How To Make Money Online Selling Prompts!

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

This video is about how to make money online by selling prompts, with the speaker sharing three strategies to sell them, tips to stand out in the competition, and how to get your first customers without any ads.

This video by H-EDUCATE was published on Jul 11, 2023.
Video length: 08:40.

This video is about how to make money online by selling prompts, which are pieces of text that are used as input for language models or AI image generators.

The video shares three strategies for selling prompts, including selling them on prompt marketplaces, packaging multiple prompts together and selling them as a product, and selling prompts as a monthly recurring membership.

The video also provides tips on how to promote and stand out in the competition, such as publishing on product hunt and AI aggregators.

  • A prompt is the input text given to a language model or AI image generator.
  • Sell prompts on prompt marketplaces like Promptbase and Snack Prom.
  • Create a package of prompts and sell it as a product.
  • Focus on providing valuable and optimized prompts.
  • Offer real value to customers by providing optimized and tested prompts.

How To Make Money Online Selling Prompts! - YouTube

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Section 1: Introduction to Prompts

  • A prompt is the input text given to a language model or AI image generator.
  • An optimized prompt will yield good results, while a poorly optimized prompt will yield bad results.
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Section 2: Strategies to Sell Prompts

  • Sell prompts on prompt marketplaces like Promptbase and Snack Prom.
  • Create a package of prompts and sell it as a product.
  • Sell prompts as a monthly or annual membership for a stable income stream.
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Section 3: Tips to Stand Out in the Competition

  • Focus on providing valuable and optimized prompts.
  • Promote your prompts on platforms like Product Hunt.
  • Publish your prompts on AI aggregators to gain visibility.
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How To Make Money Online Selling Prompts! - YouTube

Section 4: Getting Your First Customers and Scaling the Business

  • Offer real value to customers by providing optimized and tested prompts.
  • Use Product Hunt and AI aggregators to promote your prompts and gain traction.
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Strategies to Sell Prompts Online

  • Share your prompts on websites to gain traction and traffic.
  • Pay to get featured on top of big websites.
  • Build an email list by offering a lead magnet (e.g., a package of prompts) for free.
  • Create content around your product to build authority and audience.
  • Consistently work on two platforms (e.g., Twitter and Medium) to promote your product.
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Stand Out and Sell More Valuable Prompts

  • Create an automated script workflow that packages the prompt inside a script to automate a task for the customer.
  • For example, create a prompt that summarizes articles and combine it with Google search to provide research results in seconds.
  • Sell the entire script to customers, saving them time and providing more value.
  • This approach is more powerful than selling a prompt alone.
  • Learn how to build automated workflows in the prompt engineering course.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How To Make Money Online Selling Prompts! - YouTube

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