their knowledge in the video.
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Section 2: Monetizing the Data

  • One way to monetize the data is by converting it into a tool, such as the High CPC Keywords Explorer, where users can filter keywords with high CPC and use them for ad campaigns.
  • Another example is a website called Creators Who, which collects data from YouTube and provides video title ideas to users for a monthly fee.
  • The presenter also offers a similar project called Boost CTR, where subject lines that work are collected and shown in an online tool for email marketing campaigns.
  • Monetizing the data can also be done by providing it as a freelancing service, where data is collected for specific scenarios or clients.
  • Basic to advanced data analysis can be offered as a service using the collected data.
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Section 3: Selling the Data

  • The data can be sold directly on marketplaces as Excel files.
  • Another strategy is to turn the data into an API, which can be easily implemented and offers a great monetization opportunity.
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How To Make Money With Simple Excel Files ? - YouTube

Section 4: Collecting the Data

  • There are three main methods for collecting the data: manual collection, web scraping, and using APIs.
  • Manual collection involves personally curating and publishing the data, as done with Boost CTR and Creators Who.
  • Web scraping is the process of scraping web pages to collect and read data.
  • Using APIs, like the one shown for CPC data, allows for automated data collection.
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Methods of Monetizing Data

  • Create and sell Excel files containing collected data from the internet.
  • Turn the data into an online tool or AI model using Google Teachable Machine.
  • Offer freelancing services by collecting and organizing data for companies.
  • Provide data analysis services by combining AI with collected data.
  • Sell the data directly on marketplaces or through forums and Facebook groups.
  • Turn the data into an API and sell it on websites like Rapid API.
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Freelancing Services

  • Google Teachable Machine allows you to create AI models without coding.
  • You can classify images by training an AI model with data.
  • Websites like Clickworkers allow you to earn money by completing tasks like capturing screenshots.
  • Freelancing services can include collecting email data, subject lines, CPC data, YouTube videos, and social media posts.
  • Scraping and APIs can be used to collect and organize data for freelancing services.
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Data Analysis

  • Analyze data using AI by developing prototypes and models.
  • Use AI to analyze keyword data and provide a summary of the data.
  • Combine AI with scripting to develop data analysis services.
  • Learn AI and data analysis skills to be successful online.
  • Follow the prompt engineering mastery series for guidance on combining AI with data.
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Selling Data

  • Sell data directly on marketplaces like Oracle, AWS, and Data Exchange Live.
  • Comply with laws and policies when selling data.
  • Explore marketplaces, forums, and Facebook groups to find potential buyers for data.
  • Consider the ethics and value of the data being sold.
  • Turn data into an API and sell it on websites like Rapid API.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How To Make Money With Simple Excel Files ? - YouTube

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