How To Build and Sell an API Without Coding!

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

This video is about how to build and sell an API without coding, using no code tools, and the video provides a step-by-step guide on how to turn a data file into an API.

This video by H-EDUCATE was published on May 9, 2023.
Video length: 08:57.

This video is about how to build and sell an API without coding.

The speaker explains what an API is and how it allows developers to communicate and connect with services. They discuss two main methods to make money with APIs, which are building your own API and selling it to developers or services, or using APIs to build online tools or SAS services. The speaker then demonstrates how to turn a simple data file into an API using no code tools, using a real-world example of turning a CSV file of subject lines into an API that can be sold online.

They show how to import the data into a platform and create the API without writing any code.

  • An API is a thing that allows developers to communicate and connect with services.
  • Build your own API and sell it to developers or services.
  • Use no code tools to build an API without writing any code.
  • Start with a CSV file containing the data you want to turn into an API.
  • Make the API available for others to access and use.

How To Build and Sell an API Without Coding! - YouTube

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What is an API?

  • An API is a thing that allows developers to communicate and connect with services.
  • It allows developers to access services from their own custom code.
  • APIs act as connectors between services and developers.
  • Examples of APIs include connecting social media platforms, websites, and software.
  • APIs can be used to build online tools or SAS services.
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How to Make Money with APIs

  • Build your own API and sell it to developers or services.
  • Charge a monthly fee for access to your API.
  • Use APIs to build online tools or SAS services.
  • Monetize data files by turning them into APIs.
  • APIs can be a source of income streams.
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Building an API Without Coding

  • Use no code tools to build an API without writing any code.
  • No coding skills are required to create an API.
  • Step-by-step guide on how to turn a data file into an API.
  • Example of turning a CSV file of subject lines into an API.
  • Access a website that allows you to build APIs for free.
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How To Build and Sell an API Without Coding! - YouTube

Turning Data into an API

  • Start with a CSV file containing the data you want to turn into an API.
  • Import the CSV file into the API building platform.
  • Create a table in the platform's dashboard and import the CSV file.
  • Follow the steps provided by the platform to configure and set up the API.
  • Make the API available for others to access and use.
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Building the API

  • Create a table in the database to store the data.
  • Add an API group and endpoint to read the data from the table.
  • Add user inputs to allow users to search for subject lines by entering a keyword.
  • Use a database request to retrieve the subject lines based on the user query.
  • Build a custom query to search for subject lines that include the user input.
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Selling the API

  • Publish the API and obtain the API's public URL.
  • Test the API by entering a user input query and retrieving the corresponding subject lines.
  • Copy the API's public URL and share it with others.
  • Sell the API on marketplaces like Rapid API by creating an account and publishing the API.
  • Monetize the API by offering it as a recurring monthly membership.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How To Build and Sell an API Without Coding! - YouTube

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