How to Create AI Tools in WordPress in 5 Minutes

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about how to create an AI tool using WordPress in 5 minutes, with the example of a story generator tool.

This video by H-EDUCATE was published on Aug 1, 2023.
Video length: 07:01.

The video is a tutorial on how to create an AI tool using WordPress.

The speaker demonstrates how to install a plugin, create a new page, and add HTML code to create the AI tool interface. They also show how to connect the interface with a PHP function that generates the desired output.

The example used in the video is a story generator tool, but the process can be applied to create different types of AI tools such as title generators or code generators.

  • Install and activate the WP Code Snippets plugin in the WordPress dashboard.
  • Create a new page using a page builder like Elementor to design the AI tool page.
  • Add a custom HTML block to the page editor and paste the HTML code for the AI tool.
  • Add JavaScript code to connect the HTML interface with the PHP function that generates the story.
  • Update the page and refresh it to see the tool in action, and customize the code and function for different tools.

How to Create AI Tools in WordPress in 5 Minutes - YouTube

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Installing the Plugin

  • Go to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to the Plugins section.
  • Click on "Add New" and search for the WP Code Snippets plugin.
  • Install and activate the plugin.
  • Go to the Code Snippets section and click on "Add Snippet".
  • Create a new snippet and give it a name, such as "Story Generator Tool".
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Creating the AI Tool Page

  • Go back to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to the Pages section.
  • Create a new page that will hold the AI tool.
  • Use a page builder like Elementor to design the page.
  • Add a heading and subheading to the page.
  • Add a description for the tool.
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Adding HTML Code for the Tool

  • In the page editor, add a custom HTML block.
  • Paste the HTML code for the AI tool, which includes an input box, button, and result container.
  • The code also includes CSS styling for the tool.
  • You can customize the code and styling as needed.
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How to Create AI Tools in WordPress in 5 Minutes - YouTube

Connecting the HTML Code with the Function

  • Add JavaScript code to the page to connect the HTML interface with the PHP function that generates the story.
  • The JavaScript code allows you to get the topic from the user and pass it to the PHP function.
  • Update the page and refresh it to see the tool in action.
  • You can create different tools by modifying the code and function based on your website's niche and topic.
  • Examples of other tools could be a block title generator or a code generator.
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Creating AI Tools in WordPress

  • You can create AI tools in WordPress to generate catchy video titles.
  • There are infinite possibilities and you can create unlimited tools.
  • By going to the website "free AI kit," you can access a variety of tools such as block generators, long tail keyword generators, and block title generators.
  • The JavaScript code gets the topic from the user and calls the PHP function.
  • The PHP function uses the Open AI API to generate text, so you need to get your API key from Open AI.
  • You can change the prompt in the code to generate different titles based on the user's topic.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How to Create AI Tools in WordPress in 5 Minutes - YouTube

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